This argument is nonsense.
Does anyone here really think Reagan could have significantly reduced the federal budget, while building up the military with a D controlled Congress?
It has been clearly stated by all in the Reagan administration that Reagan knew full well he would never get the Ds to reduce spending, while he was increasing spending on the military and aggressively controlling the USSR.
He came to office with three mandates.....1. rebuild the military 2. improve the economy 3. end the USSR. He succeeded on all fronts in amazing fashion.
Libs everywhere believed the USSR was economically strong and impossible to topple...when he came to office in 1981...but he did it...even though Fat Ted Kennedy committed treason in an effort to undermine him and John Fing Kerry (who served in Vietnam and lied about it) was pushing a nuke freeze on America (the freeze did not apply to the USSR...libs love to appease tyrants) in an effort to undermine him.
Would he have liked to abolish gov. departments, drastically reduce the welfare state, and cut spending...Hell yes, but he was forced to compromise with the Ds in Congress. Why does our dope smoking moderator want compromise today, but faults Reagan when he did? If Reagan wanted those three mandates to succeed, he had to accept the liberals desire to expand government.
Blaming Reagan for blowing up the budget is failing to recognize the facts at the time. Yes it is disappointing, but failing to lay blame on the Ds who controlled Congress, is nonsensical.
And another thing you are forgetting. While he signed off on Congresses spending, he also grew revenues to the treasury considerably during his eight years preventing the deficit from exploding....something Big Ears has no clue about how to do.
And finally, to compare Reagan's spending (really D spending) to Obummer's spending, is like saying Mt Everest and the hill in my backyard are the same. CRAZY!!!