Should marijuana be legalized?

Should we legalize it?

  • Yes

    Votes: 52 73.2%
  • No

    Votes: 19 26.8%

  • Total voters
Just saying that the media highlight the dangers of drugs when more people probably die from perscription drugs than ecstasy. Expanding the debait, if you will.

Of course, people who die from Rx drugs are already experiencing health problems.
Oh really? when was the last time you talked to Jack? I mean you seem to know so so much about him? Un-Educated!!!..hardly your lack of any type of actual responses, is a testament to your shortcomings when it comes to this subject....You may be well versed, and educated in some areas. Ill give you that. But this is NOT one of those areas!! .As The readers can clearly see, you have simply been reduced to, Attacking a man whom you dont even know..............He is wrong you say?.........on which one of the hundreds of points, and information that are contained within the book?

I asked you to describe his education. You didn't. He doesn't describe any education on his site. If he were educated, don't you think he would mention it? You have suggested that a man who apparently doesn't even have an associates degree is the foremost authority on this subject in the face of teams of doctors and research scientists who say that pot is dangerous.

How credible do you think that this makes your argument?
I asked you to describe his education. You didn't. He doesn't describe any education on his site. If he were educated, don't you think he would mention it? You have suggested that a man who apparently doesn't even have an associates degree is the foremost authority on this subject in the face of teams of doctors and research scientists who say that pot is dangerous.

How credible do you think that this makes your argument?

Read the book me ANYONE anywhere that is more knowlwedgable on these Subjects than Jack Herer....READ THE BOOK.........youll change your tune i know you will.I have read enough of your stuff and see where you stand on things YOU NEED to read the book.........then your Answers will be revealed......

you have YET to SHOW US ANY scientist or doctors who have Proven any of what Jack says is talk about them but then you cannot produce the PROOF required its Ok I Understand and i know why

Read the Book and then try again your really ineffectual in this debate...your ass is hangin in the breeze so to speak.Sorry this is not one of your areas of expertise im afraid
A philosophy that doesn't acknowledge a growing body of valid scientific research that is challenging everything he says is hardly a valid philosophy. Unless you consider flat earthers valid.

"challenging everything he says"? Man im so positive now that you have never read the book, and really have NO real idea what jack says, and dosent say. Yet here you are spewing about as if you Know something...listen pops you really dont have clue....go ahead then and quit asserting yourself here GO COLLECT THE CASH.................or simply go and read the book you dont know what your talking about its obvious by your responses
ive smoked pot every day basically since sometime in summer 1976 there were some exceptions of course there was a few years i set it aside as i was a jet engine mechanic and Aircrewman on a Naval S.A. R. squadron based in guam

Did you used to use capital letters and punctuation before smoking pot so much? Just curious.:p

Smoking pot is a bad idea, but outlawing it is a worse one. Prohibition of cannibis hasn't worked any better than prohibition of alcohol, and has created some of the same problems.

We should legalize it and tax it to pay for the social ills it creates, but we won't. Any pol who seriously suggests legalization, and has a chance of passing it, would be the political target of the right wing. Should the right wing miss, then they would be come the physical target of the drug kingpins.

Legalization? Fugitaboutid.
We should legalize it and tax it to pay for the social ills it creates, but we won't. Any pol who seriously suggests legalization, and has a chance of passing it, would be the political target of the right wing. Should the right wing miss, then they would be come the physical target of the drug kingpins.

Legalize it and use the tax revenue to pay for the problems that legalizing it will cause. Can you tell me exactly what sort of logic that is?
Did you used to use capital letters and punctuation before smoking pot so much? Just curious.:p

Duhhhhh.... HUH HUH HUH which way did he go george? which way did he go?.....................How Typical, since we Are Un-able to really debate the issue, ....LETS attack him for his grammatical errors!!!! yeah thats the ticket!!!!!..............Pfffft.

Smoking pot is a bad idea,

Would you care to expound on this OH Exhalted Dare Graduate? Or is this simply your opinion?
Sounds like the Dare program speaking to me

but outlawing it is a worse one. Prohibition of cannibis hasn't worked any better than prohibition of alcohol, and has created some of the same problems.
Congartualations!! you actually recognize the failure of prohibition so you have payed some attention ...Excellent

We should legalize it and tax it to pay for the social ills it creates, but we won't.
whoops theres DARE rearing its ugly head again.....would you care to expound on this issue as well? ............interesting

"social ills it creates" have any substantiated evidence to support this outlandish claim? or are we again dealing in opinions?

Any pol who seriously suggests legalization, and has a chance of passing it, would be the political target of the right wing. Should the right wing miss, then they would be come the physical target of the drug kingpins.

Legalization? Fugitaboutid.
HMMMMMMM........well friend you seem rather Un-educated in the realities of Marijauna and Hemp prohibition

My suggestion to you is to READ THE BOOK and then Read it again

you will actually then have an idea maybe about what your actually saying
Legalize it and use the tax revenue to pay for the problems that legalizing it will cause. Can you tell me exactly what sort of logic that is?

what Problems will legalization cause? NONE that im aware of look at the Dutch Drug policy and its continued success...
the United States is the ONLY country that adopted this Prohibition when it was was enacted to create corporate profits By the HEARST family Dupont Family as well as others

The united States is almost single handidly responsible for pushing these views GLOBALLY all have been LIED TO

read the BOOK quit talking out your asses

none of you thus far Knows Diddly sh^t on this subject
what Problems will legalization cause? NONE that im aware of look at the Dutch Drug policy and its continued success...
the United States is the ONLY country that adopted this Prohibition when it was was enacted to create corporate profits By the HEARST family Dupont Family as well as others

The united States is almost single handidly responsible for pushing these views GLOBALLY all have been LIED TO

read the BOOK quit talking out your asses

none of you thus far Knows Diddly sh^t on this subject

I have looked at the Dutch. There is a growing faction within their government seeking to repeal the legalization of drugs because of the unintended consequences.
Legalize it and use the tax revenue to pay for the problems that legalizing it will cause. Can you tell me exactly what sort of logic that is?

Instead of having little kids buying it off sketchy dealers, you can make sure the laws are as tight as American alcohol laws, which are VERY strict compared to Europe and seem to work well, even if I disagree with the age limit etc.

And the government would probably make more money than it would need to spend on rehab etc. for the problems cannabis will cause as they are low level.
HMMMMMMM........well friend you seem rather Un-educated in the realities of Marijauna and Hemp prohibition

My suggestion to you is to READ THE BOOK and then Read it again

you will actually then have an idea maybe about what your actually saying

Well, there's a fact filled and convincing argument.:rolleyes:

Say, Roker, you don't smoke the stuff before flying, do you?
I have looked at the Dutch. There is a growing faction within their government seeking to repeal the legalization of drugs because of the unintended consequences.

This is because of CONTINUED pressure from the United States as well as the New Conservative party that controls Holland Currently this talk has been going on since 2000

there have been NO changes to the Dutch policy IT works and it works well.The Dutch will not in the end be swayed By U.S Policy the Current Dutch admin may sqwauk about it But the Dutch people are not that stupid they will never support a change in the direction of US policy PERIOD

second of all let me correct your Misgivings on this subject ok? because again you dont know what your talking about ok? lets start here shall we.....

Drugs are NOT LEGAL in Amsterdam....there is forst of all a complete seperation of "Hard" and "Soft" drugs...Hard drugs are completly Illegal.the Dutch Government supports and runs a program that takes hard drug users and rehabilitates them they provide everything from the clinic to the drugs that are used to wean the users andall the food etc.

any hard Drugs you may encounter on the streets of Amsterdam are HIGHLY ILLEGAL and in all probability are NOT what you pay for it is only Criminals who are on the streets trying to hawk Coaine and heroin and there arent that many of them

Moving on to the soft drug policy which encompasses marijuana,Hashish,mushrooms,peyote, etc. the marijuana and hashis is legal to be purchased in regulated Coffee shoppes only....there are no street dealers for hash or pot because the need has been entirely eliminated by allowing the purchase of 5 grams or less at coffeeshoppes

these shoppes are government regualated and conrolled and pay taxes etc to the Dutch . they do not allow persons under 18 yrs of age inside the shoppes this is STRICTLY enforced. the rub on all soft drugs is they are all availible at approved Outlets which COMPLETLY eliminates the criminal element from being involved

since the inception of the Dutch Model Life In amsterdam and Rotterdam has Improved immensly some 20 yrs ago when i first started travelling there the streets were littered with Junkies and Drug Dealers at every corner

today this is NON-Existent Vondel park used to be the mecca for illegal drugs in amsterdam that has all changed the streets are clean the junkies are gone and so too are the street dealers

the intersting thing is the soft drug success.The reality is the MAJORITY of the Dutch people do NOT even smoke pot!even with it widely availible it just dosent happen that way Look at the statistics on this and you will see how startling and true it is moving on to Dutch teenagers

they too are NOT heavy users of marijuana the number of dutch teens smoking is far far less than in the US.
now back to the legality issues...

First of all it is ILLEGAL to GROW and Harvest Marijuana In holland

does it happen? of course it does the Dutch do something they call turning a blind eye. they do go after those that are in it strictly for the large scale ops but they ALLOW a certain numbe of growers to grow.......



so technically shop owners are Breaking the Law when they purchase the pot to sell to customers

this practice is called "Toleration" it is illegal but they Tolerate it because it makes sense to keep it regulated


IT IS LEGAL to SELL and PURCHASE 5 Grams of POT or Hash while inside of a sanctioned coffee shoppe

that is LEgally accepted while the aquiring of the pot by the shop was illegal....the selling of the pot to the shop was illegal growing or importing the pot was illegal
Purchasing 5 grams of it is LEGAL
smoking it in the shoppe or in your home is again illegal yet "Tolerated"

so in large part Drugs technically are ILLEGAL in Holland and throughout the Dutch Model its obvious once again that you are woefully Mis informed on this subject

the Duth Models success stems from its seperation of Hard and soft drugs its abilty to largely ignore the harmless plants that grow on this earth and categorize them as Softand regulate theyre sales

what you speak of is Simply More interference on the part of the United States Government I was In Amsterdam in 2000 when the U.S. Drug Czar...yes we all him a Czar
was in amsterdam trying to apply pressure to the Dutch Government that is where this all stems from the dutch told him to go squat they have put it down since

small story I was in the Jolly Joker Coffeeshoppe at 9 pm one night a HUGE entourage of SS and agents whisked in and "cleared" the shop then the "Czar " came in quite arrogant too Leather Bomber Jacket fur hood all john wayne like in his percieved greatness he stood right next to me as he looked around the place

he directly addressed me and said beautiful night huh? i said sure is beats Chi Towns weather !! he changed his demeanor and squinted and looked at me and said your American? I said Sure am Skippy glad to meet you!

he looked at em and said the following well there you hippy punk....i hope your enjoying your stay in holland because when we are through your lil haven will cease to exist!!!

I said oh really? who the Fuc^k are You?!!he said i am the United States drug czar......and we are here in diplomatic talks with the dutch to eliminate this type of activity here in holland ......I laughed at him and told him GOOD LUCK the Dutch are not Sheep..............he said something to the guy across from us he produced a camera and snapped a pic of me and my friends McCaffery Sneered and began to walk out he turned to me one last time and sneered again

When i returned home I read all the news concerning the drug czars diplomatic trip to holland it was all tru what he had said and there he was Minus the bomber jacket in a suit the very same guy that addressed me and sneered at its the US that is pushing this and because it is currently conservative there they seem to have a few ears that listen

The Dutch People will not allow any change in this succesful policy

so again you really havent looked at the Dutch Model you caught Googling again you are ILL prepared to debate this i keep telling you so
Instead of having little kids buying it off sketchy dealers, you can make sure the laws are as tight as American alcohol laws, which are VERY strict compared to Europe and seem to work well, even if I disagree with the age limit etc.

And the government would probably make more money than it would need to spend on rehab etc. for the problems cannabis will cause as they are low level.

That is the basic premise of the Dutch Model .seperate Hard from Soft take the illegality out of it eliminate the criminal element and collect the revenues quite simple and brilliant
Well, there's a fact filled and convincing argument.:rolleyes:
I have continued throughout the thread, to provide information, and facts.... You on the other hand have done NOTHING but insult. you must be a CHILD?

Say, Roker, you don't smoke the stuff before flying, do you?

ohhhh OUCH that really hurts what are you an eight grader?
Maybe if you had actually read my posts you would Know that i answered that question directly here allow me to quote that for your simple mind ok?

there were some exceptions of course there was a few years i set it aside as i was a jet engine mechanic and Aircrewman on a Naval S.A. R. squadron based in guam

I dont know how much more clear than that i can be? you are actually far worse than palerider!!!! You DONT KNOW A F^CKING thing about this subject !!!!all you have done since you enetered the thread is behave like a child?

When you actually have a point worth addressing in the future, ill respond to you. for now your just a kid, on daddys pc you dont know ANYTHING................

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