These moonbats are always willing to make fools of themselves. For the majority of Bush's time in the White House they excused away, rationalized and justified his giant pile of blunders and disasters. They even accused critics of being anti-American and traitors.
Now, vyo476 wants to claim "Many conservatives have taken issue with things Bush has done."
I suppose he came to that conclusion considerably after the rest of America did. When it counted, when there was a chance to mitigate Bush's damage to our nation the Republicans just went along. After the fact they now want to claim they were also critics.
Our memories aren't that short to let them off the hook with that cowardly strategy. In the 2006 national election Americans spanked the Republicans. They still didn't get the message. In 2008 they got spanked again, this time losing more seats in Congress, the Senate, even the White House and the dots still don't connect for the moonbats.