SCOTUS leaks seem to be coming from the courts leftist minority

He was a regular and you know it

Here we go again. The Clintons killed people. You're one sick puppy.
Democrats should just admit that many deaths of former threats to the Clintons have never been solved and likely will never be solved, and several of these mysterious deaths had beneficial repercussions for the Clintons just like JFK's death had major beneficial repercussions for LBJ.
Kamala claims her views and values have never changed. Was she lying?
She can change her mind, everyone can change their mind.
Fracking releases harmful gases into the atmosphere, but there are thousands of abandoned and current wells that release even more. If she loses Pennsylvania, then she might lose the election, and then will be unable to do anything to prevent Global Climate Change. Like every intelligent politician, she has to weigh her decision based on the final outcome that her decision might have.

Hard and fast and absolute rules are very often far less significant than the final outcome.
Democrats should just admit that many deaths of former threats to the Clintons have never been solved and likely will never be solved, and several of these mysterious deaths had beneficial repercussions for the Clintons just like JFK's death had major beneficial repercussions for LBJ.
It does not matter one teensy whit about past events that cannot be prosecuted, especially if there are no living victims.
LBJ had nothing to do with JFK's assassination. Even if this were the case, it would make zero difference to anyone at the present time. Suppose someone turned up evidence that Andrew Johnson conspired with Jefferson Davis and John Wilkes Booth: again, so what? What difference would it make today? None.
Democrats should just admit
Why should democrats admit to something for which there is no evidence? You're delusional.
that many deaths of former threats to the Clintons have never been solved and likely will never be solved, and several of these mysterious deaths had beneficial repercussions for the Clintons just like JFK's death had major beneficial repercussions for LBJ.