The Death of Israel


Well-Known Member
Apr 4, 2008
Israel is to go the way of the old south africa

by the time Israel achieves its decimation of Gaza — Israel is talking about months of warfare — it will have signed its own death sentence.

Its facade of civility, its supposed vaunted respect for the rule of law and democracy, its mythical story of the courageous Israeli military and miraculous birth of the Jewish nation, will lie in ash heaps.

Israel’s social capital will be spent. It will be revealed as an ugly, repressive, hate-filled apartheid regime, alienating younger generations of American Jews. Its patron, the United States, as new generations come into power, will distance itself from Israel the way it is distancing itself from Ukraine.


Israel’s cultural, artistic, journalistic and intellectual life will be exterminated. Israel will be a stagnant nation where the religious fanatics, bigots and Jewish extremists who have seized power will dominate public discourse.

It will find its allies among other despotic regimes. Israel’s repugnant racial and religious supremacy will be its defining attribute, which is why the most retrograde white supremists in the U.S. and Europe, including philo-semites such as John Hagee, Paul Gosar and Marjorie Taylor Greene, fervently back Israel. The vaunted fight against anti-Semitism is a thinly disguised celebration of White Power.

Despotisms can exist long after their past due date. But they are terminal. You don’t have to be a Biblical scholar to see that Israel’s lust for rivers of blood is antithetical to the core values of Judaism. The cynical weaponization of the Holocaust, including branding Palestinians as Nazis, has little efficacy when you carry out a live-streamed genocide against 2.3 million people trapped in a concentration camp.

Comrade Stalin
Victorious in Donbass
Israel is to go the way of the old south africa

by the time Israel achieves its decimation of Gaza — Israel is talking about months of warfare — it will have signed its own death sentence.

Its facade of civility, its supposed vaunted respect for the rule of law and democracy, its mythical story of the courageous Israeli military and miraculous birth of the Jewish nation, will lie in ash heaps.

Israel’s social capital will be spent. It will be revealed as an ugly, repressive, hate-filled apartheid regime, alienating younger generations of American Jews. Its patron, the United States, as new generations come into power, will distance itself from Israel the way it is distancing itself from Ukraine.


Israel’s cultural, artistic, journalistic and intellectual life will be exterminated. Israel will be a stagnant nation where the religious fanatics, bigots and Jewish extremists who have seized power will dominate public discourse.

It will find its allies among other despotic regimes. Israel’s repugnant racial and religious supremacy will be its defining attribute, which is why the most retrograde white supremists in the U.S. and Europe, including philo-semites such as John Hagee, Paul Gosar and Marjorie Taylor Greene, fervently back Israel. The vaunted fight against anti-Semitism is a thinly disguised celebration of White Power.

Despotisms can exist long after their past due date. But they are terminal. You don’t have to be a Biblical scholar to see that Israel’s lust for rivers of blood is antithetical to the core values of Judaism. The cynical weaponization of the Holocaust, including branding Palestinians as Nazis, has little efficacy when you carry out a live-streamed genocide against 2.3 million people trapped in a concentration camp.

Comrade Stalin
Victorious in Donbass
Israel is going nowhere. Jesus has promised He will return to Judea in the last days and His feet will again touch down on the Mount of Olives to begin His earthly dictatorial rule over the whole earth.
Israel is going nowhere. Jesus has promised He will return to Judea in the last days and His feet will again touch down on the Mount of Olives to begin His earthly dictatorial rule over the whole earth.
God my arse.
Why didn't the dickhead step in years ago.

It appears you approve of dictators like Trump.
Israel is going nowhere. Jesus has promised He will return to Judea in the last days and His feet will again touch down on the Mount of Olives to begin His earthly dictatorial rule over the whole earth.
jews do not recognize jesus as the messiah

if he did return, probably locked up as a religious maniac

another dictator..just what we need..

Comrade Satan
Israel is to go the way of the old south africa

by the time Israel achieves its decimation of Gaza — Israel is talking about months of warfare — it will have signed its own death sentence.

Its facade of civility, its supposed vaunted respect for the rule of law and democracy, its mythical story of the courageous Israeli military and miraculous birth of the Jewish nation, will lie in ash heaps.

Israel’s social capital will be spent. It will be revealed as an ugly, repressive, hate-filled apartheid regime, alienating younger generations of American Jews. Its patron, the United States, as new generations come into power, will distance itself from Israel the way it is distancing itself from Ukraine.


Israel’s cultural, artistic, journalistic and intellectual life will be exterminated. Israel will be a stagnant nation where the religious fanatics, bigots and Jewish extremists who have seized power will dominate public discourse.

It will find its allies among other despotic regimes. Israel’s repugnant racial and religious supremacy will be its defining attribute, which is why the most retrograde white supremists in the U.S. and Europe, including philo-semites such as John Hagee, Paul Gosar and Marjorie Taylor Greene, fervently back Israel. The vaunted fight against anti-Semitism is a thinly disguised celebration of White Power.

Despotisms can exist long after their past due date. But they are terminal. You don’t have to be a Biblical scholar to see that Israel’s lust for rivers of blood is antithetical to the core values of Judaism. The cynical weaponization of the Holocaust, including branding Palestinians as Nazis, has little efficacy when you carry out a live-streamed genocide against 2.3 million people trapped in a concentration camp.

Comrade Stalin
Victorious in Donbass
I see you have been drinking vodka again
jews do not recognize jesus as the messiah

if he did return, probably locked up as a religious maniac

another dictator..just what we need..

Comrade Satan
Jews may not recognize the Messiah, but they can certainly spot a baby butchering terrorist that needs to be shot in a heartbeat.
Jews may not recognize the Messiah, but they can certainly spot a baby butchering terrorist that needs to be shot in a heartbeat.

speaking of baby butchering terrorists...

step forward the Israeli Defence Force

Comrade Stalin
speaking of baby butchering terrorists...

step forward the Israeli Defence Force

Comrade Stalin
Casualties of war and bodies of babies butchered by murderous barbarians for no reason are not the same.
Israel is to go the way of the old south africa

by the time Israel achieves its decimation of Gaza — Israel is talking about months of warfare — it will have signed its own death sentence.

Its facade of civility, its supposed vaunted respect for the rule of law and democracy, its mythical story of the courageous Israeli military and miraculous birth of the Jewish nation, will lie in ash heaps.

Israel’s social capital will be spent. It will be revealed as an ugly, repressive, hate-filled apartheid regime, alienating younger generations of American Jews. Its patron, the United States, as new generations come into power, will distance itself from Israel the way it is distancing itself from Ukraine.


Israel’s cultural, artistic, journalistic and intellectual life will be exterminated. Israel will be a stagnant nation where the religious fanatics, bigots and Jewish extremists who have seized power will dominate public discourse.

It will find its allies among other despotic regimes. Israel’s repugnant racial and religious supremacy will be its defining attribute, which is why the most retrograde white supremists in the U.S. and Europe, including philo-semites such as John Hagee, Paul Gosar and Marjorie Taylor Greene, fervently back Israel. The vaunted fight against anti-Semitism is a thinly disguised celebration of White Power.

Despotisms can exist long after their past due date. But they are terminal. You don’t have to be a Biblical scholar to see that Israel’s lust for rivers of blood is antithetical to the core values of Judaism. The cynical weaponization of the Holocaust, including branding Palestinians as Nazis, has little efficacy when you carry out a live-streamed genocide against 2.3 million people trapped in a concentration camp.

Comrade Stalin
Victorious in Donbass
The Palestinians are pissed as there are no more roofs to throw the gays off of
speaking of baby butchering terrorists...

step forward the Israeli Defence Force

Comrade Stalin
yes children get killed in war speaking of kids being killed how many Ukrainian kids have you Russians butchered .
irrelevant as usual ..

how many children did the americans kill in vietnam ?

start a separate thread

Comrade Satlin
Israel will continue to exist after this. No one is going to drive 8,000,000 people out of Israel.
Netanyahu will lose his next election and there will be big changes because of the destruction of Gaza.
The US will continue to subsidize Israel.
I don't think I can make any predictions beyond that.
Israel will continue to exist after this. No one is going to drive 8,000,000 people out of Israel.
Netanyahu will lose his next election and there will be big changes because of the destruction of Gaza.
The US will continue to subsidize Israel.
I don't think I can make any predictions beyond that.
Modern theologians believe God promises to bless all nations through Israel in the last days.


God’s promises to Israel benefit not only His people but all nations. Zechariah and Paul affirm Israel’s future salvation and the Messiah’s kingdom in Jerusalem will bring blessings to the world (Zech 8:13, 22–23; Romans 11:12, 15). John’s vision in Revelation further depicts people from every nation and language worshiping the Lord in the New Jerusalem (Rev 7:9–10). Those from every people group will enjoy the greatest blessing of all—knowing the Messiah Jesus. In this way, Israel’s vocation to bless “all the families of the earth” will come full circle (Genesis 12:3). Jewish and Gentile believers, united in one Spirit, will exalt the Savior together.

In anticipation of this future day, we yearn for the united worship of every nation under the rule of Jesus the Messiah in the New Jerusalem. Until then, our prayers persist for the peace of Jerusalem and all of Israel (Psalm 122:6).
if the messiah made an appearance....mossad world probably kill him..

after all..they did it before...

comrade stalin