RATTNER (For the basic-English challenged)

Kackles needs to raise trillions of new tax dollars and hire tens of thousands of new heavily armed jackbooted IRS tax collectors to pay for all the freebies the democrats are going to pass out to buy votes.

https://www.theblaze.com/shows/the-rubin-report/new-california-law-gives-150k-to-illegal-immigrants-and-this-is-how-bill-maher-interviews-nancy-pelosi?utm_source=theblaze-breaking&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Morning%20Trending%20-%20September%205,%202024&utm_term=ACTIVE%20LIST%20-%20TheBlaze%20Breaking%20News&tpcc=email-breaking 9-5-24

New California law gives $150K to illegal immigrants, and THIS is how Bill Maher interviews Nancy Pelosi?!
More Than Words: 10 Charts That Defined 2023



You left out a few things there buckwheat , lay off the trees slick.
Huge inflation costing us each ab out 1400 a year,
rocketing oil prices
Left billions in weapons in Afghanistan due to being in HURRY 13 Americans also died,
Helped fund Irans nuke program and terrorist activities ,
Allowed Iran to long range delivery systems capable of carrying nukes

Record debt and still growing 35 trillion
Lied to us about inflation reduction act it was all about climate change instead.
Record numbers of overdoses over 100000 a year
Record number of illegals
Citys like nyc and Chicago complaining about the illegals.
Traded a international arms deal who has been directly involved in the deaths of untold numbers including Americans.

Supported men being able to go into women's and children bathroom and school restrooms and locker room
publicly insulted one of our few friends in the middle east it has cost us billions along with their corporation.

Removed sanctions from Russia and Iran .
Killed the keystone pipe line then approved the Russian pipeline.
principal cause of the current inflation is high energy prices—the product of Biden's energy policies. Upon assuming office, Biden immediately canceled the Keystone XL pipeline, which would have employed some 11,000 people. The oil that would have come through the pipeline will still come in, though by costlier and more polluting means (trucks and rail). At the same time, Biden gave his approval for the Nord Stream pipeline from Russia to Germany.

Biden and his administration frequently took opportunities to portray half the country as evil, anti-democratic monsters.

Another Biden failure has been his mishandling of the COVID-19 pandemic. Biden inherited the enormous benefit of coronavirus vaccines produced by the Trump administration's Operation Warp Speed. His response to the COVID pandemic thereafter has been characterized by frequent policy reversals. The most recent of which is the unconstitutional ordering of vaccine mandates—a move that, previously, the president said he would never make. As a result, the country is faced with the resignation and firing of police officers, firefighters, health care workers and armed forces personnel. Even worse is that, despite the availability of vaccines, more people have died of COVID-19 during Biden's presidency than during Trump's.

Biden has thoroughly politicized the enforcement of federal law. His Justice Department fails to treat equal offenders equally. It meted out harsh punishments and lengthy pre-trial detentions to those who on January 6 broke into the Capitol, few of whom engaged in any violence or destruction of property. They were, at most, guilty of trespass and obstructing a governmental proceeding, offenses which have been frequently committed by left-wing groups (recall, for example, the Kavanaugh hearings). Contrast the treatment of the January 6 defendants with, for example, the DOJ's treatment of Antifa and BLM rioters who tried to burn down a federal courthouse in Portland, a much more serious federal crime. And now the DOJ has turned its attention to parents complaining about schools' racializing and sexualizing their children.

The average American family has lost $7,100 in purchasing power under Biden due to inflation and high interest rate

Failed Build Back Better Act
President Biden's flagship Build Back Better Act has failed to get passed in law, despite his commitment to pass the bill by Christmas.

The Build Back Better Act is a central piece of the administration's objectives and was originally drafted with a budget of $3.5 trillion that included provisions and support for infrastructure and social policies. Eventually, the bill's budget saw itself slashed to $1.75 trillion.

Its a good think it did not pass to expensive

The military has been similarly politicized under the Biden administration. Its function is to be a lethal threat to foreign adversaries, not a political partisan or a social experiment in woke ideas. But the generals and admirals in charge know that the Biden administration is in thrall to identity politics; so, to further their careers, they bring woke concepts into the military at the expense of its basic function. And with respect to that basic function, Biden—while backing major spending increases in many domestic programs—has left the military with a reduced budget, in terms of purchasing power. At the same time, our adversaries are rattling their sabers.

Border towns are besieged, but the whole country is now experiencing the effects of the illegal immigration crisis.

Not only are millions of people crossing the border illegally, the border situation has created additional problems beyond the humanitarian issue. Huge quantities of illicit drugs such as fentanyl are coming across the border, too, brought here by drug and human traffickers who thrive in the chaos.

It’s not a stretch to say that Biden has created the worst border crisis in U.S. history. We’ve set records for border crossings in each of his first two years as president, and at the current rate, we will set an illegal border-crossing record again this year.

This is all while Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas again and again assures us that the border is “secure.”
NO FOREIGN NATION pays for tariffs! Trump is a failing idiot.
Tariffs are a tax on consumer purchases and are paid for by consumers. They have nothing to do with childcare.
NO FOREIGN NATION pays for tariffs! Trump is a failing idiot.
Tariffs are a tax on consumer purchases and are paid for by consumers. They have nothing to do with childcare.
Corporate taxes are paid for by customers buying the corporate goods, like grandma living off less than $200 per month.