So busy with life, you know not who God is!

No mention of the Holy Ghost in one Bible passage? What can that possibly mean? Not to worry, though, because I found another passage that did mention the Holy Ghost.

John 14:26
But the Comforter, which is the Holy Ghost, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you.
They named that fake right.
The whole Bible is full of holes and that fable is a pure ghost.
Holy ghost my arse. Grow up.
God does not seem to be all that happy with making man in his image.
When he appears to Moses, he assumes the form of flaming shrubbery.
Then there is this:

The Bible says that God became a man in the person of Jesus Christ:

And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us (John 1:14).

This is the only time God became flesh and lived with man. Previously God had assumed a temporary physical form. There are eight recorded appearances in the Old Testament where God took upon Himself a physical form for a short duration. Three times He appeared as a man, once in a burning bush that was not consumed, and four times as the Angel of the Lord. Each time that this occurred it was in an extraordinary situation.

He Appeared To Hagar (Genesis 16:9-13)

Hagar was Abraham's mistress, the mother of his son Ishmael. Hagar and Ishmael were banished from Abraham into the desert. As they were dying of thirst the Angel of the Lord appeared to Hagar to provide water for the survival of her and her young child. The Angel of the Lord that appeared to Hagar was God Himself:

Then she called the name of the Lord who spoke to her, You-Are-The-God-Who-Sees; for she said, 'Have I also here seen him who sees me?' (Genesis 16:13).

God had a plan for Ishmael and his descendants. Therefore, He personally appeared to spare Ishmael.

God Appeared To Abraham And Sarah At Mamre (Genesis 18:1-33)

Three men appeared to Abraham and his wife Sarah at the plains of Mamre. They had come to inform Abraham and Sarah concerning two matters. The son that God had promised them would be born to Abraham and Sarah the next year, and the evil cities of Sodom and Gomorrah would be destroyed. One of the three visitors who gave them this information is designated as the Lord:
There is reason for believing that God's creation of humans in His image was not without disappointments.

Genesis 6:6
And it repented the Lord that he had made man on the earth, and it grieved him at his heart.
If we assume that God is omniscient, then how is it that he did not se this coming?

If God knew everything, he KNEW that Adam and Eve would listen to the talking snake, he KNEW that the sons of Adam would be so evil that all but eight of them would need to be drowned, he KNEW that they would be building the Tower of Babel before they laid the first stone. He KNEW that he'd have to get himself crucified and that after two thousand years, the majority of people would still not be proper Christians.

You do not appear to be capable of rational reasoning, Mark.
Why would God have created a talking snake? And condemning all snakes for the deeds of one snake is COLLECTIVE PUNISHMENT, which oughta be illegal. Otherwise, let's imprison all the MAGAs for the 34 felony convictions of Don Shitzhizpants.
Humans come in two sexes but all members of the Holy Trinity are male.
I do not recall reading where anyone gave the Holy Ghost a gender.

Adam was androgynous, like Yahweh and rendered Eve.

I think Yahweh rendered Satan, because of the extra deception power Yahweh gave her.

No Christian to date has admitted that this painting shows a female Satan.

Christians are such hypocrites.

The usual word for the Holy Ghost in Spanish is Espíritu Santo, and the worl espíritu is masculine in Romance languages. Holy Ghos is Heilege Geist and that is masculine in Germanic languages as well. In English, the words 'spirit' and 'ghost' can be either masculine or feminine.