The DEATH of America--- as our Enemies celebrate!


Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2008
Tuesday 11-4-08 America voted to kill its Democracy . Voters favored Socialism - Marxism as the replacement for our Constitutional Government that promoted Democracy for the past 221 years . As our enemies celebrated our downfall with parades , marches and gunfire, the informed voters in America are weeping as our Nation begins its death march .America was not destroyed by a foreign power whipping our military on a battlrfield . No, America was brought down from within its own borders. The freedoms that are granted in a Democracy became tools of the terrorists and used to convince our citizens that success was greed , education breeds snobs , and those who prosper from the fruits of their labor must give to those who suck from the trough and contribute nothing to the nation.Those who preach hate for America and encourage terrorism somehow are looked upon as Great political leaders.Citizens of America refute the ideals and accomplishments of it leaders and instead elect an unknown whose close relations with domestic terrorist ,his lies about questionable associations were ignored by our National media who were busy trying to splash their lies about our PRESIDENT,
The new President will of course be protected from his mistakes , his closeness with foreign powers that hate America will be hidden. Most of our citizens will continue in a fog of deceit that promises them riches taken from others. As his SOCIALISTIC MARXIST agenda strangles the life out of our Industries , causing our Nation to die. In the end it wll be fitting these Takers and Users will witness the Death of America they themselves caused.
America cannot survive along with Socialism /Marxism, nor do we want it to!
So , you radicals enjoy your loot while it is available.In a few short years America will be Shut Down.Your cries for SOMETHING for NOTHING will fall on dead ears. The Greatest Nation ever will pass on , Having forgotten GOD many years ago.The motto of the GREEDY became " YES , WE CAN" but Truth says WITHOUT GOD , " NO YOU CAN"T" THINK!! DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE ONE? I Doubt it!
I think they're still wrestling with the definition of "IS", other issues must wait their turn. Be patient.
Tuesday 11-4-08 America voted to kill its Democracy . Voters favored Socialism - Marxism as the replacement for our Constitutional Government that promoted Democracy for the past 221 years . As our enemies celebrated our downfall with parades , marches and gunfire, the informed voters in America are weeping as our Nation begins its death march .America was not destroyed by a foreign power whipping our military on a battlrfield . No, America was brought down from within its own borders. The freedoms that are granted in a Democracy became tools of the terrorists and used to convince our citizens that success was greed , education breeds snobs , and those who prosper from the fruits of their labor must give to those who suck from the trough and contribute nothing to the nation.Those who preach hate for America and encourage terrorism somehow are looked upon as Great political leaders.Citizens of America refute the ideals and accomplishments of it leaders and instead elect an unknown whose close relations with domestic terrorist ,his lies about questionable associations were ignored by our National media who were busy trying to splash their lies about our PRESIDENT,
The new President will of course be protected from his mistakes , his closeness with foreign powers that hate America will be hidden. Most of our citizens will continue in a fog of deceit that promises them riches taken from others. As his SOCIALISTIC MARXIST agenda strangles the life out of our Industries , causing our Nation to die. In the end it wll be fitting these Takers and Users will witness the Death of America they themselves caused.
America cannot survive along with Socialism /Marxism, nor do we want it to!
So , you radicals enjoy your loot while it is available.In a few short years America will be Shut Down.Your cries for SOMETHING for NOTHING will fall on dead ears. The Greatest Nation ever will pass on , Having forgotten GOD many years ago.The motto of the GREEDY became " YES , WE CAN" but Truth says WITHOUT GOD , " NO YOU CAN"T" THINK!! DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOU HAVE ONE? I Doubt it!

Thanks, "Chicken Little!" ;)
As our enemies celebrated our downfall with parades , marches and gunfire, the informed voters in America are weeping as our Nation begins its death march.
I guess no one else has heard.... :rolleyes:

"Finally, the values of solidarity, of attention to the weak, and of justice will be represented by the White House."

"It seemed as if everyone on this planet wanted to take part in these elections and cast his ballot so as to convince himself that he is a partner in the coup d’état that took place within the sole superpower of the world."
Obama 'rebuilt' the economy with borrowed money, proving Democrats stupidly believe our nation can borrow itself out of debt. One of Obama's greatest business-stimulating achievements was Solyndra. Sadly, Solyndra went bankrupt after the government subsidies ran out, leaving American taxpayers stuck with the huge bill after Obama's timely exit.

Biden also had a great success story in a company called Proterra, which he praised while the company was receiving millions in government subsidies but has now declared bankruptcy due to bad business and the cessation of government subsidies propping it up.

Biden-backed electric vehicle company files for bankruptcy ( 8-8-23

OCTOBER 5, 2023
Biden-backed electric vehicle company files for bankruptcy

The similarities between the two failed companies are disturbing. Both received massive government funding, and both had multiple Democrat investors who made millions of dollars by selling out before the government money stopped, leaving the American taxpayers to pay the huge cost of their losses in bankruptcy.
Obama 'rebuilt' the economy with borrowed money, proving Democrats stupidly believe our nation can borrow itself out of debt. One of Obama's greatest business-stimulating achievements was Solyndra. Sadly, Solyndra went bankrupt after the government subsidies ran out, leaving American taxpayers stuck with the huge bill after Obama's timely exit.

Biden also had a great success story in a company called Proterra, which he praised while the company was receiving millions in government subsidies but has now declared bankruptcy due to bad business and the cessation of government subsidies propping it up.

Biden-backed electric vehicle company files for bankruptcy ( 8-8-23

OCTOBER 5, 2023
Biden-backed electric vehicle company files for bankruptcy

The similarities between the two failed companies are disturbing. Both received massive government funding, and both had multiple Democrat investors who made millions of dollars by selling out before the government money stopped, leaving the American taxpayers to pay the huge cost of their losses in bankruptcy.
Trump debt increase 8 trillion in only 4 years duh
Trump debt increase 8 trillion in only 4 years duh
Wrong. Trump signed budgets and spending bills the House crafted and he showed remarkable
Trump debt increase 8 trillion in only 4 years duh
Trump signed spending bills crafted by majority Democrats just like Clinton signed spending bills crafted by majority Republicans. Democrat majority House spending measures have more than doubled the amounts of spending in Republican House measures.
gS9i5[1].webp Wrong. Trump signed budgets and spending bills the House crafted and he showed remarkable

Trump signed spending bills crafted by majority Democrats just like Clinton signed spending bills crafted by majority Republicans. Democrat majority House spending measures have more than doubled the amounts of spending in Republican House measures.

Stand-down, Goober.
You forgot to bring any details with you.
Trumps "Greater Recession" Is Coming
April 18, 2020
Wrong. Trump signed budgets and spending bills the House crafted and he showed remarkable

Trump signed spending bills crafted by majority Democrats just like Clinton signed spending bills crafted by majority Republicans. Democrat majority House spending measures have more than doubled the amounts of spending in Republican House measures.
Righties always blame others

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