Should we be allow to celebrate Christmas

Of course, the rich all got their wealth by fair means didn't they?

And the poor are just feckless and lazy aren't they?

The two statements above are the lies that get idiots supporting right wing politics

I know that debate with this poster will be fruitless but I can comment for the sake of those who may read.

If some rich people got their wealth through illegal means then wealth should not be taken from all rich people but only those who broke the law should be prosecuted.

If by feckless it is meant not finishing high school, not working full time, and having kids before marriage then statistics tell us that only two percent of people who do finish high school, do work full time, and don't have kids too early ever become poor. Being poor is largely the result of not finishing high school, not working full time, and getting saddled with kids outside of marriage.

Did I type any lies there?
Jesus said to give to Ceaser what is his. So he supports some government taxation.
To get backk to the subject here are more photoes of Filipino celebrations of Christmas.This is a street display in Manila.

Jesus was not intent on overthrowing the gov no matter how evil it was. That does not meant he supported it nor that he did not support it -He merely had a different goal. And let us not be deluded into forgetting that ceasar was evil and cruel and vicious and unjust and anti-christian...

What we can know is that the principles of Christianity are inconsistent with a socialist gov and can never co-exist peacefully which is why all socialist leaning government try to suppress Christianity. In fact the connections is so strong that whenever someone wants to stamp out Christianity one would be wise to question what form of gov they would want to impose on you.

Does Jesus support taxation? Biblical gov of Israel was permitted taxation but was that as a matter of accomodation or a matter of condoning it? I believe we are free to establish whatever gov we will with God's authority for our own good or our own demise. When we do good we should learn a lesson from that about what is good and when we do ill we should learn a lesson from that about what is bad.
Govt control is not the core of socialism. Helping the poor to get their fair share of wealth is.
Initiating the use of force against others is at the core of Socialism, that is how you "help" the poor - by forcing some people to 'help the poor' for you, whether they want to or not. They have no choice in the matter.

In that sense many would say Jesus was a socialist.
To my knowledge, Jesus never advocated for the forced redistribution of wealth. For example, the parable of the rich man who was told it was easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than let a wealth worshiper through the gates of heaven. Jesus didn't tell the others to take the man's wealth by force, he did not instruct his followers to use the force of government to 'vote' away the mans wealth, he left the decision up to the individual.
I do not want to get into a debate about Socialism here. There are plenty of other forums for this. The act that I a socialist has little to do with the topic except I oppose Father Christmas giving presents to rich children, If we must have Father Christmas, it should be pointed out that presents are giving to the good and Christ requires we give to the poor. "Blessed are the poor", Whatever government we have this is a requirement of Christianity.
Except in the US where they have a special exemption

Like they have from many of the inconvenient ten commandments

Or just about all of the sermon on the mount

They hate the poor, they hate their neighbours, they are war makers etc

But luckily they have a special understanding if the words used to facilitate an interpretation that is the polar opposite of everyone else's understanding

They love money and blessed are the rich who can overlook the camel and eye of needle challenge
I do not want to get into a debate about Socialism here. There are plenty of other forums for this. The act that I a socialist has little to do with the topic except I oppose Father Christmas giving presents to rich children, If we must have Father Christmas, it should be pointed out that presents are giving to the good and Christ requires we give to the poor. "Blessed are the poor", Whatever government we have this is a requirement of Christianity.

I suspect that just about every Christian church in the US has a mitten tree, or some other program to give gifts to the poor at this time of year. Cool. And it is all voluntary giving. Whatever government we have it should not become involved in making people give to other people.
Dr Who It is true most churches try to combine the real meaning of Christmas , giving to the poor with their celebrations. . Many people have ask should Christians take part in the secular celebrations of Christmas. Giving gifts, sending cards and family re unions are all part of Christmas celebrations. They are not necessary about Jesus but are good in themselves. I think Christians should send cards, even non religious. It does show our friends we are thinking of them at this time of the year. We should give gifts to children at least to show us that Kindness and children are part of Christmas. We might tell the children to do some acts of kindness themselves. We should also take part in family celebrations. Because the family is part of the first Christmas. As one priest said dressing up as Santa Clause helps to keep the spirit of Christmas alive in this post Christian world. It may not be what we want but it does help others see the spirit of Christmas.

Of the cards I received this year only one is religious. But I value these as they show friends are thinking of me. I only send religious cards to Christians but I send cards to who ever wants them because this is a reflection of the kindness of the first Christmas.. You can remember the manger in your heart.


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Dr Who It is true most churches try to combine the real meaning of Christmas , giving to the poor with their celebrations. . Many people have ask should Christians take part in the secular celebrations of Christmas. Giving gifts, sending cards and family re unions are all part of Christmas celebrations. They are not necessary about Jesus but are good in themselves. I think Christians should send cards, even non religious. It does show our friends we are thinking of them at this time of the year. We should give gifts to children at least to show us that Kindness and children are part of Christmas. We might tell the children to do some acts of kindness themselves. We should also take part in family celebrations. Because the family is part of the first Christmas. As one priest said dressing up as Santa Clause helps to keep the spirit of Christmas alive in this post Christian world. It may not be what we want but it does help others see the spirit of Christmas.

Of the cards I received this year only one is religious. But I value these as they show friends are thinking of me. I only send religious cards to Christians but I send cards to who ever wants them because this is a reflection of the kindness of the first Christmas.. You can remember the manger in your heart.

Merry Christmas.
Thank You Dr Who. the same to you. You might be surprised that this greeting "Merry Christmas: has been ban by a local suburban council on its signs. They can still wish the Chinese, Happy New Year"on their. New year day, They can still celebrate Buddha birthday and thy can still fly the aboriginal flag on their town hall but the cannot mention Christmas.
Thank You Dr Who. the same to you. You might be surprised that this greeting "Merry Christmas: has been ban by a local suburban council on its signs. They can still wish the Chinese, Happy New Year"on their. New year day, They can still celebrate Buddha birthday and thy can still fly the aboriginal flag on their town hall but the cannot mention Christmas.

pretty irrational huh ?
Santa Claus, Xmas trees, Xmas cards, turkey

All good biblical stuff

I wonder why Christians celebrate the fictional birth with all there pagan symbols and indulgence

Maybe because they are hypocritical and or stupid
Stop saying that dog

It is ridiculous

The celebration of Yuletide long predates its hijacking by christians

Xmas tress, Yule logs etc are pagan symbols to represent the end of the shortest day and the start of new life

Christians think think it is their celebration because they are stupid

Smart people know they just St nicked it off pagans

Ho ho ho
Dawkinrocks. As Christians are smart people we know Smart people know they just St nicked it off pagans. What the church try to do was to make the mid summer festival more responsible with less debauchery. We know that Christ was born on that date but it was a good date to bring this event to the notice of a pagan world.

I wish everyone a Happy Christmas and to those of my faith a Holy Christmas.