Do you also refer to necromancers and gypsys with regard to climate change? How about your personal health? Do you consult maybe a tarrot reader to determine if you should take the Rx that your doctor prescribed?
Life and when it begins, and what species it is is the realm of science. Rationalizing whether or not it is OK to kill that life is the realm of necromancers and gypsys.
We're speaking of when a human life becomes a Person. Not Global Warming. Science does not have a clear answer for when a human life becomes a person.
Your trying to convince people that a blastocyst deserves the same moral consideration that a human adult does.
You cite scientists that say yes, it is a human being. But the question is, why? Why is a blastocyst a human being? You havent offered up any reasons why. Why should we give it the same moral consideration that I would a newborn baby?
From reading the definition of what a Human Being is and what a Person is, it seems that either the people you quoted were quoted out of context or they don't understand what a Human being is.
It seems to me that there are two main arguments against yours. You haven't really addressed these, except to attack the sources of where they came? calling them gypsies or something...which i don't get. Anyways..
The first one is that a the embryo doesnt become an individual until gastrulation (day 14)
The other is that if the loss of a pattern of brain activity defines the death of a person, then its acquisition could be used to define the life of a person. The unborn doesn't acquire an EEG until around th 22'nd week.
To be honest, you propably wont ever succeed in convincing me to view a blastocyst as a human being. It just aint gonna happen. Just like you have no moral regard and can offer no justification for the living animals you eat and kill, I have no moral regard for a blastocyst.
You've failed to convince me that I should.