Palin- Not a good choice


New Member
Aug 22, 2008
This is my rant

McCain has the female base, now?....

Does Mccain think this stuff through, IM not quite sure he does? Lets face it he doesn't. OK, Let's add a woman (Palin) to the ticket. We can grab those Hillary voters for sure now. McCain "assuming" that just because a woman is on the ticket that he is going be able to get that vote, because of this move. IM sure that women will not vote for a woman just because she on the ticket. Women don't vote on the gender as the Mccain camp would like you to believe. If women did vote on gender, then what was the big issue over rumors Obama picking a female senator from Kansas, that was not Hillary. The women hated it. See my point?

McCain's thought process?....

What about the problems, and the forseen-bagage that came along with this pick? I don't think McCain gave any credence to that thought. Seeing as the Hillary voters was only thing on McCain's mind, he didn't give any thought beyond that. I can see that McCain doesn't think long term when picking a Vice president. What was one thing McCain hammered again and again? It was the "experience" issue. So they pick Sara Palin. "Opps." She has considerably less experience then Obama. But I guess McCain forgot about that "issue" didn't he?

You would assume that McCain wouldn't want a pick that could bring "controversy" to the table for the McCain campaign. Well, she does bring "controversy" to the table. It looks to be a another big fault by McCain, in choosing Palin as a Vice president. Lets not worry though because "I" McCain will have that female vote that wouldn't vote for Obama come this fall.

What about the picking "a" Vice President for a state? That would be a smater move on Mccain's part. His pick wasn't though. McCain didn't see a state strategy as working? Palin doesn't help him in this department at all. I assumed he would want to fight for every state he could win. Tom Ridge and Pennsylvania Vs Biden and Pennsylvania there is a battle for that state.

There is my rant.
VP's cant always deliver on a state and is that really a good reason to pick someone?

I think its not a very good reason unless all you care about is winnning

He doesnt have the women vote, even silouette who doesnt like Obama at all, will still vote obama/BIDEN
I must agree with you. I try and listen to everyones views and statements and at first I agreed with the that Obama did not have much "experience" but he cleaned it up by choosing a running mate with experience to fill that gap which is very smart. Mccain did something very insane. He is such a "Man with great experience" but chose a woman with nearly none compared to Obama? Be Real. My mother and father always said "Don't be scared of the dog that barks the loudest but watch the one that doesn't bark at all because they are the ones that bites the hardest".confused:

My advice....Mccain stop barking so loud and practice what you preach
I must agree with you. I try and listen to everyones views and statements and at first I agreed with the that Obama did not have much "experience" but he cleaned it up by choosing a running mate with experience to fill that gap which is very smart. Mccain did something very insane. He is such a "Man with great experience" but chose a woman with nearly none compared to Obama? Be Real. My mother and father always said "Don't be scared of the dog that barks the loudest but watch the one that doesn't bark at all because they are the ones that bites the hardest".confused:

My advice....Mccain stop barking so loud and practice what you preach

Having no experience to be President is different from having limited experience to be Vice-President. I posted in another thread as to what Palin adds. She does add plenty even if she picks up 0 Hillary voters.
I must agree with you. I try and listen to everyones views and statements and at first I agreed with the that Obama did not have much "experience" but he cleaned it up by choosing a running mate with experience to fill that gap which is very smart. Mccain did something very insane. He is such a "Man with great experience" but chose a woman with nearly none compared to Obama? Be Real. My mother and father always said "Don't be scared of the dog that barks the loudest but watch the one that doesn't bark at all because they are the ones that bites the hardest".confused:

My advice....Mccain stop barking so loud and practice what you preach

Both you and TBP see what most everyone saw very quickly and the rest will see very soon. John McCain picked Palin for one reason and one reason alone... BODY PARTS!

And that's extremely sad. It's patronizing at it's worst. Does anyone believe that there were no more qualified better picks in the whole Republican Party than Sara Palin?:confused:

For that matter I can think of about 3 or 4 Republican women right off the top of my head that would be light years more qualified and ready than a 20 month Governor of a State with comparatively no population at all.

Sara Palin has said in regard to the Iraq War, "I've really been very busy in my own state. I really haven't had time to pay much attention to the Iraq War."

This is a VP. This is "the" choice! Come on!

All McCain's running mate had to be was A) any woman B) Breathing C) Someone he could look good standing beside (and good is a very relative term here) and not question his total control.

Truthfully this is about as insulting to thinking women as it gets. Let's run out and get a "Miss Wasill" beauty pageant queen and put her on the ticket to beg for Hillary supporters because we all know Hillary supporters are way too stupid to know Sara Palin stands for everything they're against!

It is sooooo blowing up in their face!
Both you and TBP see what most everyone saw very quickly and the rest will see very soon. John McCain picked Palin for one reason and one reason alone... BODY PARTS!

And that's extremely sad. It's patronizing at it's worst. Does anyone believe that there were no more qualified better picks in the whole Republican Party than Sara Palin?:confused:

For that matter I can think of about 3 or 4 Republican women right off the top of my head that would be light years more qualified and ready than a 20 month Governor of a State with comparatively no population at all.

Sara Palin has said in regard to the Iraq War, "I've really been very busy in my own state. I really haven't had time to pay much attention to the Iraq War."

This is a VP. This is "the" choice! Come on!

All McCain's running mate had to be was A) any woman B) Breathing C) Someone he could look good standing beside (and good is a very relative term here) and not question his total control.

Truthfully this is about as insulting to thinking women as it gets. Let's run out and get a "Miss Wasill" a beauty queen and put her on the ticket to beg for Hillary supporters because Hillary supporters are too stupid to know she stands for everything they're against!

It is sooooo blowing up in their face!

Who might those other picks be? And on top of that, would they even say yes? Doubtful in most of the cases.

I do not agree with the fact that she was picked for having "body parts" and I think the assertion is bogus. She adds a lot to a ticket even if she picks up 0 Hillary voters.
Totally agree!

IMHO I reckon this lass is going to elevate the standing of the VPs office - I cannot see her sitting at her desk, feet up staring out the windows and watching flowers growing!

It also is important about how McCain views the role of the VP. Bush obviously had a different idea than the typical when he picked Cheney, it remains to be seen I believe from both candidates what the role of the VP will even be in their administrations.
Who might those other picks be? And on top of that, would they even say yes? Doubtful in most of the cases.

I do not agree with the fact that she was picked for having "body parts" and I think the assertion is bogus. She adds a lot to a ticket even if she picks up 0 Hillary voters.

Oh come on she brings absolutely nothing to the ticket. Haven't you seen the clips of her from just a couple months ago? She is soooo not VP material and you know it.:)

As far as Republican women I'll give you half a point on the "they might not take it" but that's the point. They're smart enough & experienced enough not to jump onto a sinking ship.

Elisabeth Dole... Kay Bailey Hutchison... on & on...
Oh come on she brings absolutely nothing to the ticket. Haven't you seen the clips of her from just a couple months ago? She is soooo not VP material and you know it.:)

As far as Republican women I'll give you half a point on the "they might not take it" but that's the point. They're smart enough & experienced enough not to jump onto a sinking ship.

Elisabeth Dole... Kay Bailey Hutchison... on & on...

Elizabeth Dole is about to lose her Senate seat, she would be a terrible pick. Kay Bailey Hutchinson perhaps, but she does not add the executive experience (no matter how much). Added to that I do not think she adds the same on the energy debate that Palin can. I posted in a different thread why Palin is a good pick.

Obviously no pick is perfect and it can be debated until the end of time, but that said, I really think that the VP picks wont do all that much outside of the next few weeks, then they will not mean all that much. I still think the Presidential debates are what will win or lose this election.

Further, her not being "VP Material" can play up quite well. It counters the Obama mantra of "change" and McCain is an insider etc etc... She has get benefits.
She just might be a very good choice. Time will tell.

I know I have been planning only to vote against Obama. I would have been happy to vote Libertarian and probably would have.

Now I will consider voting for the McCain ticket based on what I learn about her.
She just might be a very good choice. Time will tell.

I know I have been planning only to vote against Obama. I would have been happy to vote Libertarian and probably would have.

Now I will consider voting for the McCain ticket based on what I learn about her.

I am with you Dr. Who. I was only going to vote against Obama but now I feel like I might be wanting to vote for someone. I am so happy (so far) with McCains pick

I have spent the day learning about her, and what I have learned I like. I spent half the time learning about her from the left who hates her guts already and so far nothing they said has been bad, just silly stuff reaching for straws.

so assuming she is as good as she seems, I am really happy, and that McCain did pick someone who represents the true values of conservatives (for the most part) I am happier with him than I have been in a while.

and I was all for Romney, perhaps he can be secretary of something...
I am with you Dr. Who. I was only going to vote against Obama but now I feel like I might be wanting to vote for someone. I am so happy (so far) with McCains pick

I have spent the day learning about her, and what I have learned I like. I spent half the time learning about her from the left who hates her guts already and so far nothing they said has been bad, just silly stuff reaching for straws.

so assuming she is as good as she seems, I am really happy, and that McCain did pick someone who represents the true values of conservatives (for the most part) I am happier with him than I have been in a while.

and I was all for Romney, perhaps he can be secretary of something...

I saw part of her speech and the most ironic thing is that she seems to be everything that Obama wants to be.

She raised herself in politics by climbing the ladder not because she wanted to enhance her resume but because she wanted to make a change. She seems to be a real unjaded outsider who wants the cut the fat, end corruption, and just provide a good life for all of us who have families. Ones that she can relate to because of her own very real soccer mom experiences.

The biggest complaint (again from the left) is that she has no foreign policy experience. As if most of the presidents who were first governors did. However since we are talking about experience needed to be in an executive position... she has more executive experience than Obama, McCain, and Biden all together. This is one of those times when the big fish in the small pond is better equipped than the small fish in the big pond.
I can think of another ticket runner picked for body parts Topgun..

skin, specifically.

Sucks when body parts dictate who makes it eh?

Sarah Palin in my opinion is pretty untouchable. Obama has his work cut out for him for sure. She's pretty, snappy, bad-ass, smart, organized and from the sink-or-swim state of Alaska. Almost always I like people I meet from there.

We all know the real objection to her is that she is a woman. Say what you will but that's what it boils down to. McCain is old as fcuk and there's a real chance she could be President. That shakes closet-misogynists to their very foundation.

And yet ironically, Obama cannot exploit that like I know he sooooooooo wants to. Like he did passively with Hillary's mistreatment, standing silently by while sexist slurs flew at her; knowing all the while it was working to his advantage..

Many women and men who supported Hillary did so for Hillary's qualifications, not her gender. Yet a large proportion of the 18 million were women who just wanted to see a woman get to the Whitehouse. In Palin, that chunk of voters will now scramble to vote the McCain ticket in the privacy of the voting booth. They will hold out the hope that McCain won't make it and if he does, that Palin might take the next election, being so young and by then, experienced in the ways of DC.
I saw part of her speech and the most ironic thing is that she seems to be everything that Obama wants to be.

She raised herself in politics by climbing the ladder not because she wanted to enhance her resume but because she wanted to make a change. She seems to be a real unjaded outsider who wants the cut the fat, end corruption, and just provide a good life for all of us who have families. Ones that she can relate to because of her own very real soccer mom experiences.

The biggest complaint (again from the left) is that she has no foreign policy experience. As if most of the presidents who were first governors did. However since we are talking about experience needed to be in an executive position... she has more executive experience than Obama, McCain, and Biden all together. This is one of those times when the big fish in the small pond is better equipped than the small fish in the big pond.

She is unlike McCain and Obama both really. Both of them chose cities to live in based on what political job was open, and then used those jobs to climb to where they are at. She fell into it by people saying look a seat is open you have the right ideas exc. exc.

I liked that bout her

i hope we dont get disapointed. so far im jazzed !!!

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