The arrest.

Failing to resolve voting fraud issues arising from serious evidence of fraud does not make them laughable or make them go away.
No, being laughable makes it laughable
The so called evidence wasn't credible to intelligent people
No, being laughable makes it laughable
The so called evidence wasn't credible to intelligent people
Casually examining evidence of massive voter fraud with a biased eye and dismissing it is a long way from disproving evidence of massive voter fraud.
You couldn't even convince Trump judges lol
How pathetic
What are you saying Trump judges wanted or needed? No judge examined corruptible voting machines to see if they had been corrupted in the 2020 election. What reason do we have to expect the courts to rule on the extent that voting machines may have been corrupted, and if courts have no idea whether voting machines were corrupted or to what extent they may have been corrupted then why should we expect courts to prove no massive voting fraud occurred in 2020?
What are you saying Trump judges wanted or needed? No judge examined corruptible voting machines to see if they had been corrupted in the 2020 election. What reason do we have to expect the courts to rule on the extent that voting machines may have been corrupted, and if courts have no idea whether voting machines were corrupted or to what extent they may have been corrupted then why should we expect courts to prove no massive voting fraud occurred in 2020?
If your evidence can't even convince Trump judges it must truly be pathetic lol
I rest comfortably knowing you cannot prove your claim that voting fraud evidence is untrue.
I rest comfo knowing you couldn't convince Trump judges even lol

Let me know when you prove no fraud occurred in 2016 to let Trump win lo.
I rest comfo knowing you couldn't convince Trump judges even lol

Let me know when you prove no fraud occurred in 2016 to let Trump win lo.
Don't try to get judges to investigate voter fraud. That is not their job and for good reason. No judge in the country can prove evidence of fraud is untrue.

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