Teen who sued her parents gets college


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
Way Down South
Rachel Canning, Teen Who Sued Parents, Reports She's Won College Scholarship

Rachel Canning, the 18-year-old New Jersey high school senior who made worldwide headlines after suing her parents for financial support before eventually dropping the case, has apparently chosen the college she will attend in the fall. “Decision made,” Canning posted on Facebook on March 30, according to the Star Ledger (the post is only visible to her approved Facebook friends). “WNE U class of 2018 BME Major w/ 56,000$ [sic] scholarship.” That’s Western New England University, in Springfield, Massachusetts, where she’ll study biomedical engineering.

WNEU’s student body is small, at just 3,800, and the cost for tuition and fees for full-time engineering undergrads is currently $32,606, plus room and board, which is an additional, $12,688, according to the school's website. (Canning's scholarship would more than cover one year's fees.) The various athletics offerings include lacrosse and football cheerleading, both of which Canning has participated in as a student at Morris Catholic High School in Denville, New Jersey.


This will give kids more power over their parents. Yes they can even sue them for divorce

http://articles.orlandosentinel.com...egory-k-biological-parents-divorce-caseModify message

Its like this,,Kids can become free agents just like in Baseball and the NFL. If you don't like your family you can go to another family. If I thought about this when I was 12 id would sue my parents for divorce and I would became Vince McManhon son :)
You did read the part where she dropped her frivolous suit right ? Means she was going to lose. She just got s one year scholsrship at some silver spoon kid school. What is she going to do next year ?
Yea but her Parents told her drop the suit they agreed to pay for her college. This is why we need more laws! Like Parents cannot throw their kids out of their house anymore. If they do its a crime. The crime is child abandonment. Look how the law abandonment penalty is.

Sec. 161.
◾(1) A person who deserts and abandons his or her spouse or deserts and abandons his or her children under 17 years of age, without providing necessary and proper shelter, food, care, and clothing for them, and a person who being of sufficient ability fails, neglects, or refuses to provide necessary and proper shelter, food, care, and clothing for his or her spouse or his or her children under 17 years of age, is guilty of a felony, punishable by imprisonment in a state correctional facility for not less than 1 year and not more than 3 years, or by imprisonment in the county jail for not less than 3 months and not more than 1 year.

The kid bolted. Wanted money for high school first and foremodt because without that there would be no college. Rhey relented on high school.
Her Parents knew it would eventuly go directly to the U.S Supreme court. And the U.S Supreme court could wind up giving kids rights. Just like they say we can burn the American flag. Give free agency to Pro Sports. and not they might grant college sports the right to unionize. Its very dangerous to give kids their rights. Just like you can sue your parents for divorce. They can now threat and hold their parents hostage like by saying IF YOU DONT GIVE ME AN PS4 IM LEAVING YOU!
Her Parents knew it would eventuly go directly to the U.S Supreme court. And the U.S Supreme court could wind up giving kids rights. Just like they say we can burn the American flag. Give free agency to Pro Sports. and not they might grant college sports the right to unionize. Its very dangerous to give kids their rights. Just like you can sue your parents for divorce. They can now threat and hold their parents hostage like by saying IF YOU DONT GIVE ME AN PS4 IM LEAVING YOU!
this case was headed for the circular file.