He has refused to actually discuss the questions I've asked--such as how will we deal with 1,000,000 unwanted babies each year if we outlaw abortion.
Mare, I didn't respond to that line of reasoning because it is irrelavent to whether or not it is acceptable to kill human beings for reasons that amount to no more than convenience, and if you are making that argument, then you must make it so that it applies to all human beings rather than one specific group.
There are a very large number of post natals out there who are unwanted and unloved and a drain on our society. Is your argument that it is OK to kill them as well? If not, then your argument to kill pre natals for the same reasons is invalid.
I have explained my position on this numerous times for you and you just keep repeating that I won't answer your question. I did, and have answered your question repeatedly and you just don't like the answer. Give me a reason to answer it further. Explain why you believe it is OK to kill one group who "might" be unwanted and unloved but not OK to kill another group that we "know" is unwanted and unloved.
I also said that I think that killing fetus' was preferable to killing babies and children--which is what happens when unwilling parents are forced to take care of them. I never said it was a good solution to kill the fetus', just a better one than the alternative.
The fetus is a human being. Explain how it is preferable to kill one group instead of another group when both groups are innocent.
Mr. Pale also seems to feel that women are breeding machines who should not be allowed to control their own reproductive organs--something with which I disagree.
You don't have a clue as to what "Mr. Pale" thinks. I have asked you over and over to bring forward any statements by me that suggest any of the things you claim I have said or thing and to date, you haven't brought forward a single one. The fact that you feel that I feel a thing is irrelavent.
If you want to exercise control over your reproductive system, you do so before you drop your panties. Exactly as you exercise control over every other aspect of your life. If you don't put your seatbelt on before you begin driving, you deal with the consequences of not doing so when you have an accident. You don't ask another human being do die in order to rectify your bad judgement.
Even in cases of rape, the woman has no rights. When Pale gets raped and then signs up for an ectopic pregnancy with the sperm of the man who raped him (and a suitable egg donor) and carries it to term with a C-section delivery, then, and only then can he come back and talk to me about women's rights. Until that happens he's no different than the Pope lecturing on sex techniques.
Your reasoning for allowing women to kill the child in cases of rape was that a woman should not have to live with the memory of the terrible event. I asked you under what other circumstances do you believe you should be allowed to kill another human being who reminds you of terrible events in your life. You had no answer so clearly, you don't think that women shoud be allowed to kill just anyone who brings back bad memories, just this particular group which, again, invalidates your argument.
In the case of rape, there is a guilty party and punishment should be directed at the guilty.
"You are lying mare. You are unable to argue my points, so you make up lies in an effort to deflect the discussion away from your inability to argue the points." Quote from post #267 on the abortion thread. Thus I refute his repeated statement that he has no called me a liar.
You did lie mare. That is a fact and I pointed it out. I still contend that I did not call you a liar and am still waiting for you to bring forward a quote from me in which I said "mare, you are a liar".
If you and Pale feel that he has won this discussion, then I suggest you go out for a beer and celebrate your somewhat pyrrhic victory.
You ran away mare. You were unable to answer reasonable and rational questions about your position. When you couldn't answer, you engaged in very real and particularly nasty personal attacks like this against me:
"Are you really a sick and twisted, miserable soul living in a damp, dank basement with rats scuttling around, vampiring your internet wirelessly off the people in the nice apartments upstairs, typing away in a frenzy of rage and impotence because of your low-station in life? "
And that isn't even the nastiest thing you said about me. I never attacked you mare and never said anything that even remotely approached the level of this and you come here pitifully claiming that I treated you badly?