Reasonable Gun Control-Why Not?

I always chuckle at these type of statements that are all to common among cons who want to think a little tough.

On the list of concerns of a member of Congress, I would imagine popular uprising isnt really that high.

who said popular uprising ?

as was stated on the floor of the Senate, its the senators (and reps by extension) for whom the 2nd is a constant reminder to mind the Constitution.

why do you think they found a way to make their jobs full time ? its to put some distance between themselves and their constituants to mitigate risk.
Wrong. Another incorrect statement about a libs in general.
If waterboarding is no big deal and not torture then why dont we do it when needing confessions from American citizens? Why have we prosecuted other countries and raised hell when other countries have used tortured Americans in this way.

we're more concerned at the actual torture everyone of our enemies has used on our citizens.
we're more concerned at the actual torture everyone of our enemies has used on our citizens.

So we're justified to torture (potential innocent) prisoners..... because our enemies are bad people? (That makes no sense at all)
How does one place reasonable controls gun ownership? I am for reasonable controls, but what you think are reasonable and what I think are reasonable, are two different things. .

It's called negotiating & compromise. That's what Congress does.
Without a constitutional amendment changing the second amendment, it is infringement and illegal. Under several legal precedents no one is bound to obey an unconstitutional law and no courts are bound to enforce it.
That's the problem with people who support gun control. They understand very little of the constitution and their rights according to it. They're under the impression that their government is more qualified to make all their important decisions for them and wouldn't lie to them. Since the mainstream media reinforces the politically correct social ideals that are the flavor of the day, people who are already ignorant of their rights and freedoms can't tell the difference the B.S. and the truth. These people are more willing to sacrifice a majority of their personal freedoms for an even smaller amount of safety. A wise man once said "they deserve neither".