George Bush vetoes stem cell bill

Yes ... and in addition, now that scientists have created stem cells from a rat's tail, the "need" to "harvest" embryonic stem cells has come to a merciful end.

It has become increasingly clear over the years that embryonic stem cell research is not about treating disease, but bolstering the dwindling support for abortion.
That is a strange thing for a guy who plans to vote for hillary because you believe for some reason that if she is president you can sue McDonalds for millions because "they" made you overweight gave you diabetes.

Once again I agree with you Palerider, and not grudgingly. You have a go at people for handouts, but you want to sue McDonalds for your own gluttony and lack of self control?
Thats why i want the Goverment start regalating rules on resteraunts cooking foods right.I want the goverment start passing laws that you cant cook burgers or Steaks on grease grills.You cant cook fries or chicken by using vegtable oil. You cant have a grease grill or a fryer in the kitchen You must cook burgers,chicken and steak on a flame grill You must cook fries in the oven baked! Or Pay a $1,000 fine and the manager speands 2 days in jail.
Thats why i want the Goverment start regalating rules on resteraunts cooking foods right.I want the goverment start passing laws that you cant cook burgers or Steaks on grease grills.You cant cook fries or chicken by using vegtable oil. You cant have a grease grill or a fryer in the kitchen You must cook burgers,chicken and steak on a flame grill You must cook fries in the oven baked! Or Pay a $1,000 fine and the manager speands 2 days in jail.


If you dont like restaurants that cook burgers, steaks, fries or chicken in a certain way... DON'T EAT THERE. EAT SOMEWHERE THAT DOESN'T COOK THEM LIKE THAT.


Why do you have to tell people what to do about their food? Its you who needs to change something in your lifestyle, not the restaurant, because its you who cant stop stuffing your face at McDonalds.

The restaurants are under no obligation to change their ways, YOU ARE A RESPONSIBLE ADULT. Children I can understand, they do not fully understand the consequences of their actions and cannot have the same self control.

You are the only person you can blame for your ill health. If you don't like burgers cooked unhealithy, go somewhere and buy a proper burger then.
COOK FOOD THE WAY YOU WANT TO AT YOUR OWN HOME!!! Just like Smoking!!! If you wanna light up a cigarette DO IT AT YOUR OWN HOME!! NOT OUT IN PUBLIC!!!
Thats why i want the Goverment start regalating rules on resteraunts cooking foods right.I want the goverment start passing laws that you cant cook burgers or Steaks on grease grills.You cant cook fries or chicken by using vegtable oil. You cant have a grease grill or a fryer in the kitchen You must cook burgers,chicken and steak on a flame grill You must cook fries in the oven baked! Or Pay a $1,000 fine and the manager speands 2 days in jail.

Cooking over a flame creates known carcinogens and the problem with carcinogens is that you don't know exactly how much is too much. I know how much fat is too much because my belt will tell me when I am eating too much, but with carcinogens, one day you have cancer and you may never know exactly what gave it to you.

Personally, I would rather take the chance of getting fat if I eat too many mickey dee's cheesburgers than get cancer from food cooked over an open flame. And exactly who are you to tell the government how to cook my burger for me anyway?
Samething here,, who are you to tell the government why i should wear a seat belt in my car which i paid for and own it?

I don't think that the government should make you wear a seat belt but by the same token, I don't think that a single penny of government money should be used for fixing you up, or careing for you after you put your head through a windshield because you didn't wear it.

So explain why you would want the government to tell restaurants how to cook food if you don't want them telling you to wear a seatbelt. Your whole philosophy seems to be hopelessly riddled with inconsistencies.
I don't think that the government should make you wear a seat belt but by the same token, I don't think that a single penny of government money should be used for fixing you up, or careing for you after you put your head through a windshield because you didn't wear it.

So explain why you would want the government to tell restaurants how to cook food if you don't want them telling you to wear a seatbelt. Your whole philosophy seems to be hopelessly riddled with inconsistencies.

WHY? So i wouldnt develop diabetes and other dieases. I rather risk death in a car then wake up and found out i have diabetes after i woke up from a coma.
The idea of using tax dollars to fund human experimentation in which we are deliberately killing human beings is beyond repulsive.

That would be true, assuming that an embryo is actually a human being. Which is arguable at best. A ball of rapidly dividing cells does not a human make. It's hardly any more human than my liver. I'd be interested to understand the rationale behind endowing a cytoplast with human qualities, aside from the grasping-at-straws potential human argument. Then again, I guess that's why they don't like masturbation either. Damn the Pope.
Framers weren't literally saying "promote the general welfare" of the citizens -- they were saying they aimed to "promote the general welfare" of "the more perfect Union". So they're essentially saying that the Constitution's purpose is to help maintain the health of the country (i.e economy and national security) not the citizens themselves.

Are there any legal or historical precedants that you might be able to cite for your interpretation? It seems rather broad and convenient to limit "welfare" to the conservative pets of economy and national security. I often feel the "Framers" (whom I feel are not nearly as far-sighted and ingenius as they are made out to be) didn't really know themselves what they inteneded by such wording. The Constitution is riddled with such vague wording that seems more intended to prevent power than bestow it.
That would be true, assuming that an embryo is actually a human being. Which is arguable at best. A ball of rapidly dividing cells does not a human make. It's hardly any more human than my liver. I'd be interested to understand the rationale behind endowing a cytoplast with human qualities, aside from the grasping-at-straws potential human argument. Then again, I guess that's why they don't like masturbation either. Damn the Pope.

Tell you what. Provide me a single piece of credible science that argues that the offspring of two human beings is ever anything but a human being.

Your liver is your liver and will never be anything else. Even if you die and it is transplanted to someone else, it will always be your liver and any capable laboratory student could identify it as yours with a DNA test. An unborn is undeniably a human being. Immature yes, but a human being none the less.

As for the tired old "potential" argument. It isn't even worth the effort it took you to type it out. Sperm and eggs represent "potential" life. Once fertilization is complete, however, that potenital has been realized. From the time fertilization is complete, you have a potential doctor, or a potential, baseball player, or a potential arsonist but you do not have a potential human being because the offspring of two human beings can be nothing but a human being.

The whole "masturbation" argument is pointless as well. It only illustrates that you don't have a very good grasp of basic biology. Alone, both sperm and eggs are of no more consequence than your toenail clippings. They are just cells from your body. Unique in that they only have a half set of chromosomes, but still just cells from your body that will be sluffed off after a given amount of time if they aren't used. Once fertilization is complete, however, neither sperm nor egg continues to exist as such but instead, a brand new human exists in their place.

Your argument fails on every biological level but don't feel bad, all pro choice arguments fail on every level. You could be honest and simply state clearly that you favor killing human beings for the purpose of medical experimentation or that you favor abortion because ou feel that women have the right to kill their children for whatever reason they may care to make up. My bet though, is that the truth of your position is too repulsive for you to articulate.
WHY? So i wouldnt develop diabetes and other dieases. I rather risk death in a car then wake up and found out i have diabetes after i woke up from a coma.

If you wake up with diabetes because you are obese because you couldn't regulate the food you eat, exactly how is that worse than waking up from a coma that was the result of you not wearing your seat belt. Either way, it is your own fault. Your personal philosophy is so riddled with inconsistencies and hypocricies it surprises me that you wouild even voice them in public.