I don't see any problem. The incoming solar radiation is 161+78 = 239 watts per square meter (W/mm). The outgoing thermal radiation is 239, So the incoming and outgoing are in balance, as they should be.
If there were no water or other GH gases on earth, there would be no back radiation to the earth, the outgoing tan bar would be only 239 W/mm, and there would be no 333 W/mm incoming tan bar. Earth would be very cold.
Because of the water vapor there is back radiation which causes a hotter earth to the extent that the inner turmoil of surface and back radiation can be much larger than the input solar radiation. The earth is a lot hotter than the sun alone can furnish if there were no water, so it's no surprise that the tan bars are so large and in a delicate balance.
If only 40 W/mm can escape through the atmospheric window with the sun beating down at 239 W/mm, that also lends credibility that earth can be so hot that there is a large surface and back radiation.