Should Governments regulate fraudulent religions?

A few? Do you have any clue as to how many people world wide are right into killing or other wise discriminating against gays.

Not just the really disturbed Christian right wing.

It is mostly those who have to hide their reasons behind some supernatural garbage God.

They cannot justify crap otherwise.

I blamed Americans for that one case, out of many, because they earned it. Right?
Christians oppose Sodomy because God opposes Sodomy.
We should not ban any religion. At the same time we should not be giving tax breaks to them either.

Why would anybody who claims to be a small government conservative want religion in our public schools? That is moronic.
We should ban advocacy for murder and terrorism taught by religions and we should never ban Christianity from public schools just because secular humanist worshippers want to have a monopoly on the religious indoctrination of children.
We should not ban any religion. At the same time we should not be giving tax breaks to them either.

Why would anybody who claims to be a small government conservative want religion in our public schools? That is moronic.
Knowledge is power.
The more we can protect our children's minds from supernatural based religions the better.
We need to teach them what fraud is.
A virgin teaching you about sex. How droll, if not stupid.

How bright is it to get your teachings on sex from one who knows nothing about it?

Do you get medical information from your mechanic?
Kids do not need perverts teaching them about sex. Kids don't need exposure to sex at early ages even though they will no doubt be exposed whether it is good for them or not. But no government school should teach kids about sex, especially not materials published by former workers in the porn industry, as SEICUS has its roots.
Get ready folks we have left wing people about to tell us how white supremacist they are.

Watch the arguments GCB makes. He will say that black people in the USA and Africa hate gays because white people told them to.
How people like Mark Francis operate.

Sitting close to Mark's keyboard is a book. Most likely black in color. The bible! That book is 66 books written entirely by men who lived thousands of years ago. It is an English translation of texts that are hundreds of years after the originals and then translated into English.

According to Mark this is the literal word of god. Gawd! Who is god? Well he is a male figure(cock and balls) living in a fantasy place called heaven where only Christians reside. For eternity! This male figure loves us but he is always pissed off.

Now I'm sure Mark was entirely opposed to Joe Biden's media misinformation efforts. He would however as a small government man love to have a biblical panel of some kind that would determine what is acceptable to god and what is not and legislate and enforce their rulings. So Mark the small government conservative would be all for a separate heavily armed bible police who round people up by force and punish them. Much of art, statuary, books would be deemed illegal because it is an offense to gawd. Gays and trans were certainly be punished or executed because the little black book says so. Speech, other religions would all be heavily regulated. All in the name of small government and liberty!

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