Republican Family Values?

Oh Anne Coulter...

She and Fred Phelps should get together.

And have little hate-babies.

Ah see I think her and Bunz should get together at least and go through baby making actions. Not sure if babies need be involved. But at least Bunz-Coulter babies would be moderates!
Is Manne Coulter even capable of having children?

There, of course, has been some speculation that Ann Coulter is in reality a man. Some evidence points in that direction, toothpick legs, a visible Adams apple, the lack of feminine curves. Could this be another Republican hiding something? Listen to the video, in it George Will refers to Ann Coulter as "him".
Check out this ad from the Kentucky Republican party and Pat Boone for tomorrows governors race. This from the party of, Mark Foley (R-FL) and Larry Craig (R-ID) to Bob Allen (R-FL), Richard Curtis (R-WA), Joey DiFatta (R-LA), Ed Schrock (R-VA) and who knows who else.
Hello friends this is Pat Boone a fellow Kentuckian by descent from grandaddy Dan'l. I've always been proud of Kentucky's stance on patriotic, military and moral issues; a great heritage. Now, as an American and a Christian I am very conservative about the upcoming governor's election. Ernie Fletcher is a typical Kentuckian, he's worked long and hard for the state, its people, and its traditions. And, of course, he has come under attack by political opponents and now he faces a man who wants his job who has consistently supported every homosexual cause: same sex marriage, gay adoption, special rights, to gay, lesbian, bisexual, even transgender individuals.

The problem (inaudible) gay advocacy groups (inaudible) enthusiastically endorse Beshear, knowing he's their guy. Kentuckians have already voted to amend the state constitution to prohibit same sex marriage. Now, do you want governor who'd like Kentucky to be like another San Francisco? Please reelect Ernie Fletcher.

This message paid for by the Kentucky Republican Party
Those Republicans, they sure have a lot of damn gall.
You're ridiculous Popeye. Those handful of Republicans are clearly the outliers of the Republican party, hence why they are newsworthy.

I'm not exactly sure what Pat Boone has to do with Larry Craig.
You're ridiculous Popeye. Those handful of Republicans are clearly the outliers of the Republican party, hence why they are newsworthy.

I'm not exactly sure what Pat Boone has to do with Larry Craig.

Come on Jarhead...havent you heard the one about Pat Boone, Larry Craig and Rudy?
Man and I thought I lived in the middle of nowhere.
Come on Jarhead...havent you heard the one about Pat Boone, Larry Craig and Rudy?
Man and I thought I lived in the middle of nowhere.

Hahaha, this so so absurd. One gay sex incident in the middle of Idaho or somewhere and now a candidate for Kentucky's governor is a hypocrit.
Hahaha, this so so absurd. One gay sex incident in the middle of Idaho or somewhere and now a candidate for Kentucky's governor is a hypocrit.

Not just "one gay sex incident in the middle of Idaho". First off, Larry Craig was in a bathroom stall in Minnesota. Secondly, there's these other upstanding Republicans, Mark Foley, Bob Allen, Richard Curtis, Joey DiFatta, Ed Schrock, and more. Enjoy reading them all. This is a different list from the one I posted in the past.

Pat Boone and the Republican party in Kentucky are hypocrites for playing the homophobia card, when it appears a large percentage of their party's office holders are hiding in the closet.
Pat Boone and the Republican party in Kentucky are hypocrites for playing the homophobia card, when it appears a large percentage of their party's office holders are hiding in the closet.

You just don't get it, do you? I realize you have to be partisan and all, but some people are able to look beyond party politics. So even if these handful of cases were symptomatic of a larger Republican trend, it's not extraordinary that Pat Boone would be opposed to this.

Provide one piece of evidence that proves Pat Boone is being hypocritical in opposing special rights for gays.
You just don't get it, do you? I realize you have to be partisan and all, but some people are able to look beyond party politics. So even if these handful of cases were symptomatic of a larger Republican trend, it's not extraordinary that Pat Boone would be opposed to this.
Not Pat Boone personally, he's just the messenger. The Republican party is being hypocritical. Here is a interesting picture of Boone, and since he's a Republican, you never know.
An exception to the rule.
BREAKING… Republican legislator outed as heterosexual

Hey… it turns out not all “extreme right-wing” Republican state legislators are closeted homosexuals. Who knew?

State Rep. Jim Dunn will be stripped of his committee assignments and denied travel reimbursement after the 17th District lawmaker made what even Dunn acknowledged was an “inappropriate” remark to a woman at a legislative function in the Tri-Cities last month.

“We want to have zero tolerance for our members for inappropriate comments,” said House Republican leader Richard DeBolt. “We asked (Dunn) to go get sensitivity training. Until he does that, he won’t be serving on any committees.”

Dunn told Postman that he can’t remember exactly what he said to the “young lady”…

He was buying her a drink and said something like, in his words, “I’m buying you this so I can take you home, something like that.”

Yeah. Something like that. Though judging from Dunn’s photo, I’m guessing he’d have to buy an awful lot of drinks before he’d ever have a chance of a young lady coming home with him. Maybe a fifth of Everclear and roofie. And a paper sack over his head.

Dunn says he didn’t really mean it, which is of course what we all tell ourselves after we strike out, but that’s not really the point. Rep. Sharon Tomiko Santos (D-37), who was at the table, says the remark was far more explicit and inappropriate than Dunn recollects, and describes a Republican sitting next to her as “absolutely mortified.”

How explicit? Well, Dunn claims that DeBolt actually asked him to resign, potentially putting this rare, Republican, swing-district seat into Democratic hands. It beggars the imagination.
How's this for family values?


Vote the candidate, not the party.
OK, technical question: The image above was a 4 by 6 jpeg.

Why did it come out so big on the forum? Does anyone know?
Hahaha, this so so absurd. One gay sex incident in the middle of Idaho or somewhere and now a candidate for Kentucky's governor is a hypocrit.

Where have I been? I thought it was Pat Boone the singer. You mean the same guy, or one with the same name is running for KY Gov? I wonder what the heck Daniel Boone is doing these days?