I have no idea. I'm just looking at what I see here on this forum. The people who support Obama are vastly more concerned with potentially scoring some senate seats, than they are about Obama whose friends and supporters are terrorist.
Well that might be your perception, but the reality on the ground is that in Alaska, where there is a very good chance that the two longest serving Republicans in each house of Congress is about to lose, the attack ads from the right are the most vicious I have seen up here. The worst are coming from the GOP national party, not Stevens or Young.
Here they make a loose connection, basically a party affilation with Ted Stevens how lied about some gifts, a bigger deal than the direct or indirect support of terrorist who kill people, to Obama.
Are you hear to talk about Ted Stevens or Obama?
Ironically, the left has zero credibility given the blanket pass given to other democrats who did the exact same thing on a larger scale.
Well you can justify it however you like, but Stevens is only the 6th Senator ever to be CONVICTED in a court of a felony(7 of them). Despite the conviction and the calls from most in the GOP and specifically Sarah Palin, he refuses. If he were to resign now, at least it would go to a special election at a later date with a different GOP candidate who might win.
Basically, the let is showing their pure hypocrisy again with an inability to hold their own 'leaders' to the same standard they hold others to, and have mental disorder in supporting things far worse, than what they are attacking.
This wasnt democrats or republicans. This was a Senator on trial in a civial federal court.
In short, they prove what I've always said. Lefties in general couldn't care less about any of this stuff. All they care about is political power.
If Palin was a democrat, this either wouldn't be reported, or if reported, would be called a political attack ad, and irrelevant.
No, I disagree. Palin is taking a bunch of heat away from it. If Palin wasnt on the ticket, Stevens would have been headlines all through the trial. Nobody outside Alaska and DC gave a damn.