Well-Known Member
A slippery slope to what? Everyone turning gay? People forgetting how to have heterosexual sex and the population running out? Please enlighten me as to how society can go down the pan because of this being legalised...
Thanks for that bizzare history of abortion.
What other groups are being excluded? Why can't just gays have marriage allowed?
I'm sure many gays feel the same way and don't want heterosexual socities rules on marriage forced onto them. They don't want YOU telling them what marriage is and what it isnt - they just want to get married.
You are welcome for the history on abortion in the USA
I have no idea what the history is in your country
But that is the history here and yes it is bizarre.
Polygamists have no rights where marriage is concerned either. Nor do any other offshoot of it. One man 10 wives, or two wives one husband or two men and a goat for all I care. What ever trips someone’s trigger should be as legal as any other. If they are going to change the laws then make no laws period. Anyone or anything can marry anyone or anything any time any place for any reason. That should stop the argument from ever coming up again.
I have no desire to tell anyone but my own children what I think is
Right or moral, and I have no desire to hear or have it fed to my children what someone else considers right or moral.
Its funny how you twisted just about everything I said
by the way I never said and NOTHING in my post indicated that I felt gay marriage would turn people gay. That was pretty crappy of you to insinuate I felt that way