Of course it is provable. That you don't like it because it makes your argument seem silly is irrelavent.
No it is not provable conclusively. Because you think it does means you are delusional. And as I stated, according to the law, which you claim to be the basis of your argument here, a born child has rights and is considered a human being.
Do you understand how asexual reproduction works?
Yes, why are you avoiding your own statement that a group of cells is a human being?
Since there is no "eating", no. Absorption is not eating.
So then the human being is murdering another human being? Isn't that illegal?
Perhaps we should send the Murdering Stem Cell to Jail.
Nothing in the constitution says that you must be born in order to have the right to live. It only says that you must be a person and if you look up the definition of person in any legal dictionary, you will find that a person is just a human being or one of a few types of corporate entities.
The Definition of a Human:
Main Entry:
Pronunciation: 'hyü-m&n, 'yü-
Etymology: Middle English
humain, from Anglo-French, from Latin
humanus;homo human being -- more at
1 : of, relating to, or characteristic of
2 : consisting of
3 a : having human form or attributes
b : susceptible to or representative of the sympathies and frailties of human nature <such an inconsistency is very
human -- P. E. More>
hu·man·ness /-m&n-n&s/
The definiton of a being:
1. The state or quality of having existence. See Synonyms at
2. a. Something, such as an object, an idea, or a symbol, that exists, is thought to exist, or is represented as existing.
b. The totality of all things that exist.
3. a. A person: "The artist after all is a solitary being" Virginia Woolf.
b. All the qualities constituting one that exists; the essence.
c. One's basic or essential nature; personality.
The definiton of a Human being:
human beingn. A human.
the definition of a person:
per·son n.1. A living human. Often used in combination: chairperson; spokesperson; salesperson.
2. An individual of specified character: a person of importance.
3. The composite of characteristics that make up an individual personality; the self.
4. The living body of a human: searched the prisoner's person.
5. Physique and general appearance.
6. Law A human or organization with legal rights and duties.
7. Christianity Any of the three separate individualities of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, as distinguished from the essence of the Godhead that unites them.
8. Grammar a. Any of three groups of pronoun forms with corresponding verb inflections that distinguish the speaker (first person), the individual addressed (second person), and the individual or thing spoken of (third person).
b. Any of the different forms or inflections expressing these distinctions.
9. A character or role, as in a play; a guise: "Well, in her person, I say I will not have you" Shakespeare.
Once more, I have provide you with credible science that says that unborns are human beings from the time they are concieved. I still await some credible science from you that says that the offspring of two human beings is EVER anything but a human being.
No you have not. You've provided Pseudo Science. Haha i love tossing that back in your face, actually I havent seen you provide anything but your usual sophistry and ignorant baseless opinions.
I think your problem is that your trying to oversimplify what a Human Being is. For instance heres your definition:
Any member of species homo sapiens.
It sounds simple enough I suppose, though it doesnt really explain anything. So I look up the definition for Homo Sapiens and this is what it gives me:
the Dictionary says:
Homo sa·pi·ens
n. The modern species of humans, the only extant species of the primate family Hominidae.
the Thesauras says:
- The human race: earth, flesh, humanity, humankind, man, mankind, universe, world.
ok, so I look up the word Human:
Main Entry:
Pronunciation: 'hyü-m&n, 'yü-
Etymology: Middle English
humain, from Anglo-French, from Latin
humanus;homo human being -- more at
1 : of, relating to, or characteristic of
2 : consisting of
3 a : having human form or attributes
b : susceptible to or representative of the sympathies and frailties of human nature <such an inconsistency is very
human -- P. E. More>
hu·man·ness /-m&n-n&s/
then I look up Homindae:
The exact criteria for membership in the Homininae are not clear, but the subfamily generally includes those
species which share more than 97% of their
DNA with the modern human
genome, and exhibit a capacity for
language or for simple
cultures beyond the family or band. The
theory of mind including such faculties as mental state attribution, empathy and even empathetic deception is a controversial criterion distinguishing the adult human alone among the hominids. Humans acquire this capacity at about four and a half years of age, whereas it has neither been proven nor disproven that gorillas and chimpanzees develop a theory of mind.
[3] This is also the case for some
new world monkeys outside the family of great apes, as, for example, the
capuchin monkeys.
Of course I have. Can't you read?
Yes I can. Can you?
unsupported by other evidence as opposed to my position which is supported by credible science.
Sorry, but you haven't supported anything. Claiming to do something when you haven't is pretty lame.
Actually, you are losing that argument as well. There are people sitting in jail today having been sentenced for both murder and manslaughter for killing an unborn child when they killed the child's mother. No such sentence (manslaughter or murder) can be handed out if the perpetrator did not, in fact, kill a human being. Legal precedent has been set.
Well you are at least partially right, finally. Its funny how that law works, the unborn fetus is only a legal victim if its killed in the act of certain crimes. Prior to that it has no rights. Furthermore, Stem Cell Research isn't considered a crime, neither is Abortion. Therefore, neither the cells in a Petri Dish, nor the unborn Fetus have any rights.
Human beings are human beings. Attempting to dehumanize any human being based on age or level of development is no more than ageism which is no better than racism.
and Stem Cells are not human beings. How many times do I have to explain that to you? Don't you know how to read? Even using your own definition, we can conclude that Stem Cells are not Human Beings.