SCOTUS leaks seem to be coming from the courts leftist minority

mark francis

Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2021
Explain how it is not in the public interest for the citizens to know what is going on in the Supreme Court? Congress televises its sessions and hearings. The White House tells us what is going on with them.

Why should SCOTUS be a bunch of Secret Squirrels?
We only hurt ourselves by allowing corrupt uncivilized savages to be appointed to serve on SCOTUS.

Really? Do you mean the six republican judges, including Thomas? That's a little racist.

“This is another disturbing leak from the Court, and Congress should look into it because clearly a member of the minority is conspiring with the Left to destroy the Court,” JCN President Carrie Severino told the DCNF.
Clarence Thomas has taken fantastic vacations and has accepted his very own bus in exchange for favors for his wealthy pals. He is CORRUPT.
Explain how it is not in the public interest for the citizens to know what is going on in the Supreme Court? Congress televises its sessions and hearings. The White House tells us what is going on with them.

Why should SCOTUS be a bunch of Secret Squirrels?
A capable team of investigators could easily and quickly find who is illegally leaking secret SCOTUS deliberations , which is a strong indication that the 'investigators' are supporting the secret identity or identies of the illegal leakers.
Has that been exposed like Thomas's corrupted trips.
Yes, the facts have surfaced for all to see.

Yes, the facts have surfaced for all to see.

Good. If he is proven to be corrupt like Thomas. Put him in jail.
I'll wait for the proof rather than innuendo.