How do I justify coming to that conclusion? Not all human beings are persons. If I were a fertilized egg - I certainly wouldn't care what logic was used against me as I have no sentience. I would except the same arguments used against me. I'm not sure I understand what you are getting at - we are sliding past one another and not quite connecting.
And exactly how do you reach that conclusion (that all human beings are not persons) if you must use reasoning that you would find acceptable if it were your life on the line?
When you were a newborn, you also woud not have cared what logic was used against you but you did enjoy the protection of the law.
No...I am only saying that depending on an arbritary legal defintion that is limited to an American court of law does not enought to make those decisions on. My defense of my position is based on the fact that I do not accept that limited definition.
Those are the only guidelines that we have. Would you consider the rules of evidence, or your miranda rights arbitrary legalisms subject to being taken only in part, or not at all if your life was on the line?
All right then...a life and death decision. Ethically I should err on the side of life. I should always err on the side of life. But, without bringing in the idea of "person", I would have to err on the side of every living creature unless my life were threatened. I can't get around that - it is either all or none. And law gives me no good reason to believe otherwise because it's the same impartial law that criminalizes jay walking.
Your idea of a person? Nothing firm? Nothing substantive? Nothing that can be proven or corroborated? Your idea of what a person is and what a person is not is reason enough for you to support killing an entire group of human beings? Again. How do you justify that sort of thinking?
The thing is - not everything has a "bright line", a moment of escape from darkness to light, a yes/no answer. I would say when the brain first starts to function. But there is no hard cut off like 3am on day 126. On the other hand, it is also very clear that a microscopic mass of cells with absolutely no neural structure is not a "person" while a fetus in it's 6th month of development is.
The moment those human beings die is a bright line that can be measured down to the nanosecond. If you can't draw a bright line, how can you know that every one who is killed does not constitute a murder as surely as every black who was enslaved constituted a gross human rights violation?
Of course not. Can you tell me the exact date you were conceived - that you became a human being? Do you remember it?
I don't need to remember it. I was concieved in the US and according to the founding documents of this nation, I came into being with certain inalienable rights and the founders of this country believed that the only legitimate function of government was to protect those rights. You are the one arguing that it is perfectly fine to kill a human being before he or she reaches the seemingly undefinable stage of "personhood"
Again...I'll go back to this: without being able to argue personhood, how can you justify then, the killing of any sentient creature? It's life and death of an individual living functioning and thinking life.
They (creatures) are not human beings and the laws that relate to killing are for the protection of human beings against other human beings. Since our legal system defines person as "a human being" it stands to reason that the word and its definition may be used interchangably.
According to the logic of your arguments, I can not ethically kill a human being in any stage of development. And I can not ethically kill any other sentient creature. Which something I might be able to live with.
Since the word person is defined as "a human being" and the laws that relate to killing protect persons which are human beings without qualification, then animals which are non human beings are not protected. You accused me of playing semantics a while back. It turned out to be you who was playing, but this is your most blatant example yet.