Well-Known Member
NEW YORK, Feb. 15 (UPI) -- A federal judge in New York has freed an admitted terrorist for helping the FBI and British authorities foil bomb plots, a government spokeswoman confirmed.
The spokeswoman for U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara said Mohammed Junaid Babar of Queens was given his freedom for aiding the FBI in uncovering a plot to bomb the Citicorp center in 2005, WNBC-TV, New York, reported.
Babar also helped British authorities foil a fertilizer bomb plot targeting trains and landmarks in 2006.
Assistant U.S. Attorney Brandon McGuire told a hearing Dec. 10 that Babar's cooperation was "exceptional."
This is why we need military trials for terrorist. This is another reason i blame liberals for. Liberals dont understand terrorist should be tried in military courts. They think they should be tried in civilian courts where they get lawyered up. Ever wonder why Nazis were tried in Nuremberg and not in U.S civilian courts. Cause back in the 30s,40s and 50s there were no peace loving hippie liberals. These People have Messed our society up
These people are now running our government. Ill even bet Nancy Pelosi,Harry Reid and even Obama attended woodstock 1969. Wenna see what Obama looked like in the early 70s
Bill and Hillary Clinton
Nancy Pelosi at Woodstock
Do they look like Hippies to you? You be the judge.Hell ill even bet pocketfullofshells attended woodstock in 1969.
The spokeswoman for U.S. Attorney Preet Bharara said Mohammed Junaid Babar of Queens was given his freedom for aiding the FBI in uncovering a plot to bomb the Citicorp center in 2005, WNBC-TV, New York, reported.
Babar also helped British authorities foil a fertilizer bomb plot targeting trains and landmarks in 2006.
Assistant U.S. Attorney Brandon McGuire told a hearing Dec. 10 that Babar's cooperation was "exceptional."
This is why we need military trials for terrorist. This is another reason i blame liberals for. Liberals dont understand terrorist should be tried in military courts. They think they should be tried in civilian courts where they get lawyered up. Ever wonder why Nazis were tried in Nuremberg and not in U.S civilian courts. Cause back in the 30s,40s and 50s there were no peace loving hippie liberals. These People have Messed our society up

These people are now running our government. Ill even bet Nancy Pelosi,Harry Reid and even Obama attended woodstock 1969. Wenna see what Obama looked like in the early 70s

Bill and Hillary Clinton

Nancy Pelosi at Woodstock
Do they look like Hippies to you? You be the judge.Hell ill even bet pocketfullofshells attended woodstock in 1969.