SCOTUS leaks seem to be coming from the courts leftist minority

Biden has set new records by accepting quite a growing number of free accomodations at mansions owned by billionaire Biden donors.
How does that make Thomas less corrupt?

Why should the Supreme Court discuss stuff in secrecy?

A capable team of investigators could easily and quickly find who is illegally leaking secret SCOTUS deliberations , which is a strong indication that the 'investigators' are supporting the secret identity or identies of the illegal leakers.
Why should the Supreme Court claim that is has a right to secrecy?
Maybe the new breed of woke
Why should the Supreme Court hide information from the citizens?
Maybe the new breed of woke justices agree with you in opposition against long-standing laws forbidding the unauthorized release of secret SCOTUS deliberations to the public.
Maybe the new breed of woke

Maybe the new breed of woke justices agree with you in opposition against long-standing laws against releasing secret SCOTUS deliberations from the public.
When Congress passes laws, they have public hearings. Why should the Supreme Court hide what we are paying them to do?