So much for the earth being 6000 years old.

The 6000 year figure is based on a compilation of all the generations mentioned in Genesis since Adam & Eve, made by a British biblical "scholar" many years ago. The Jews have supposedly been counting years for a very long time. This is Jewish year 5784. This is the year 5784 AM (Anno Mundi) Anno Mundi means "Year of the World".

The Bible SUCKS at putting real dates on things. It does not tell when the Hebrews led by Moses left Egypt, it does not even give the Pharoah's name. Nor does it tell us the date Jesus was born in.

christians get a lot of their bible wrong.

christians insist that the bible says that life begins at conception but that's not what the bible says. The bible says that life starts with the first "breath of life" taken through the nose.

christians insist that the bible says that abortion is murder and wrong but the bible doesn't say any such thing. In fact the bible gives instructions on how to perform an abortion in the book of numbers.

It's like christians haven't read the bible yet weld it as a weapon against those they hate.
The best Bible scholars tend to not believe that the Bible is 100% accurate. Many are not actually believers.
Fundamentalists have rarely read the entire Bible, and generally believe the nonsense taught by preachers who also haven't read the Bible.
According to the Gospel of Matthew, when Jesus died on the cross, the dead popped out of the ground and began to cruise Jerusalem. There was also an earthquake as well as an eclipse.
There is no other source for any of this nonsense written anywhere else.
When zombies pop out of their graves, people tend to notice that. Eclipses are predictable, and there was none at any of the possible dates of the crucifixion.
Strangely, the Bible does not tell us the exact date of the Crucifixion.
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christians get a lot of their bible wrong.

christians insist that the bible says that life begins at conception but that's not what the bible says. The bible says that life starts with the first "breath of life" taken through the nose.

christians insist that the bible says that abortion is murder and wrong but the bible doesn't say any such thing. In fact the bible gives instructions on how to perform an abortion in the book of numbers.

It's like christians haven't read the bible yet weld it as a weapon against those they hate.
Please, kill of your kids before they breath my O2, you have my blessing
Please, kill of your kids before they breath my O2, you have my blessing

Keep it up.

All that garbage about killing just creates more pro choice people.

We all know that nothing is dead. Nothing is killed and all you are doing is using lies to attack those who don't agree with your view.

Most of my life I was extremely tolerant of the anti choice people. I believe everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

However, now, after decades of the garbage above and now that women are suffering and dying because of the anti choice laws, I am no longer tolerant of anti choice views like yours.

Your hate, bullying, attacks and abuse have caused me and countless other pro choice people to no longer give a rat's ass about what you say or want.

The more you do the above, the more pro choice people you are creating.

All you're doing is projecting what you want on pro choice people. You want to murder women. You want to force them to suffer pain and bleeding for weeks until they either die or if their life is saved, they are permanently infertile. You steal women's freedom, body autonomy, fertility and lives from them. You approve of the doctor in Oklahoma who refused to help a pregnant woman who had cancer all through her uterus and all over the fetus. He told her to go out to the parking lot, wait until she crashes then hope the doctors can get to her before she dies. That actually happened in Oklahoma last year. Along with countless other sick and sadistic torture that has been forced on women by the anti choice laws in some states. The AG and Supreme Court in Texas proved that last year when they denied a woman an abortion because she "wasn't sick enough." She left the state for the abortion that saved her life and fertility. The AG and Supreme Court of Texas insist that women suffer weeks of pain and bleeding, then be minutes from death before their life can be saved. If they do manage to save her life, she's permanently infertile. It's happening all over anti choice states. Your anti choice laws are also forcing doctors to leave those states leaving women in those states without the necessary doctors to have a healthy pregnancy and birth. Maternity wards have been closed in red states. Not because there is no demand, because the doctors have left and no other doctor will replace them. That includes neonatal doctors and wards. Women and babies die. Our maternal mortality rate is a shame to the developed world. We have one of the most highest rates of maternal deaths in all developed nations. That's what you and the anti choice people want. That's what you and the anti choice people have created.

The below is a very good example of the results of what you and the rest of you anti choicers are doing:

Abortion Sign Hold Higher.png
Keep it up.

All that garbage about killing just creates more pro choice people.

We all know that nothing is dead. Nothing is killed and all you are doing is using lies to attack those who don't agree with your view.

Most of my life I was extremely tolerant of the anti choice people. I believe everyone is entitled to their own opinion.

However, now, after decades of the garbage above and now that women are suffering and dying because of the anti choice laws, I am no longer tolerant of anti choice views like yours.

Your hate, bullying, attacks and abuse have caused me and countless other pro choice people to no longer give a rat's ass about what you say or want.

The more you do the above, the more pro choice people you are creating.

All you're doing is projecting what you want on pro choice people. You want to murder women. You want to force them to suffer pain and bleeding for weeks until they either die or if their life is saved, they are permanently infertile. You steal women's freedom, body autonomy, fertility and lives from them. You approve of the doctor in Oklahoma who refused to help a pregnant woman who had cancer all through her uterus and all over the fetus. He told her to go out to the parking lot, wait until she crashes then hope the doctors can get to her before she dies. That actually happened in Oklahoma last year. Along with countless other sick and sadistic torture that has been forced on women by the anti choice laws in some states. The AG and Supreme Court in Texas proved that last year when they denied a woman an abortion because she "wasn't sick enough." She left the state for the abortion that saved her life and fertility. The AG and Supreme Court of Texas insist that women suffer weeks of pain and bleeding, then be minutes from death before their life can be saved. If they do manage to save her life, she's permanently infertile. It's happening all over anti choice states. Your anti choice laws are also forcing doctors to leave those states leaving women in those states without the necessary doctors to have a healthy pregnancy and birth. Maternity wards have been closed in red states. Not because there is no demand, because the doctors have left and no other doctor will replace them. That includes neonatal doctors and wards. Women and babies die. Our maternal mortality rate is a shame to the developed world. We have one of the most highest rates of maternal deaths in all developed nations. That's what you and the anti choice people want. That's what you and the anti choice people have created.

The below is a very good example of the results of what you and the rest of you anti choicers are doing:

View attachment 11129
Face it, I do not want your kids, you do not want your kids, so you have my blessing to kill the little farts.

LOL, if I had met your mother I would have offered her a coat hanger
Darwin was wrong about the supposed inevitability of races of civilized humans exterminating the uncivilized races of savage pygmies and aborigines. And he was wrong about his stupid tree of life evolution theory of life from the beginning unto now.

View attachment 11108
You are wrong that he ever made those decisions. You've never read his book. Go away.
More speculations I see. Scientists cannot even agree on whether modern humans and Neanderthals ever mated or could have mated, much less when they first appeared on earth.

Modern Humans Did Not Admix with Neanderthals during Their Range Expansion into Europe​

What this study is telling you is that the admixture did not happen in Europe between homo sapiens sapiens and Neanderthals.

But admixture did indeed happen between the species. We can measure it.

You don't even understand what you just posted.
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You are wrong that he ever made those decisions. You've never read his book. Go away.
The Descent of Man

P. 92

The hatred of indecency, which appears to us so natural as to be thought innate, and which is so valuable an aid to chastity, is a modem virtue, appertaining exclusively, as Sir G. Staunton remarks," to civilized life. This is shown by the ancient religious rites of various nations, by the drawings on the walls of Pompeii, and by the practices of many savages.

We have now seen that actions are regarded by savages, and were probably so regarded by primeval man, as good or bad, solely as they affect in an obvious manner the welfare of the tribe — ^not that of the species, nor that of man &s an individual member of the tribe. This con- > elusion agrees well with the belief that the so-called moral sense is aboriginally derived from the social instincts, for. both relate at first exclusively to the community. The chief causes of the low morality of savages, as judged by oar standard, are, firstly, the confinement of sympathy to the same tribe. Secondly, insufficient powers of reasoning, so that the bearing of many virtues, especially of the self regarding virtues, on the general welfare of the tribe is not recognized. Savages, for instance, fail to trace the maltiplied evils consequent on a want of temperance, chastity, etc. And, thirdly, weak power of self-command ; for this power has not been strengthened through long-contmued, perhaps inherited, habit, instruction, and religion. I have entered into the above details on the immoraUty of savages,*' because some authors have recently taken a high view of their moral nature, or have attributed most of their crimes to mistaken benevolence.'* These authors appear to rest their conclusion on savages possessing, as they undoubtedly do possess, and often in a high degree, those virtues which are serviceable, or even iiecessary, for the existence of a tribal community.

P. 96.

Sympathy beyond the confines of man, that is, humanity to the lower animals, seems to be one of the latest moral acquisitions. It is apparently unfelt by savages, except toward their pets.

P. 203

At some future period, not very distant as measured by centuries, the civilized races of man will almost certainly exterminate, and replace the savage races throughout the world.
What this study is telling you is that the admixture did not happen in Europe between homo sapiens sapiens and Neanderthals.

But admixture did indeed happen between the species. We can measure it.

You don't even understand what you just posted.
The evidence of admixture is slight and debatable. Even at best the secularists must admit there is no more than 2% Neanderthal DNA in any modern human and there exists no Y-chromosome sharing between Neanderthals and humans.