Well-Known Member
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics such an example is not the norm.
And it is arbritrary, because if that person making $126 million took all their money out of the country, it will close the wage gap, but nothing has changed.
No, I have no watched your video. That said, if income inequality all over the world is your issue, why are you not up in arms about the wage gap between the United States and Tanzania? (especially if it is so unsustainable)
NO, it isn't the inequality BETWEEN countries that I (or the video) was referring to. . .it is income inequality WITHIN countries. . .and the US now has one of the HIGHEST income inequalities in the developped countries.
And it is affecting all of us!
If you really mean to be fair and to be informed, I think you owe it to yourself (and to the members of this forum) to inform yourself and watch that video. I am pretty sure that you can learn something that might surprise you.