You make it sound as if they are naked together, lying on the ground, and that David has an orgasm. We will see why that is nuts.
You didn't put in any actual citations so I can only assume you are referring to 1 Samuel 18:1-4
"Jonathan stripped himself of the robe that was on him and gave it to David, with his armor, including his sword and his bow and his belt."
Jonathan took off his clothes not because he wanted to be nude with David but because he wanted to give him his military equipment as David was about to go into hiding and start defending himself in battle.
"Then (D)Jonathan made a covenant with David because he loved him
as himself.
Loving another "as himself" does not refer to romantic love. The emphasis is clearly on the equality of it. Unless you want to make the case that Jonathan loved himself romantically and therefore must have loved David romantically.
Now in a whole new chapter a whole new event is described:
1 Samuel 20
This time they are both dressed. They are saying good by and they kiss each other, a common middle eastern event that usually was a kiss on the cheek or the neck.
Here is the passage:
"When the lad was gone, David rose from the south side and fell on his face to the ground, and (AD)bowed three times And they kissed each other and wept together, but (AE)David wept the more. "
Is there any justification for the word translated as "wept the more" to be translated as "exceeded" in any way that would imply an orgasm?
Here is the passage in the Hebrew. Every word is shown both in Hebrew and in English and for each word there is a number which will lead you to a dictionary meaning of each word.
Not a single word in the passage could in any way ever be logically interpreted to mean "orgasm". But one of the words "gadal" could be interpreted to mean "the more" which is why intepreters take it to mean that David cried more or exceeded Jonathan. Are you really going to combine words from two completely different chapters and stories and then fudge the meaning of exceeded to imply a sexual orgasm and claim that you take the actual words of the bible and don't add your own interpretation?