Rape suspect was deported four times

Yes I can agree with you. But, we would not need to amend the 14th if the Feds would do their job.

Stopping illegal immigration is easy. Just put up the fence and monitor it. Plus fine the sh*t out of employers who hire illegals. Then there would be no more anchor babies.

Once again though it's not that the Feds don't want to do their job & control immigration.

They do it all the time. Mexicans die in the Rio Grande all the time trying to get around immigration forces.

The fact is that building a fence big enough to be any deterrent (build a 10' fence they'll build an 11' ladder) and to patrol it relentlessly over the entire southwest is mind boggling expensive.

But we do have some common ground here.

While I think the fence for the most part would be a waste of money. I like the idea of stopping the employers in their tracks. And would also be open to a Constitutional change where at least one of your parents had to be an American citizen for a newborn to automatically get American status.
The fact is that building a fence big enough to be any deterrent (build a 10' fence they'll build an 11' ladder) and to patrol it relentlessly over the entire southwest is mind boggling expensive.
It certainly is.

Building the fence/wall would cost almost 1/10 of what we are spending to prop up companies that should have been allowed to fail.

And patrolling it adequately would cost another 1/7 of that.

The horror, the horror.
I see a great business opportunity if and when the border fence is built: A ferry service from Tijuana to points north. I'll use an old WWII PT boat that can land on any beach, and land it in the middle of the night.

I'll have a ton of customers and make a fortune.

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