The consequences of Obama: Terrorism is back

How many people have died in deer related accidents in each of the last 10 years? If you have valid data I'll put it on my radio show and in my newsletter, but I think you are just pulling my leg, in which case stop wasting my time.

I already posted a reference, but maybe you didn't like it. Here's another one. About 130 people are killed each year in the US by deer accidents. So over the last thirty years about the same number of civilian Americans have been killed by deer as by terrorists. So why do we value the lives of the terrorist victims so much more?
Not the point...all the President needs to do is stop all flights into the country that aren't properly screened and they will comply in a heartbeat. By the way, that is pretty much what he did. My problem is that it was almost too late.

And no they did not...some complied, some said they will look into it.