I thought Bunz would be particularly interested in this
You know it. There is a good chance that both of our long term members of Congress. Rep. Don Young (R-AK) might not win his primary. Stevens is facing the toughest political battle of his life.
although it's certainly good news for Democrats.
Obama probably wont in Alaska, but it will be close. Alaska has leaned GOP for POTUS everytime since 1968. Romney won the primary here, but Obama carried the democrats handily. Hillary is generally reviled up here. There was such an overwhelming unexpected turnout to the caucuses that about 1/3 of Anchorage was in traffic gridlock on a -10 February night. In my town some folks from the nearest village 20 miles way showed up by sno-go to participate.
According to the latest
Rasmussen Poll (7-21) Republican Sen Ted Stevens is trailing challenger Mark Begich 50% to 41%. When “leaners” are included, Begich leads 52%to 44%.
Its a bit early I think. Uncle Ted is known by everyone from age 8 and up. Begich is many cases was unheard of 6 months ago in vast areas of the state. It is interesting that he is the son of the late and never found
Nick Begich. Who was the Rep. from Alaska. He went missing on a flight from Anchorage to Juneau in the early 70s.
While the Begich-Boggs disappearance is largely forgot among lower 48ers, the folklore behind it is still alive and well up here. Everyone has a theory.
Stevens is the longest-serving Republican Senator in history but he's been beset by scandal and corruption charges. This couldn't happen to a nicer guy.
Lets just say I have met the man on more than a few occassions.

In a nutshell he is a grouchy old man, but until 18months ago, he was the King of Alaska. I dont think he will be indicted, but it is likely his son will be. Who has been fingered in court testimony twice now as having been bribed for a vote on an oil tax in 2006. There has been 3 convictions, two awaiting trial, and one unindicted. Stevens is well connected with the guy who also did the bribing. Bill Allen.
So that being said, he has been among the most effective Senators for thier home state of any in the history of the Senate. Uncle Ted has always brought home the bacon.