Sarah Palin: McCain's Veep...

Update on Palin. Word is that the Obamabots are gearing up to release a scandal about the downs-syndrome baby not being Sarah's but actually the older daughter's illegitimate baby. They even have pictures they harvested before they were hastily removed from a website today that show clearly Sarah Palin when she should've been clearly huge at 6+ months. I've seen one taken on Supertuesday that shows her stomach as flat and thin as rail. Then she would've been six months. If this is true, it is absolutely impossible.

They have witnesses, coworkers lined up who are saying that she never looked pregnant in the slightest the entire time she supposedly carried this child.

"People are very hungry for something new. I think they are interested in being called to be a part of something larger than the sort of small, petty, slash-and-burn politics that we have been seeing over the last several years." --Obama

What are we hearing? Obama and his Bots being small, petty and using slash-and-burn politics... Of course when the Obama camp uses the tactic Obama has denounced, its suddenly the "politics of Change" and perfectly OK.
cuz we know the resons people voted for Bush where always so great....I know someone that voted for bush becuse he was pro choice.
Glad you mentioned Bush. I've been reading so many of your posts, and trying to filter my way through them for anything that makes a shred of sense. Has anybody told you lately that you write worse than Bush talks? :)
You are right about strategy.

Obama had everything going for him except experience. McCain has nothing going for him except experience. And so here where the experience to make wise strategy decisions counts McCain is showing that his experience has already given him about half of the votes and it just may deliver him the election.

This same wise use of experience is exactly what we want in a president. If a man with everything going for him cannot do any better than this to beat a white haired old geezer how well will he do when his opponents are Ahmadinejad and others who don't want to just win an election but harm our country.

Aw, c'mon Doc! Don't you know:


Today in Iran, it is reported by undisclosed sources that President Barak Hussein Obama met with Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to discuss the United States' and other "big powers" culpability for AIDS and other global ills.

Obama stepped of the newly redesigned Air Force One about 9:00 a.m. Tehran time, and was quickly whisked away by a special security unit.

After several hours President Obama was returned to the airport. It was obviously a long, arduous day for the President. He appeared slightly out of sorts, according to sources.

Upon his return to Washington, when asked how the meeting had gone, President Obama stated "I will be calling a press conference for tomorrow morning. I will report to the American people at that time."

Following his visit, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was reportedly pleased with the meeting. According to Iran Press Service, President Ahmadinejad claimed a principled victory, and that "The U.S. is no longer any threat. As I stated to the Nonaligned Movement in Tehran participants, they are going down."

When asked further details of what President Obama had said, President Ahmadinejad said, "Nothing. He didn't have his speech writer with him."
Glad you mentioned Bush. I've been reading so many of your posts, and trying to filter my way through them for anything that makes a shred of sense. Has anybody told you lately that you write worse than Bush talks? :)

Pocket is a good guy... I don't agree with him on many things but he's one of the few Left-Leaning posters that has earned my respect. Unlike some, he thinks for himself rather than regurgitating talking points. It makes for a more interesting discussion when there is depth to an opinion and his are actually thought out and based on the facts he has found - not just the ones provided to him.

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