
And thank you qleaner for reminding me why I go through all this. The order has begun to earn my trust.
AGAINSTHEMACHINE, let me get this straight before I make fun of you, are you raging against the democratic machine while on the side of the Republican Party?
The Tea Party is a mob of retard left over from the anti-Bush, 9\11 conspiracy movements. The Tea Party followers just like to fight against Alex Jones portrayal of government. I dont even believe the propagandist will be able to manipulate the Tea Party zombies to get out an vote in an election that far way. Most of them will either have grown up by then or moved onto something else. The Tea Party is the biggest joke in the history of American politics and the Republican party should be ashamed to take them seriously.
sorry for the grammer mistakes. I should have been more respectful to a comment that was inspired by God. Seriously, brainwashing the Tea Party is one thing, but for the love of God please don't let them make decsions!
sorry for the grammer mistakes. I should have been more respectful to a comment that was inspired by God. Seriously, brainwashing the Tea Party is one thing, but for the love of God please don't let them make decsions!
INSPIRED BY GOD? Please do not go there ... God is not a Liberal and obviously (at best) you are too centrist for what the Bible actually stands for.

The Tea Party is not conservative enough - and guess what - they have a much stronger foothold in American politics than Alex Jones ever did.
The Tea Party is a mob of retard left over from the anti-Bush, 9\11 conspiracy movements. The Tea Party followers just like to fight against Alex Jones portrayal of government. I dont even believe the propagandist will be able to manipulate the Tea Party zombies to get out an vote in an election that far way. Most of them will either have grown up by then or moved onto something else. The Tea Party is the biggest joke in the history of American politics and the Republican party should be ashamed to take them seriously.

But the Democrats got their asses kicked by them the last election.
But the Democrats got their asses kicked by them the last election.
Here is a FACT for you:
"An estimated 201.5 million U.S. citizens age 18 or over will be
eligible to vote Nov. 2, 2004 although many were not registered.

Of these, about 55 million are registered Republicans.
About 72
million registered Democrats
source: USA Today

They beat themselves :D
Then If Democrats win then im rooting for Al Queda amd the Muslim Brotherhood. Cause remember the country begged for a repubican to take action against Al Queda back in 9-11? The fact is Democrats cant fight back. Look at those IRANIANS. Theyre cowards they wont even fight against their own muslim government. Lets face it,If Al Gore was president during 9-11 attacks he turn the other cheek just like Jesus Christ would.
the Dem's have little ability to do anything but look for ways to remove fault for their chosen screw up's

They want to party instead of bust tail and get a college education and want those who worked to get educated to pay for their FAULTLESS lifestyle downfalls

They want gay rights and the right to use the taxes of the anti gay to fix their FAULTLESS HIV

They want non marital sex and want their FAULTLESS right to kill the fetus

.... and they STILL do not see a problem here - that too is ok - they are FAULTLESS

if they can be FAULTLESS like that - why is it that if I shoot them that I am not FAULTLESS

I don't have a FAULTLESS right to dispose of diseased thinking? :D
This was an extreme analogy and not a realistic idea - yet
1)the Dem's have little ability to do anything but look for ways to remove fault for their chosen screw up's

They want to party instead of bust tail and get a college education and want those who worked to get educated to pay for their FAULTLESS lifestyle downfalls

2)They want gay rights and the right to use the taxes of the anti gay to fix their FAULTLESS HIV

3)They want non marital sex and want their FAULTLESS right to kill the fetus

.... and they STILL do not see a problem here - that too is ok - they are FAULTLESS

4)if they can be FAULTLESS like that - why is it that if I shoot them that I am not FAULTLESS

I don't have a FAULTLESS right to dispose of diseased thinking? :D

1) sweeping generalization fallacy

2) Gays are people too they are entitled to the same rights no matter what you moral position is on homosexuality. What consenting individuals do in their own bedrooms is no business of yours or the state.

3) Again what consenting individuals do in their own bedrooms is none of you business.

4) Only you can compare extending rights to all regardless of sexual orientation and sex outside of marriage to cold blooded murder

P.S. Hey pockets this is a perfect example why democracy does not work.
1) sweeping generalization fallacy I don't know you specifically - can't point to specifics associated with you

2) Gays are people too they are entitled to the same rights no matter what you moral position is on homosexuality. What consenting individuals do in their own bedrooms is no business of yours or the state. SO LONG AS I CAN HAVE THE RIGHT to tell them to cure their own AID's and HIV
when the trash packers want MY TAX dollar to pay for THEIR screw up - they can go forth and LIVE WITH IT! ... when they use taxes I pay into to cure their screw up -- it BECOMES MY BUSINESS.

3) Again what consenting individuals do in their own bedrooms is none of you business. and here you go MISSING THE MURDER of a defensesless baby -- PLEASE consider POST NATAL abortion before you consider prenatal abortion

4) Only you can compare extending rights to all regardless of sexual orientation and sex outside of marriage to cold blooded murder so what?? at least I am not trying to be a punk and twist other peoples opinions - don't like mine - then SHUT UP and leave my posts alone - try supporting your bull with YOUR Opinions instead of working on my words - WHAT?? you have no original thought?

P.S. Hey pockets this is a perfect example why democracy does not work. and why people like you are so hated for DESTROYING Democracy!

Go away -- you talk like some ghetto con artist - come back when you get talented
6)Go away -- you talk like some ghetto con artist - come back when you get talented

1) Im not part of the group you were generalizing about

2) Straight people get aids as well and no it should not receive governmental funding.

3) Appeal to emotion fallacy... A four cell zygote is not equivalent to a human baby.

4) Why are you so violent? There is no reason to be Im making points based on YOUR words.

5) Democracy is just a buzz word meant to stir up emotion. The us was never a democracy I can't destroy something that never existed.

"A democracy is nothing more than mob rule, where 51 percent of the people may take away the rights of the other 49.

- Jefferson

The Government of the absolute majority instead of the Government of the people is but the Government of the strongest interests; and when not efficiently checked, it is the most tyrannical and oppressive that can be devised.

-John C. Calhoun

Majority rule only works if you're also considering individual rights. Because you can't have five wolves and one sheep voting on what to have for supper.

-Larry Flynt

6) Ad hominem fallacy... A little advice when trying to convince others use less pathos and a lot more logos.
1) sweeping generalization fallacy

2) Gays are people too they are entitled to the same rights no matter what you moral position is on homosexuality. What consenting individuals do in their own bedrooms is no business of yours or the state.

3) Again what consenting individuals do in their own bedrooms is none of you business.

4) Only you can compare extending rights to all regardless of sexual orientation and sex outside of marriage to cold blooded murder

P.S. Hey pockets this is a perfect example why democracy does not work.

As I stated before , there must be protections for the minority as well...this aslo shows the importance of free a authoritarian government like Egypt had, the machine could give his State sponsored view, and you could be jailed for yours...making your better argument lose out in the end...with Free time...dumb ideas like his will ideas like yours will win out...

With no government....nothing would still stop people from holding the views of the dark ages still...and nothing would protect the minority from the mindless mob ...over the course of the last 20 years or so.,gays have gained more and more protection and freedom from the legal protections from the court to protect the minority...and also by voters voting to ensure those protections..