Impressive... Here's some of your sides hyperbolic claims of nonsense:
McCains a Warmonger
McCains wants the war in Iraq to go on for 100 years
McCain is Bush
McCain gave aid and comfort to the enemy (AKA broke under torture)
McCain wants war with Iran
McCain will overturn Roe v Wade (despite needing the Democrat run Congress to approve any judicial appointments)
Palin thinks Africa is a country and not a continent (just like Obama thinks there are 57 and not 50 states)
Palin was a drag on McCains ticket (with a post election poll showing 69% support from Conservatives vs McCains 45% from the same group)
I could go on but you get the idea.... You guys have just as much nonsense being spewed - you just don't see it from your side.
Now how about rather than being a smartass, thats what you guys have shaman for, we talk about real issues and use facts to back those up? Topics that have actual numbers, statistics and empirical evidence associated with them:
- Healthcare
- Economy
- Iraq and Afghanistan
- Energy
- Taxation
- Elections
These are the types of topics I
really would prefer discussing. However, the level of "debate" is piss poor around here. I have met only ONE person on here that disagrees with the majority of my beliefs YET treats me as an equal (Thank you Vyo)- as opposed to the rest of you (you being the people to the left)... who seem always to be looking down your elitist nose at me, acting like discussions with me, a fellow American, are totally beneath you and your only purpose in talking to me is to get in some insults and/or spew vague slogans, vapid talking points and vacuous platitudes. (Do I seriously have to sit through four more years of being called a racist when I disagree with our President?)
I would love to learn as much from my fellow Americans on the Left as I have from my American buddies on the Right. I would love it if everyone on both sides were persuasive by way of actual discussion, you know, by showing their evidence, looking at the other sides, and both coming to an
understanding on how and why the other believes what he does - not just writing them off as being either Fascists or UnAmerican for disagreeing... I've always been more than happy to lay out exactly what I believe and why... only to be attacked as being less than human for believing as I do.
Open, amicable discussion between different people is not how it works around here, or anywhere, with rare exceptions. Instead, most on the Left are completely intolerant of the views from their fellow Americans on the Right, and feel they must be destroyed (politically) for holding a different political view - but at the same time, feel our shared enemies have legitimate complaints that require open minded and thoughtful discussion.
The Right has their own miscreants who do absolutely nothing to further our agenda or increase our ranks by being inclusive to others and offering substantive discussion to bring them to our side... instead they drive people away and further the stereotypes held by our opposition.
Both sides have such characters in their ranks. Both sides have those who don't even act like real people but instead seem to put on an internet persona, a super ego, to hide who they really are... no doubt out of fear for seeing something about themselves they don't want to see.
Honestly, I don't like being associated with some people who call themselves Conservatives/Republicans and I would hope some of those who call themselves Liberals/Democrats are embarrassed by the actions of their fringe elements as well. Sorry I got so off topic there....