Sarah Palin: McCain's Veep...

:o You're serious?

They vetted Hillary long ago when she sat in the Whitehouse for 8 years. Obama is still an unknown. But if you check my signature below you'll see the prelude to the plans they have for him.

You will never hear me say this again... I agree with Topgun.

Given the option of Obama or Hillary, I'd rather have Obama. Given Obama and hillary with anyone on the planet not as socialist, I'd choose the other option. But just between those two? Hillary I'd fight tooth and nail against her.

I think Obama is empty and void of substance. But Hillary is scummy to her very core. She a danger to the country, ready to plunge us into Socialism. Obama would likely not be able to do much. I don't think he could rally either side to his cause. So I'd much rather have him than that scum bucket Hillary.
You sound worried.

Not particularly, I don't see how she helps McCain electorally. I view this as McCain's Hail Mary might work but odds are against it. Thing is, McCain has been gaining steadily in the polls, in much better shape than a month ago, I wonder why he felt the need to go in this direction.
Not particularly, I don't see how she helps McCain electorally. I view this as McCain's Hail Mary might work but odds are against it. Thing is, McCain has been gaining steadily in the polls, in much better shape than a month ago, I wonder why he felt the need to go in this direction.

You don't throw a Hail Mary unless you are losing. It is not "losing" to be behind one day after the Democratic convention. It will only be losing if around Mid-September the numbers have not changed. They are going to change daily though.

I think this brings in the base which he has struggled to energize. I also think however that it puts critical swing states more in play. Out West, they will be more excited by this pick (remains to be seen how much obviously) and even among Hillary supporters along the East coast and Pennslyvania it could bring in some support (remains to be seen as well).

I still think that it will be the debates that wins this election. It will be back and forth in about a tie for the duration I think. In reality, the VP pick will be exciting for about 2 weeks, then no one will care.

We keep hearing about how Biden will be this great debater, but no one watches the VP debate to begin with, so who really cares who wins or loses that debate. VP's in my opinion do not play all that much of a role outside the first few weeks.
You're serious?

They vetted Hillary long ago when she sat in the Whitehouse for 8 years. Obama is still an unknown. But if you check my signature below you'll see the prelude to the plans they have for him.

OK can't say I didn't try to play nice. You & I had a bet because you were positive Hillary would get the nomination. You guarantee that your fictional Republican stories of lies & smears would come forward.

YOU LOST! GET OVER IT! Just because you sneak away before the Convention you still lost! You have ZERO cred in the prognostication field.

As far as the Clinton's they are inseparably linked. Actually I was the one praising Hillary Clinton last night at the Convention Party I was at and over and over people kept saying... Yeah but I just didn't want to go through the Impeachment or Monica thing again.

You seriously must be the blindest person on earth.

Yes, I'm voting Hillary in 2012. Just in case you were wondering.

Amazing... simply amazing...
I sometimes get the feeling that if I don't get behind Obama with a koolaide look in my eyes, Topgun is going to break my kneecaps until I "decide" it's a good idea...
:rolleyes: Topgun and her kind frequently lose sight of the fact that behind the curtain in the voting booth is a very private place...

The simple facts about the Palin choice is that McSame took a calculated risk. His bet in picking her is that it will galvanize any strayers from the GOP.

He was correct. It did exactly that.

And his other bet was that being a woman, vibrant and young, that it would bring in just enough of those disenfranchised Clinton voters to tip the scales in his direction. Not all of them....just enough of them.

And I think he's done the math quite well on this actually. And all this without releasing the Sinclair story.

In short, they crunched the numbers and came up with Palin. That's what I admire about republicans (one of the very few things). They know strategy, how to read the voters and how to do the math.

Some day the democratic party will learn how to do their addition and subtraction homework..maybe a tutor? :cool:
I sometimes get the feeling that if I don't get behind Obama with a koolaide look in my eyes, Topgun is going to break my kneecaps until I "decide" it's a good idea...
:rolleyes: Topgun and her kind frequently lose sight of the fact that behind the curtain in the voting booth is a very private place...

The simple facts about the Palin choice is that McSame took a calculated risk. His bet in picking her is that it will galvanize any strayers from the GOP.

He was correct. It did exactly that.

And his other bet was that being a woman, vibrant and young, that it would bring in just enough of those disenfranchised Clinton voters to tip the scales in his direction. Not all of them....just enough of them.

And I think he's done the math quite well on this actually. And all this without releasing the Sinclair story.

In short, they crunched the numbers and came up with Palin. That's what I admire about republicans (one of the very few things). They know strategy, how to read the voters and how to do the math.

Some day the democratic party will learn how to do their addition and subtraction homework..maybe a tutor? :cool:

So did McCain's pick get your vote?
I sometimes get the feeling that if I don't get behind Obama with a koolaide look in my eyes, Topgun is going to break my kneecaps until I "decide" it's a good idea...
:rolleyes: Topgun and her kind frequently lose sight of the fact that behind the curtain in the voting booth is a very private place...

The simple facts about the Palin choice is that McSame took a calculated risk. His bet in picking her is that it will galvanize any strayers from the GOP.

He was correct. It did exactly that.

And his other bet was that being a woman, vibrant and young, that it would bring in just enough of those disenfranchised Clinton voters to tip the scales in his direction. Not all of them....just enough of them.

And I think he's done the math quite well on this actually. And all this without releasing the Sinclair story.

In short, they crunched the numbers and came up with Palin. That's what I admire about republicans (one of the very few things). They know strategy, how to read the voters and how to do the math.

Some day the democratic party will learn how to do their addition and subtraction homework..maybe a tutor? :cool:

This pick did it for me, Romney would have too but for differnt reasons. I am no longer "just" voting against "THE ONE" I am now also and voting for something I am excited about. I have been pretty darn happy all day.

I hope she is as good as it seems, If she is not then I wont be afraid to say it, unlike some mindless zombies drooling over their messiah
Did McSame's pick get my vote?

No. And not on the abortion issue either. I know BigOil will keep the McSame administration in check on that since they still want control of politics in 2012 when Hillary WILL WIN, if they alienate any of the middle with extremism.

I won't vote McSame because of the fact that the GOP is owned by BigOil. Everyone smarter than a fried toad knows that. And BigOil is the root of all evil. :mad: Their monopoly is killing the world environmentally, economically and socially. BigOil has people hating and killing each other just to expand its empire. I'm never in favor of that and I will even vote for The Anointed One to keep them at bay for 4 more years until we can get Hillary where she has always belonged...
Did McSame's pick get my vote?

No. And not on the abortion issue either. I know BigOil will keep the McSame administration in check on that since they still want control of politics in 2012 when Hillary WILL WIN, if they alienate any of the middle with extremism.

I won't vote McSame because of the fact that the GOP is owned by BigOil. Everyone smarter than a fried toad knows that. And BigOil is the root of all evil. :mad: Their monopoly is killing the world environmentally, economically and socially. BigOil has people hating and killing each other just to expand its empire. I'm never in favor of that and I will even vote for The Anointed One to keep them at bay for 4 more years until we can get Hillary where she has always belonged...

There is the Sil we know and love :)
I thought Obama had it hard before. Now with Palen, a young, ballsy, appealing and competant woman on the opposing party ticket, you can kiss people who aren't as gung-ho opposed to BigOil's platform of expanding their empire goodbye. There are a lot of undecided Hillary voters from the West, the Midwest and the working-class states that Palin will undoubtedly appeal to. Women especially. And McSame picking her demonstrates the man knows what he's doing strategically...unlike Obama.

You are right about strategy.

Obama had everything going for him except experience. McCain has nothing going for him except experience. And so here where the experience to make wise strategy decisions counts McCain is showing that his experience has already given him about half of the votes and it just may deliver him the election.

This same wise use of experience is exactly what we want in a president. If a man with everything going for him cannot do any better than this to beat a white haired old geezer how well will he do when his opponents are Ahmadinejad and others who don't want to just win an election but harm our country.
realy Millions will vote for McCain just to have a woman VP? thats rather pathetic of them if true. I wounder how many pro choice woman can vote pro life to say a woman was in take away there right.

I wonder how many pro-choice women will be sickened to their stomachs when they learn that Obama thinks that choice should extend to babies that are already living and breathing outside of their mothers womb.
You and me both... :)

Now, we just need to talk Big John out of the Cap&Trade nonsense.


You know what I am dying to hear? BUNZ!!! He is in Alaska, I want his take on her.

I hope he comes on soon and starts a thread of what he knows about her.

I really am just so happy, I heard about her a while back but did not dare to hope that he would pick her. It isnt because she is a woman, though I think its pretty cool that Obama gets his nomination on MLK's historic day, and she gets hers in the same week women got the right to vote.

So this has to be by far the best political year ever!!!!!

I couldnt stand looking at that hitler picture anymore, at least not every time I post. This one is much nicer
You love me?

Awww....shucks :p

Update on Palin. Word is that the Obamabots are gearing up to release a scandal about the downs-syndrome baby not being Sarah's but actually the older daughter's illegitimate baby. They even have pictures they harvested before they were hastily removed from a website today that show clearly Sarah Palin when she should've been clearly huge at 6+ months. I've seen one taken on Supertuesday that shows her stomach as flat and thin as rail. Then she would've been six months. If this is true, it is absolutely impossible.

They have witnesses, coworkers lined up who are saying that she never looked pregnant in the slightest the entire time she supposedly carried this child.


Maybe Obama has a chance after all.

This is hand's down the weirdest election I've ever heard of. History is being made alright. Sheesh...

BTW NoObama....I loved youre Hitler "yes we can" avatar!

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