Tenn. Senate OKs ban on teaching of homosexuality

I'm sure you have links to prove your assertion that gay high school kids are killing themselves all over the the country, don't you?

I guess times have changed from my high school days (early 1970s). I don't recall anybody in my high school being identified or accused of being a homosexual. Of course, back then, being "gay" meant that you were "happy".

I seriously doubt that there are that many outwardly gay people attending high school in this country. It's the ADULTS who have made homosexuality an equal rights issue, and it's the TEACHERS who have made "gay awareness" some sort of necessity or social issue that must be taught in our schools.

This country is really fu**ed up.

Just for the record, PFOS, I have previously stated that I have no problem with gay marriage. I know you have serious reading comprehension problems and short and long term memory loss, so I thought I would remind you of that, since you like to pigeonhole and categorize all non-leftists into the same mold.

I graduated in 1970 so we were going to school at almost the same time, TS. I lived in NE Oregon and we had gay kids in school and they were bullied and even beaten up sometimes. Where did you go to school that there were no gay kids?
I graduated in 1970 so we were going to school at almost the same time, TS. I lived in NE Oregon and we had gay kids in school and they were bullied and even beaten up sometimes. Where did you go to school that there were no gay kids?

I went to high school in Arizona, at the biggest high school in the southwest United States, at that time (3600 students). If there were gay students at my high school, I never heard about it and I never saw any sort of "gay bashing" or "gay bullying" going on.

Homosexuality was just not any kind of "issue" or "concern" when I went to school. Either nobody cared, or nobody openly displayed it.

Hell, back when I went to high school, teenage pregnancy was still scandalous, and teenage sex was more uncommon than common.
I went to high school in Arizona, at the biggest high school in the southwest United States, at that time (3600 students). If there were gay students at my high school, I never heard about it and I never saw any sort of "gay bashing" or "gay bullying" going on.

Homosexuality was just not any kind of "issue" or "concern" when I went to school. Either nobody cared, or nobody openly displayed it.

Hell, back when I went to high school, teenage pregnancy was still scandalous, and teenage sex was more uncommon than common.
I went to H.S. in palatine Il. in the early 80's with a school population of over 2500. I was aware of one student who was openly gay (flaming gay in addition) and also black which put him into two minorities at the time. Everyone knew and people talked but I was never aware of anyone ever bullying him. He never avoided parties and was very active socially. Meanwhile there were many kids who were bullied for being socially awkward in other ways.

Though I still think that bullying of gay people is a separate issue and is not related to sex ed in any way. If gay people are bullied a lot then that does not mean that we need more sex ed and if they are bullied a little that does not mean that we need less sex ed. If there is a lot of bullying of anyone then we need more consequences for bullies.
people are confusing the bullying issue with the gay issue. Ending bullying does not require lectures on gays, it just requires lectures on bullying.
people are confusing the bullying issue with the gay issue. Ending bullying does not require lectures on gays, it just requires lectures on bullying.

Gay students need to hear that they are not "evil" as the culture tends to say. Homosexuallity is a widespread and normal variation in human sexuallity just as it is in the animal kingdom.

"Normal" students need to hear it too.
Gay students need to hear that they are not "evil" as the culture tends to say.

They need to hear it elsewhere - the schools don't exist to give pep talks to homosexuals. But maybe they would have time to do it if they didn't spend so much time brainwashing the students that american white guys ARE evil.
They need to hear it elsewhere - the schools don't exist to give pep talks to homosexuals. But maybe they would have time to do it if they didn't spend so much time brainwashing the students that american white guys ARE evil.

Schools are for education. I'm not talking about pep talks, I'm talking about teaching the science and not the religious viewpoint.

White guys are evil.
I'm sure you have links to prove your assertion that gay high school kids are killing themselves all over the the country, don't you?

I guess times have changed from my high school days (early 1970s). I don't recall anybody in my high school being identified or accused of being a homosexual. Of course, back then, being "gay" meant that you were "happy".

I seriously doubt that there are that many outwardly gay people attending high school in this country. It's the ADULTS who have made homosexuality an equal rights issue, and it's the TEACHERS who have made "gay awareness" some sort of necessity or social issue that must be taught in our schools.

This country is really fu**ed up.

Just for the record, PFOS, I have previously stated that I have no problem with gay marriage. I know you have serious reading comprehension problems and short and long term memory loss, so I thought I would remind you of that, since you like to pigeonhole and categorize all non-leftists into the same mold.

so your going to just plead ignorance I see...

I did not think I needed to report that yes young gay kids often do, or think about killing themself...Just like I don't site my source when I say things like Obama is the President, the sky is blue, and fire is Hot....I just had this weird feeling that maybe you actuly read the news ever...

I doubt very little you know how many gay kids are in high school...and if they are open about it or not, does not matter...why should they feel they can't be open about it?

And its the adults who make it a Equal rights issue? no actuly its the lack of Equal rights that makes it a equal rights issue. Thats like saying you know what, its the BLack adults that say Jim Crow laws are a equal rights issue...there for its not one.

and even back in the 70's people knew what gay was...and yes, gays got bashed back then to...But just keep that head in the sand.
Many? 13 year olds?

But I accept the argument that those who are confused need a source of information as soon as they are confused. For both those who will be straight and those who will be gay that should be ones parents or guardians.

Being picked on is not a gay issue but a "mean" issue. No one should be picking on kids for whatever reason.

I know that my school had "the movie" for fourth graders this last Friday and according to my 10 year old all the kids already knew that some people prefer same sex relationships long before the movie was shown.

I would add, that since I previewed the movie, it was very neutral and always talked about relationships while not using words that indicated a bias, The guy who was presenting the movie however did generally talk about male/female relationships.

It is about who someone is. It would be inaccurate to say that it is not a choice since even with a biological component it includes non-biololgical determinants.

In a population where between 90 - 98% of people are straight it is alternative. Which is a pretty neutral way of saying abnormal (which is itself technically a neutral term but one that has been co-opted to be a negative term)

If a kid in school is gay it would be true that what is taught does not apply only if gay relationships are fundamentally different. If however, all relationships have fundamental similarities then the application is obvious.

I agree that the kids are not too dumb to handle it. If I was not certain that pro-gay propaganda would be included in any mention of gayness I would be for a statement about it. On the other hand if you are saying that adults can't handle it them clearly children would not be able to.

This is not a discussion about Jesus and your bringing it up is not helpful. Especially since what you said was wrong and sarcastically hateful.

OK so then is Being left handed a Alt LIfestyle?

and Yes Jesus does have something to do with this, if you think the bible and Christian ideas are not the basis of this debate then where are you? And if I hurt the feelins of some anti gay christians who want to attack gays for who they are,. so be it...Its pretty funny to me to have anyone on the gay bashing side cry about being hateful..
Homosexual propaganda isn't "science".

Thank you - I (sort of) admire anti-white male racist/sexists with the guts to admit it.

Propaganda isn't science, I favor teaching the science.

I was teasing about the white guys being evil, there are good and bad people of all colors and genders.
Propaganda isn't science, I favor teaching the science.

Ya wanna go back and forth? Hokay! "Gay" propaganda isn't "science". Your turn.

I was teasing about the white guys being evil, there are good and bad people of all colors and genders.

It isn't a joke in the K12 schools and the lib media - they've been on an anti-white male crusade for years.
there is nothing more sad and pathetic then watching a white male complain about all the prejudce against them...even more so if they are Christian...my god do blacks even understand the injustice? do woman even know what its like to be 2nd class citizens? Do Jews even know what its like to be persacuted for there Religion? OOO wooooo is the white male Christian...
there is nothing more sad and pathetic then watching a white male complain about all the prejudce against them...even more so if they are Christian...my god do blacks even understand the injustice? do woman even know what its like to be 2nd class citizens? Do Jews even know what its like to be persacuted for there Religion? OOO wooooo is the white male Christian...

Lessee if I can decipher this latest spurt from you:

It's OK if white males are defamed everyday in the schools and lib media, because blacks were once enslaved? What do you call that - "fair racism"? :rolleyes:
Gay students need to hear that they are not "evil" as the culture tends to say. Homosexuallity is a widespread and normal variation in human sexuallity just as it is in the animal kingdom.

"Normal" students need to hear it too.

Defining something as evil or not is a religious issue. Are you saying that the school should be teaching a religious viewpoint? (I know you won't answer me but I have put the point out there)

Homosexuality is by definition not normal but I don't see that as relevant to anything. Sacrificing large portions of your own resources for the benefit of others is not normal either but it is beneficial for society.

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