Republican Posters

You can't deny the fact that the OP is largely accurate...George Bush is one of the most unpopular presidents in modern history, the last I saw his approval rating was at 22%. Also, the Republicans have indeed been whipped solidly for two consecutive elections, in fact the overwhelming repudiation of the GOP and it's policies should give even the party's most ardent supporters pause.

Right now, complaining about Obama or trying to make a case for disgraced right wing ideals falls on deaf ears. Oh, there's always the Republican choir to preach to, but whether that's located in a trailer park, a redneck bar, an evangelic church, or anywhere else, one thing is for know are in the distinct minority, America has grown past you.

If that is true, it can only be because people don't know our policies anymore than they know Obama's policies.

It may fall on deaf ears, but then so did many of the squeals by democrats. We have ignored you for a long long time.
I have to agree with vyo476. I guess I do like some good humor now and then, provided it isn't just a slap fest against people I don't like. Humor isn't funny when it's just a broad brush attack against some group.

I admit, I'm a bit... disappointed vyo476 identifies himself as liberal. Oh well.

My main mode of operation is humor rarely, but never, or as little as possible, sink to the level of your opponents. And especially for conservatives, we have so much factual data to defeat socialist ideology, I just do not see the need to get to the "He's liberal, so he sucks" type stupidity.

I've been called stupid so often by so many, I almost don't notice it now. I just keep pointed out the evidence, pointing out the facts. Flame wars are boring. Time to deal with the issues. Granted I don't have any problems with flame threads, but I normally don't comment on them, unless in passing.
How can ANYONE rejoice at giving America a case of B.O!!!?? America will STINK for at least four years UNLESS we IMPEACH another UNQUALIFIED liberal!!!
HI GRECO, You are right about Bush he turned out to a Whimp. Bush never was a STRONG CONSERVATIVE, he should have slapped you liberals in the mouth instead of trying to "just get along" But as bad as Bush was as a President I never feared for My Nation , My Family , and the Children of this nation as I do with Barack HUSSEIN OBAMA. At his very BEST OBAMA is a SOCIALIST or a MARXIST. Either way OBAMA will destroy our democracy and not by accident either.It really will not affect me but I do have Grandchildren , really young childen too, they wwill never know the AMERICA the past generations have loved.Obama will destroy that America and replace it with SOCIALISM or MARXISM. Freedom will not be welcome in the new America. I expect this National election of 2012 will look like a RUSSIAN election.We Americans , at least the majority have been duped!! I know YOU will not believe this because it makes you look stupid but in a short time as a darkness settles over a "CHANGED" America , you will weep .
Sorry but YOU asked for it!! And YOU will say , "he has not taken office as yet!" and I will Reply EVIL can be spotted from afar when you know what to look for. THINK!

And you missed the entire point of the post. Here it is in simplier terms even you have a shot at grasping....

After eight years of your absurd predictions, unwavering support for the worst president in America's history, you have no credibility. You've been wrong for eight years. Your current babblings are just as absurd as your eight year record of being wrong.
More whines from the boo-hoo baby crowd. I guess Huggies and Pampers would be a good investment about now. You cry babies are going through 'em like a crap through a sick goose.
More whines from the boo-hoo baby crowd. I guess Huggies and Pampers would be a good investment about now. You cry babies are going through 'em like a crap through a sick goose.

And you missed the entire point of the post. Here it is in simplier terms even you have a shot at grasping....

After eight years of your absurd predictions, unwavering support for the worst president in America's history, you have no credibility. You've been wrong for eight years. Your current babblings are just as absurd as your eight year record of being wrong.

Well... I think your wrong. Carter, Clinton was, and soon Obama will be, far worse than Bush ever was. In fact, Bush wasn't bad. Thanks to him, Iraq is free of Saddam, the people love us, we have wiped out most of Al Qaeda and thwarted every terrorist attack against the US since 2001, something that Clinton failed to do. I could list some other minor successes, but those alone prove you wrong.

Name one person who didn't think there would be another terrorist attack for 7 years after 9/11? If you can name just one, I'll down grade Bush from great to good.

If anyone should be crying, it's you for the damage your choice in politicians will do to our country :)
You doom and gloom wackos are quite amusing. For seven years you just drooled out your unwavering support for George W. Bush. Disaster after disaster, blunder after blunder, you rushed to your keyboards to excuse away, rationalize or justify the growing volume of displays of incompetence from Bush.

So here we are today. George W. Bush is now generally accepted as the worst president in our nation’s history. So much for your credibility on that subject.
The average Bush-supporters (as-opposed-to his corporate-supporters) have always reminded me of the weenies who were desperate to hang with the rich-kid; the kid with all-the-toys....and, notoriety the weenies could (only) dream-about!

Well....the rich-kids' about to be exposed....and, the weenies are preppin' for their I-didn't-really-like-him-moment....and, what they're gonna do, now....what their next move might be, to develop an air of notoriety....with the least-work-possible. :rolleyes:
Many conservatives have taken issue with things Bush has done.
Ah, yes....the silent-majority!! :rolleyes:

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing." - Edmund Burke


Once again, many weren't predicting such a victory at all. Many supported such a victory, but predicted it? Not exactly. Anyway, the more rational conservatives didn't support the more wacked out anti-Obama claims.
Yeah.....they were sooooooooooooooooo vocal about it. :rolleyes:
Why are you so intent on trying to classify all republicans as ignorant trailer trash? It is hardly the case.
Democracy is supposed to be a participatory-exercise!

If the silent-majority can't get beyond what-the-neighbors-might-say, if they were to speak-out....they (alone) are responsible for their insignificance!
I think that.....

You doom and gloom wackos are quite amusing too. For seven years you just drooled out your unwavering hate for George W. Bush. Disaster after disaster from Katrina to the Tsunami, you rushed to your keyboards to attack Bush.
That's how you deal with speak-out!

You should consider it, sometime. It's called being engaged in the process; not exactly a conservative-trait. :rolleyes:
These moonbats are always willing to make fools of themselves. For the majority of Bush's time in the White House they excused away, rationalized and justified his giant pile of blunders and disasters. They even accused critics of being anti-American and traitors.

Now, vyo476 wants to claim "Many conservatives have taken issue with things Bush has done."

I suppose he came to that conclusion considerably after the rest of America did. When it counted, when there was a chance to mitigate Bush's damage to our nation the Republicans just went along. After the fact they now want to claim they were also critics.

Our memories aren't that short to let them off the hook with that cowardly strategy. In the 2006 national election Americans spanked the Republicans. They still didn't get the message. In 2008 they got spanked again, this time losing more seats in Congress, the Senate, even the White House and the dots still don't connect for the moonbats.