I think bush needs to ride the short bus for a while.
Quite honestly..that is one of the best things I've ever read in my life.
Racial profiling is idiotic and absolutely uncalled for. That promotes nothing but an extremely unwarranted discrimination.
"That's the only way to stop the problem."
Yeah, like Hell. First you have to mistakenly assume that there is some sort of problem with "them" being out to get "us." If you believe the official story, then you still can't get around the fact that aside from one day 5 years ago..Al Qaeda has left us alone. The Bush Administration, following 9/11, demanded that Afghanistan hand over Bin Laden. Afghanistan agreed that they would immediately place Bin Laden on trial if the United States were to share any evidence that Osama was behind the attacks...this evidence never materialized, and Afghanistan was bombed like there was no tomorrow.
Regardless, assuming that there is a problem...maybe there are other solutions to it. Maybe these people are upset about something else. (God knows it's not the fact that they 'hate our freedoms'...they don't give a damn what we do within our own borders.) Maybe it's the fact that they're sick of being pushed around...maybe they're sick of the U.S. allowing innocent people to be murdered by installing Pinochet, Suharto, the Shah of Iran...for using surrogates to overthrow Jacobo Arbenz in Guatemala, the Sandinistas in Nicaragua, Noor Mohammad Tareki in Afghanistan...maybe they're sick of the United States invading Vietnam, The Dominican Republic, Grenada, and Panama for political gains. Maybe they're through with the United States staying uninvited in Saudi Arabia for oil reserves (Osama made absolutely clear WAY before 9/11 that he wanted the U.S. out of Saudi Arabia.)
Get yourself more acquainted with current affairs...and more acquainted with history (as it's usually the cause of what goes on today.)
Think....it doens't hurt to do it once in a while.