Syria: they're using chemical weapons...

And even Carter...since it was Afghanistan that killed the USSR. Not Reagan's words.

Where on earth do you get your facts?

Reagan started a military build-up that Russia tried to keep up with and it bankrupted them. Russia killed themselves financially, but if you think Russia is dead, boy are you in for a big surprise.
Six million "undesirables" died while non-interventionists non intervened and thats not counting all the rest.
A million give or take in Rwanda.
A couple million in Cambodia.

Kinda starts adding up.

There is no such thing as minding your own business on a planet thats become this small.

I had a post in response, but lost it somehow...

You can't include Cambodia because America caused the horrors of Pol Pot by might remember, it was called the Vietnam War...but it does prove my point.

Sadly humans throughout all of history do terrible things to each. This will NEVER change. It is human nature and America can't stop it. But if we continue to try, we will bankrupt ourselves, while causing more harm than good.

One would think we would learn from history, but we do not. Rome and Great Britain tried to control the world and look what happened to them. Same thing will happen to America if we continue this ridiculous interventionist policy promoted by elite statists, progressives, and Neocons. They love foreign interventions as it increases their wealth and power.

We must learn that war merely empowers the state and a small elite, to the detriment of the rest of us.
Gipper, I agree with your post. Perhaps someday a war will be necessary like WW@. But any war in the ME will be useless for the USA. You are hated throughout the region and both sides are led by Islamic fundamentalists.
Gipper, I agree with your post. Perhaps someday a war will be necessary like WW@. But any war in the ME will be useless for the USA. You are hated throughout the region and both sides are led by Islamic fundamentalists.
Please explain why "we are hated " is significant ....

We are THE Super Power and we can give a shit less what islamic extremist think ...
If the Usa such a super power what did it get out of Iraq and Aghanistan, You have to leave eventually and you need to leave friends behind. If you have no friends in the countries the war is useless. Bin Laden pointed out that he 'bled Russia for ten years until if went bankrupt. He claim to do the same to the USA. The American leaders, Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld, try to change the Sunni government and army with Shities in Iraq. However they refused to co operate. $ 700 billion was spent on the war for no benefit to the USA. Even the oil contracts did no pay for this. All they did in the end was strengthen the Shite government in Iran which led to the present war in Syria.
If the Usa such a super power what did it get out of Iraq and Aghanistan, You have to leave eventually and you need to leave friends behind. If you have no friends in the countries the war is useless. Bin Laden pointed out that he 'bled Russia for ten years until if went bankrupt. He claim to do the same to the USA. The American leaders, Bush, Cheney and Rumsfeld, try to change the Sunni government and army with Shities in Iraq. However they refused to co operate. $ 700 billion was spent on the war for no benefit to the USA. Even the oil contracts did no pay for this. All they did in the end was strengthen the Shite government in Iran which led to the present war in Syria.

Yes the Iraq War resulted in plenty of dead, wounded, and destruction of property. It is a perfect example of the failures of an interventionist policy, but few recognize it as so.

Removing a tyrant like Saddam is admirable, but it is not America's job to eliminate the world's tyrants and the American people got nothing out of "liberating" Iraq other than lots of debt and wounded soldiers who are now wards of the State. But the war did enrich the elite and grow the power of the state...which is exactly what it was intended to do.

Neocon's call it protecting American interests....but it is really protecting the power elite's interests.
Obama is not going to say or do anything about Syria murdering it's own people. Obama's DHS is prepared to do the same thing here. Remember the whole drone controversy? The stock piling ammo ....
We crossed this line when we established a "red line". You don't think Iran, North Korea, Russia, China are watching how we respond now very closely? Do you think Iran is going to take any "red line" seriously that we establish in regards to their nuclear program if we ignore our own red lines because we don't have the stomach to stick to them? If that is the case -- don't establish the red line to begin with.

Their are two options available to us. A world that is lead by the United States, or a world in which the United States is a follower. Which is it that we would prefer? The Boston bombing, and other terror attacks, are but a blip on the radar compared to what a nuclear armed Iran will mean for the Middle East. They are blip on the radar in regards to a rising China, or a Russia that is reasserting itself. These things matter, and sticking our head in the sand and ignoring it doesn't make it go away -- it just makes it worse. There is no retreating to our borders at this point -- that ship sailed decades ago.

The President is not a fool. I keep hearing this narrative, but the simple fact is he is a brilliant campaigner, who has put our party on the defensive for years and easily won reelection in a horrible economic environment.

As for compounding mistakes in Syria -- it depends on what "intervention" we do. No one says we have to follow the Iraq model -- but the simple fact is that our own intelligence (and others) believe Assad used these weapons on a small scale. I know the White House is terrified of an Iraq type mistake on this, but at some point you have to accept that the intelligence (however flawed) is all you have, and you have to make a decision. There are many other options available to "intervene" without a large presence.

If it is as you claim (which I don't believe it is), then it is of the utmost importance to regain credibility -- by doing what we say we are going to do. Credibility is the most important thing in international relations.

There you go again, like a typical American, believing that you are the leaders of the world. THAT is why the world hates you all. You need to learn to mind your own fucking business. When Muslims commit terrorist attacks on your country, YOU BROUGHT IT UPON YOURSELVES. Paying all of Israel's bills does not help your cause. Do people HONESTLY believe that tiny Israel, with such a tiny population, could afford such a powerful military on its own? Shit, Canada spends more on our military yet we have nothing even remotely close to the size of Israel's military. For what we spend, our military should dwarf Israel's. Further proof the USA is Israel's bitch.
I can't find anything in your post in which I agree.

If credibility is the most important thing in international relations, then it is apparent the US has very little. You would go to war over credibility....that is a bunch of BS...young men die and kill for your stupid credibility. Most Neocon of you.

I could care less what the Syrians do to each other...or any other nation for that matter. It is none of our business and intervening does not good. I would think you would have learned that by now...after decades of Neocon/Progressive FAILED foreign interventions.

Regarding the nations you mentioned, where have you been these past few years? Our dumb-ass politicians have been threatening all those nations repeatedly. Have our threats done any good? Of course not, because we have no credibility.

Regarding BO not being foolish because he has been successful against the brain dead Rs, do you want to restate that?:ROFLMAO: He is a fool, just as all the Neocon and progressive Rs are.

The only effective option for America is NONINTERVENTION. That would be true leadership and it stops people from killing and dying.

Now THIS is an EXCELLENT POST!! Well done, my child!
Reagan got us involved in two wars in Iraq and Afghanistan as well as small wars in South America based on false information. This time Obama should wait to he gets the facts right before intervention in Syria.,

Reagan did no such thing. Where are you getting your information? Sending CIA operatives to hand over weapons is not truly getting involved. No US military forces were used in either theater.
There you go again, like a typical American, believing that you are the leaders of the world. THAT is why the world hates you all.

Given our economic and military power, as a country we are able to shape global events. To deny that is to deny reality. That aside, the claim that the "world hates you all" is also not accurate.

You need to learn to mind your own fucking business.

What I will do is protect American interests. That is minding my business.

When Muslims commit terrorist attacks on your country, YOU BROUGHT IT UPON YOURSELVES. Paying all of Israel's bills does not help your cause. Do people HONESTLY believe that tiny Israel, with such a tiny population, could afford such a powerful military on its own? Shit, Canada spends more on our military yet we have nothing even remotely close to the size of Israel's military. For what we spend, our military should dwarf Israel's. Further proof the USA is Israel's bitch.

This is not even relavent to the topic at hand...
Obama and the British Prime Minister Cameron are trying to get both sides in Syria to negotiated a peace treaty. This is all they can do.

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