simply take your side as gospel and discount all other positions.
And you think you are doing anything different? At least I back up my "gospel" with facts!
There is a study out of the Adam Smith Institute in London that address this very issue.
You can find it here.
From a Washington Times article about such study:
Income inequality can easily increase in societies in which everyone, including the very poorest individuals, is becoming better off. In the United States, as well as in Europe, indicators of income inequality have grown during the past 30 years. Yet this rise is just an artifact of the inappropriate use of income as a measure of welfare. In real terms, the poorest members of Western societies are better off than they were 30 years ago.
That is soooo impressive! the poorest members of Western societies are better off by 20%. . .the wealthiest members of Western societies are better off by 275%. . .so the inequality continues to increase . . . and unless something is done, there will be no end to that increase. . .in 10 years, at the rate we're going, and especially if the GOP gets its way, we may see an increase for the poorest quintile of 5%, and for the wealthiest quintile of 350%. . .and ten years later. . .you get my drift.
Much of that has to do with the rise of cheap imports from countries such as China and new forms of large-scale retailing, epitomized by Wal-Mart and Sears, which have given the low-income groups access to goods that previously were enjoyed only by the rich. In terms of the actual material conditions of living, developed countries appear to be more equal than ever before.
That's a bunch of BS! the inequality is GROWING, unless you want to stick to the point that, if poor people are able to purchase a tv, they have nothing to complain about! When will you recognize that the poor need help, that income inequality is bad for everyone!. . .when the poor ALL live under a bridge?
Data reveal that inequality in subjective life satisfaction is not on the rise, either. Bill Gates‘ net worth might be higher by a factor of 5 million compared to that of the average American family. However, in spite of his wealth, he certainly is not 5 million times happier than a typical American.
Oh. . .you're right, we should really feel sorry for the wealthy who "can't get no . . ." happiness, in spite of their millions!
Big Gates, as Warren Buffett have understood that "wealth" doesn't bring happiness, so they are giving a large part of their wealth away. . .not passing it on to their kids!
So. . .I guess you're saying that, since wealth doesn't bring "happiness," the wealthy are doing a favor to the poor by taking the "burden" of wealth off them?
Let me tell you something. . .although happiness cannot be measure in dollars, it sure makes it easier to have the dollars to buy insurance, or buy food, or keep a roof over your head, so that your children can be happy with a full stomach, a bed to sleep in, and the assurance that if their mom or dad get sick, they'll go to a doctor who will help them get better, instead of wait until the tumor has spread and the cancer has generalized! are missing the point. Can you accept that on paper income inequality can rise, and yet all people can be vastly better off?
NO, just look at those people in the street? Do you think they are better off than 20 years ago? do you think that the 20% increase in "wealth" compare to the 100% increase in insurance cost, college tuition, cost of housing, etc. .? Sure they are able to afford a TV. ..electronic gadgets is one of the ONLY thing that got cheaper in the last 20 years!
So this is simply about "income growth" your own as I said originally, it seems you are upset that the share of growth is slowing for certain groups...however the does not negate that there is growth, and they are better off.
Are you really calling a 20% growth in 20 years a real, effective growth???
And if the poor can be "so much better off" with a 20% growth in 20 years, why is it soooo important for the wealthy to keep their 275% growth? Why not setting up policies that would help the poor's "income growth" from 20% every 20 years, to 50% every 20 years. . .policies that would also slow the wealthy's "income growth from 275% to 100%. . .there would still be growth. . .as you so "clerverly" noted, but at least it wouldn't be obscene!
And as I said, I am pretty sure I never said that to begin with...however you keep dodging my question of "you always talk about a 'temporary' tax increase, when is it that you see this ending?"
When the economy is back on track, unemployment is down to "normal" unemployment (which is anywhere between 4.5 and 5.5% unemployment) AND when the deficit is under control.
Why. . .does it matter that much? The Bush tax cuts were "suppose" to end in 2010, but, obviously, those were tax cuts targetted for the wealthy. . .so they were FORCED to continue by the GOP blackmail!
The middle class is indeed worrying about the spending...they just want someone else to pay the bill to bail them out. How about a little "shared sacrfice"?
Don't you think that the cuts in spending are a huge sacrifice for the poor and the middle class? I would say they carry the BIGGEST share of the sacrifice!
Don't tell me that you think it is easier for a person making $40,000 to give up the school lunch for their kids, or to pay more for their medicare, than it is for a person making $1.5 million to pay an additional $2,500 in tax!
Was there a tax increase proposed on the Middle Class that I was unaware of?
This is so fake! Do you think the medicare cuts, the cuts in teacher salary, the cuts in police jobs, the cuts in Medicaid programs are NOTHING?
All people have burdens in their lives. Do you think "rich" people have no burden? Does a CEO who is responsible for 10,000 employees jobs carry no burden?
You mean. . .the CEO that decides to lay off 3,000 employees so that his stock price goes up. . .the one who makes (even when his profits go down) a compensation totalling over $100 millions a year?
Yes, I'm certain that it is a huge issue to have to decide whether they'll be able to take the 4 weeks vacation to take that cruise around the world, or in which mansion they will host Thanksgiving dinner for their 40 closest "business associates," and which business associate should be included in the invitation, so as to reep the most profit from those "connections!"
How about the nurse who has REAL responsibility of 3 people EVERY NIGHT in the intensive care unit?
How about the police chief who has the responsibility to keep his crew on the dangerous inner city street, and see his crew cut down by 20%?
Yes..the poor "lose" by having their incomes grow.
You really need to take a few days to experience REAL life outside your "golden box!" your insensitivity is . . . sad! If their REAL income grew so that they could actually experience some benefit from it. . .for exemple, if THEIR income grew by 275% and the wealthy income grew by 20%. . . .Do you think the . . .wealthy would "lose" by having their incomes grow???
Greed is can attempt to change that all you want, but there is no system devised that is better. Milton Friedman said something along the lines of if you look where people are the worst off, it is in places where they attempt to control market forces and not let greed work.
Ambition is good. . .runaway greed is evil. Milton Friedman is NOT appreciated by everyone, in fact lots of economists totally disagree with his principles. And. . .he is dead, so he hasn't experienced the consequences of his policies, as we all are today! Now, Alan Greenspan himself had to recognize that he was wrong in "trusting the market!"
Europe is not worst off than we are . . .I know there is a thread that very happily anounced "Europe demise," but at the very least. . . it was very premature!