Mind if I change the subject? To something completely different?
There are stories coming out, that Congress is considering bills that offer a "Path to Citizenship" (a.k.a. "amnesty") to the illegal aliens who are already here, and let them stay in the country to work until they get it. Left unsaid, is the fact that millions more foreigners have applied for visas, followed the rules, and are also hoping for citizenship... but remain outside the country. Such a bill was also proposed years go, in 2005/6.
Is it a good idea to do this?
Keep in mind the one thing the illegal aliens have in common. Whether they are Mexican citizens who walked across the border, Norwegian college students who overstayed their visa, Russian sailors who shinnied down the anchor chain in New York, or Saudis who took a little vacation from the diplomatic mission, they are all people who have shown a disdain for American law, and have demonstrated that they are happy to break it.
This is who you want to keep in this country and make American citizens? While keeping out the people who respected U.S. law, obeyed it, and followed the rules?
A refreshing change of pace, isn it not?
"Little A" just hates those people who just stroll on into other people's land and make it their own! OOPS!

NASA and the Navajo
When NASA was preparing for the Apollo Project, it took the astronauts to a Navajo reservation in Arizona for training.
One day, a Navajo elder and his son came across the space crew walking among the rocks.
The elder, who spoke only Navajo, asked a question.
His son translated for the NASA people: "What are these guys in the big suits doing?"
One of the astronauts said that they were practicing for a trip to the moon.
When his son relayed this comment the Navajo elder got all excited and asked if it would be possible to give
to the astronauts a message to deliver to the moon.
Recognizing a promotional opportunity when he saw one, a NASA official accompanying the astronauts
said, "Why certainly!" and told an underling to get a tape recorder.
The Navajo elder's comments into the microphone were brief. The NASA official asked the son if he would translate what his father had said.
The son listened to the recording and laughed uproariously. But he refused to translate. So the NASA people took the tape to a nearby Navajo village and played it for other members of the tribe. They too laughed long and loudly but also refused to translate the elder's message to the moon.
Finally, an official government translator was summoned. After he finally stopped laughing
the translator relayed the message:
"Watch out for these assholes. They have come to steal your land."