Should Christians judge God?

Fools say so, when they think in supernatural terms.

If thinking rationally, given that we create all our Gods, of course it is the Words of Gods.

Mostly fascist prick Gods.
There is no god and you have no evidence their us.
It's arrogant to suggest you know so etching I don't.
You're delusional.
You talk of evidence yet give none in support of secular replacement theories of the universe's origin supposedly without God.
What can be asserted without evidence can be dismissed without evidence.

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence and you have nothing.
There is no god and you have no evidence their us.
It's arrogant to suggest you know so etching I don't.
You're delusional.
Who but you can make you voluntarily do anything?

That makes you master of yourself and God.

Your own Jesus askes in your bible, have ye forgotten that ye are Gods?

You obviously do not agree with Jesus.
There is no god and you have no evidence their us.
It's arrogant to suggest you know so etching I don't.
You're delusional.
Nothing supernatural, but we all have some God, if defined as our highest ideals or best rules to live life with.

Language and the definition of terms is always a bitch.