Rockefeller (Democrat) on Bush's lie


Well-Known Member
Jul 11, 2007
Horse Country
"Bush lied, people died." that is the bumper sticker you have seen. Sure it is catchy but just who is not telling the truth?

The senate select intelligence committee is responsible for determining if the President lied. And the leader of that committee is John D Rockefeller a Democrat. The committee concluded this thursday:

"On Iraq's nuclear weapons program? The president's statements "were generally substantiated by intelligence community estimates."

On biological weapons, production capability and those infamous mobile laboratories? The president's statements "were substantiated by intelligence information."

On chemical weapons, then? "Substantiated by intelligence information."

On weapons of mass destruction overall (a separate section of the intelligence committee report)? "Generally substantiated by intelligence information." Delivery vehicles such as ballistic missiles? "Generally substantiated by available intelligence." Unmanned aerial vehicles that could be used to deliver WMDs? "Generally substantiated by intelligence information." "
I have to wonder if there's enough katsup in the world to make the crow the Libs are going to be eating even somewhat palatable.
Knowing the liberals here on this forum, and knowing how absolutely empty of any basis on evidence they have been up to this point... I'd be shocked... I might even pass out, if even one, just one liberal admitted they were wrong about the "Bush lied" crap.

Even as recently as one day ago, I had a guy here said the only reason we were in Iraq was because of oil, one of the single most retarded, mindlessly empty statements made since 2002.

They won't eat crow... they will be like some of amazing willfully ignorant here, and refuse to believe anything other than "Bush lied, and people died".
They won't eat crow... they will be like some of amazing willfully ignorant here, and refuse to believe anything other than "Bush lied, and people died".
The really clever ones will say something like:

"This is so typical of you Right-Wingers, twist a few facts, mix in some lies, and run it on FOX news... EVERYBODY knows the Rockefeller's got their money from Oil! Bush and the Neo-Con Cabal of Cronies probably had a deal cut with Rockefeller before the invasion even began! A little Capitilist Corruption, pat my back and I'll pat yours... Thats how they operate - HELLO, ENRON ANYBODY? I mean how stupid do you think we are?"

Its clever because it uses trigger words to incite emotion - Right Winger, FOX news, OIL, Bush, Neo-con, Cronies, Capitilist, Corruption and the big Finale: ENRON. All of which incites emotion, not logic.

Whats even more clever, is the use of Projection, Accusing others of doing what you are intentionally doing. The phrase "twist a few facts, mix in some lies" is clever use of projection because what the author alleges is precisely what the author goes on to do.
Anyone else fascinated by propaganda?
Hilariously, at first glance, I wasn't sure if it was a made up quote or not.
It tells you something about the wingnut left, that the slogan they've spouted for five years, "Bush lied", is a lie.
It tells you something about the wingnut left, that the slogan they've spouted for five years, "Bush lied", is a lie.

Bush did lie. The man is a lying, deceptive fraud.

In this video, Karen Kwiatkowski clearly explains that the reason she left her position at the pentagon is because of the deception being used by the Bush administration in misrepresenting intelligence reports. No one has ever even challenged her statements or evidence.
Bush did lie. The man is a lying, deceptive fraud.

Then present his "lies", I'll be more than happy to debunk them for you (not that you'll accept it).

In this video, Karen Kwiatkowski clearly explains that the reason she left her position at the pentagon is because of the deception being used by the Bush administration in misrepresenting intelligence reports. No one has ever even challenged her statements or evidence.

Kwiatkowski is a nut job and conspiracy freak of the Alex Jones and Ron Paul ilk. As far as anyone not challenging her statements, what's the point? You don't waste your time challenging Chicken Littles claims that "the sky is falling". She wastes much time prattling on and on about the Articles of Confederation, and how much better it was than our present Constitution is, but she's overlooked one very important fact; the Articles of Confederation are not the Law of the Land, the Constitution is, and no amount of wailing, crying, and gnashing of teeth is going to change that fact. I could go on for literally days destroying all of her "pie in the sky" theories about what's wrong with America and how she thinks that it can be "fixed", but it would be akin to running a race against a kid in the special olympics, the only thing I would have accomplished is defeating the mentally challenged, and there is no honor in that.
Bush did lie. The man is a lying, deceptive fraud.

In this video, Karen Kwiatkowski clearly explains that the reason she left her position at the pentagon is because of the deception being used by the Bush administration in misrepresenting intelligence reports. No one has ever even challenged her statements or evidence.

Wow... willful ignorance. Did you just miss the whole report by Rockefeller in which he, himself, openly submits that all Bush's positions were backed by the known intelligence information at the time? As in... he didn't lie?

You can't just move passed the given information, you must dispute it, otherwise all alternative hearsay, is just evasion from the point made. Dispute the points made. If you can not, admit Bush didn't lie.

(See I told ya not one Bush hating lib would be able to admit the truth)

The Podhoretz Neo-Con Republican president, George Bush, got elected on his solemn promise that there would be “no nation building”; then, on the notorious pretense of a nuclear threat, he illegally turned on two faucets: out of one flows the American People’s precious wealth, and out of the other faucet flows their priceless blood, to the sole benefit of Israel: now approaching 4000 young patriots and 1 trillion dollars.

This heinous treasonous betrayal of the sacred trust of the American People is a black mark on his family name which can never be erased, and will damn him forever in American history.

Google: “Mearsheimer Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy”; “Evans Blacklisted by History: Untold Story of Joe McCarthy”; “Wall Street Journal McCain-Feingold”; Stricherz Why the Democrats are Blue; “Human Events Ron Paul Interview”; McClelland "What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington's Culture of Deception."
Any crooked governmental official who accepts a political campaign donation from a foreign power is categorically guilty of treason; and justly deserves the capital punishment, if the donation illegally causes the loss of American lives.
It seems that "eugene" (English for the German "Jeugenen") has a nasty habit of posting "drive by" and "hit and run" drivel. Has anyone ever seen him write anything intelligent, or is this his usual tactic?
Any crooked governmental official who accepts a political campaign donation from a foreign power is categorically guilty of treason; and justly deserves the capital punishment, if the donation illegally causes the loss of American lives.

Oh really! Lipo group, John Wong, Chinese missile tech? Need more? Thanks for playing, have a nice day.

The Podhoretz Neo-Con Republican president, George Bush, got elected on his solemn promise that there would be “no nation building”; then, on the notorious pretense of a nuclear threat, he illegally turned on two faucets: out of one flows the American People’s precious wealth, and out of the other faucet flows their priceless blood, to the sole benefit of Israel: now approaching 4000 young patriots and 1 trillion dollars.

This heinous treasonous betrayal of the sacred trust of the American People is a black mark on his family name which can never be erased, and will damn him forever in American history.

Google: “Mearsheimer Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy”; “Evans Blacklisted by History: Untold Story of Joe McCarthy”; “Wall Street Journal McCain-Feingold”; Stricherz Why the Democrats are Blue; “Human Events Ron Paul Interview”; McClelland "What Happened: Inside the Bush White House and Washington's Culture of Deception."

Bush said that he disagreed with a military mission of humanitarian aid, that turned into nation building. Not that he was against nation building. He even cited Japan after WW2 as an example of what he supported. After you defeat an enemy, you don't just ditch them and say good luck.

Bush said that Iraq was attempting to acquire nukes, and they were.

Dealing with Iraq was the correct thing to do, and we should have done it, we did do it, and hopefully will finish doing it. It benefits everyone whose against terror, and Israel is part of that, and I support it.

He stood his ground in front of thousand of complete idiots claiming he lied when he didn't. He'll be remembered a hero for standing for what is right, and holding true to his convictions. Not even sure if most of those who oppose him even know what a 'conviction' is.

Thank you for your time, dismissed.

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