Republican Family Values?

Remember that denial from our favorite Republican, Larry Craig, "I'm not gay, I never have been gay". The following is just a summary, the second link is the full story.
Putting all the partisanship aside, I cant take this at face value.
A little "clumsy and unremarkable" sex 20 years ago?
How come he didnt come forward with this earlier?
Because he thinks he can make money from it.
How many phonies make these claims after the fact in an effort to get money
and notariety?
Putting all the partisanship aside, I cant take this at face value.
A little "clumsy and unremarkable" sex 20 years ago?
How come he didnt come forward with this earlier?
Because he thinks he can make money from it.
How many phonies make these claims after the fact in an effort to get money
and notariety?

Here is the largest publication in Craig's home state with a different claim, same subject, from a couple of months ago. . BTW, they have been investigating these claims for years, but were afraid to publish until the infamous stall incident. The Idaho Statesman is considered a reputable source.
Fair enough, I wont even bother reading it, but thanks for posting it. If he has been a closet gay all his life, well I feel really bad for him as a person for forcing or having been forced to live a lie. There is little doubt this whole incident is just another in a long line of hypocrisy from the GOP.
The real crime isn't just Larry Craig... as hilarious (read that sad) as his stall trolling is.

It's the organized duping of the American people by the Republican Party. You have to be brain dead to not know that the Party knows they have all kinds in their Party. But because of the fact if they were more diverse they would seem more Democratic they set up this small little neo-con tent, thump the Bible and rail against anything remotely gay, sexual, or Pro-Choice.

People we seriously need to come together on this fighting harder than EVER before in the upcoming 08 election. I'm being DEAD serious! This is not a "funny" situation at all to be taken lightly.

We worry about the Taliban while there's a group right here at home that would LOVE... I mean REALLY LOVE to create a nation right here at home that would move heavily in a "Christian" Taliban direction.

Listen to neo-con talk radio (barf bag in hand) or any of the major Evangelists and what will you hear? You'll hear... because of "God" (and men) women should be stripped of their right to maintain control over their own bodies and be forced to incubate children. Gays should not have equal rights and laws should be reimplemented to make certain gay activities illegal. Free speech & freedom of expression should be banished when it comes to Adult magazines, movies and clubs.

This is real stuff. Small but vocal groups of Taliban Christians are pushing all kinds of idiotic things on our elected officials... and it then takes the courts to bring back the Constitution.

Here's an example: One Holy Rollin' group from out of Cincinnati came up to Columbus and relentlessly lobbied local lawmakers for a law... now get this because it's just about to go into effect... All Adult bookstores and get this GO-GO Bars have to close at midnight and the dancers in the GO-GO Bars can be arrested if they brush up against or even shake the hand of any patron. No touching in any way. And this includes after they are out of the bikinis and into their street clothes as long as they are inside the Club.

COME ON PEOPLE!!! I haven't been in a GO-GO Bar for years (hence the fact I still call them GO-GO Bars :D) but my buddies and I used to go to 'em all the time back in the day. Heck I've dated several smokin' hot dancers and I don't know how many bachelor parties I've been to. THERE'S NOTHING WRONG WITH ANY OF THIS!!!:mad:

If these repressed lunatics could have their way to the end degree mini skirts would be banned... women would legally have to wear a bra... saying a cuss word could have you fined or jailed and if you took your girlfriend to and bar and you two dance a little too provocatively. Hello... Taliban!

Everyone knows the courts will strike this down but the Christian Taliban doesn't care. Their whole objective is to financially strangle legal businesses out of business during the time that takes. They know if they can put these restrictions on business for a year or so many will go out of business & people will lose their jobs and that's all GREAT to them.

Rise up people. 08 is critically important. I'll give you a little quote from the past about Nazis and see if it doesn't sound strikingly familiar...

First they came after the Gays and I did nothing...

Then they came after the Jews and I still did nothing...

Then they came after me.

Get involved people! America is great because we are not all the same!

sidebar: This is not a condemnation of Christians as a whole. My family is Christian and I went to a nice Lutheran Church... but I still know when something is wrong from an American perspective. There's a difference between practicing ones faith and forcing your beliefs on someone else.
Sound familiar?
07:10 AM PDT on Tuesday, October 30, 2007

By JIM FORMAN / KING 5 News and Staff

Rep. Richard Curtis says he's not gay.

SPOKANE - Spokane Police confirm they have an active investigation into an attempt to extort money from Washington state lawmaker Richard Curtis.

Rep. Curtis, 48, a Republican from southwestern Washington, was in Spokane last week attending a retreat with other Republican lawmakers to discuss the upcoming legislative session.

Police confirmed they were called to the Davenport Hotel and Tower and that officers have executed search warrants.

Police refused to name the suspect in the alleged shakedown other than to say it's another man and declined to say how the two know each other.

The police department is not expected to release evidence in the case to prosecutors until Tuesday or Wednesday. Curtis is expected to released a statement Tuesday regarding the investigation.

Rep. Richard Curtis reports that according to detectives, Curtis and the man were spotted at several locations across the city Thursday evening and that Curtis had a sexual encounter with a man, whom police have not identified.

On Friday, someone filed a police report alleging that Curtis was being extorted.

Curtis has not responded on camera, but he told the Columbian newspaper he's done nothing wrong.

"I committed no crime. I did not solicit sex. I was trying to help somebody out,” he said.

The two-term House member adds, "I am not gay. I have not had sex with a guy."

Monday, detectives interviewed witnesses and gathered surveillance video.

In Curtis' town of La Center, constituents reacted with disbelief.

"I'm not a close friend, being seeing him around town, I don't believe Richard would do anything like that," said Julie Kelly, La Center resident.

Curtis, a Republican, represents the 18th District in southwestern Washington. According to his online biography, Curtis is a New Mexico native who moved to Washington eleven years ago.
Funny, no what I'm making clear is that Republicans, of this sort, are extreme hypocrites.

You're right and it really is a shame.

If everybody would just get down off their high horse and concentrate on taking care of their own families and stick to really trying to mind their own business half of the confrontation between groups would be over.

Don't like abortion... don't have one. Nobody's forcing anyone to have one. Leave the women that feel they do need one alone.

Don't care for Gay sex... don't have Gay sex. Nobody's making anybody have Gay sex.

Want to be really super devoted religiously... be as super devoted as you want... heck become a priest or a nun if you want. Just let others believe in whatever way they want without trying to evangalise... prostalatize... convert or insist on putting others down because they don't believe the same as you do.

I remember my 90 year old grandfather saying things like... This is America people can do what they choose to do... and... It's a free country I can do what I want no one else has to.

I like people with strong beliefs that tell you them when they're asked but don't think it's their mission in life to tell others what the heck to do. But that's just me... ;)
Don't like abortion... don't have one. Nobody's forcing anyone to have one. Leave the women that feel they do need one alone.
I mentioned this in another thread. According to my opponent, there have been 40million abortions in America since RvW. This is not a number I am proud of, but what would the GOP say about all of the entitlement spending to support those unwanted kids?

Don't like abortion... don't have one. Nobody's forcing anyone to have one. Leave the women that feel they do need one alone.

Don't like slavery?...don't own slaves. Nobody's forcing you to have slaves. Leave the landowners that feel they do need slaves alone.

Who are you to say what's morally right and wrong? Just get off your high horse and concentrate on your own family and mind your own business.
Who are you to say what's morally right and wrong? Just get off your high horse and concentrate on your own family and mind your own business.
USMC, you know I like you buddy.
That is the very argument that I use as a pro-choice guy.
I mentioned this in another thread. According to my opponent, there have been 40million abortions in America since RvW. This is not a number I am proud of, but what would the GOP say about all of the entitlement spending to support those unwanted kids?

I too have discussed this before. The fact of the matter is there have been abortions ever since there have been pregnancies. No one can ever effectively control another persons body in this way.

Now a society could make it more costly or definitely much less safe. But allowing the rich to be the only ones with the option of having an abortion because they have the means to travel greater distances is on it's face totally unfair.

We have to recognize that in almost every (might have been every) advanced country abortion is legal & safe. I've posted the list before.

Education and easy cheap access to birth control are the most effective alternatives to abortion along with explaining the virtues of abstinence. Putting women in jail for not allowing someone else force them to carry to term certainly isn't any solution at all.

Keep government out of people's private lives.
Don't like slavery?...don't own slaves. Nobody's forcing you to have slaves. Leave the landowners that feel they do need slaves alone.

Who are you to say what's morally right and wrong? Just get off your high horse and concentrate on your own family and mind your own business.

I know that in many cases you would agree with me that government interference & government regulation are a bad thing.

On the abortion issue it's not what you or I think is morally right or medically necessary that counts. It's what the women in her own personal, private, family situation must weigh. Heck I think it's immoral for Evangelists to take any money over their raw expences... but it's not my decision.

Slavery was a situation where a person living completely on his or her own was being forced to do things against their will and often treated badly.

In the abortion scenario the fetus cannot live on it's own as it has not developed enough to do so. Just as spontaneous miscarriages happen all the time an abortion is nothing more than a planned miscarriage.

It just isn't right to bring back the stigma of old with the back alley abortion clinics. Or as we now have much greater and easily assessable information some home concoction that still creates the abortion but greatly reduces the safety to women of a certified medical doctor being involved.

Everyone wants less abortions but going back in time and away from all the other advanced countries is not the solution. Better education, birth control along with highly suggesting abstinence are the course to take.
But at the end of the day no one should approve the stripping of the final decision away from the actual woman involved to choose either to have or not have a child.

That's just my opinion and I get there from being a husband, father of 2 daughters in their early and late 20's, an as a grandfather. A lot of women giving me input into this that I respect and know to be excellent people.

USMC, you know I like you buddy.
That is the very argument that I use as a pro-choice guy.

I know it is -- that was my point. A 150 years ago, that exact same argument could be used to support slavery. Now it's being used to support abortion.

My point was yes, the government should rarely interfere in people's private lives as long as they are not harming anyone else. It's when someone is infringing on another's individual sovereignty -- as in the case of slavery and abortion -- that I believe the government should step in.