19 yr old raped @ Occupy Cleveland

hyper activity disorder? are you serious? I have hyper activity disorder and I can assure you that it does not cause poeple to claim they are raped when they are not.

I left 99.9% out of the story because all I said about the story is that it was sad.

I feel bad for you, you are so desperate to defend these people, I am afraid you are going to need hyper activity disorder to be able to have the energy to keep up with all the reports about them.

So sorry you have to deal with a diagnosis of hyper activity disorder.

However, suffering from hyper activity is one thing, suffering from ADHD (the combination of hyper activity and attention deficit) is something else, and if you add to that a comorbidity with autism, even high functionning autism,such as Torette syndrom or Asperger syndrome, you are talking about VERY different levels of affliction!

At this stage, NO one here knows what level of disability (if any) this young woman has, but it seems that her disability is severe enough to warrant her attendance in a special school that deals with more severe forms of the common HD.

Basically, all I was pointing out is that, in this country, one is innocent until proven guilty, and there certainly is not enough information about this case to crucify the ALLEGED rapist, and muchless the entire OWS movement!

It is a fact that people with personality disorders have a higher risk of being victimized. . . . And also to make accusations that victimize others.

All I said was that, IF this young woman was indeed a victim of rape, the judgement agaist the rapist should be even more severe depending on her level of disability.

But at this time, we do not know enough to judge anyone. . .so why don't we just "wait and see" and let the investigation proceed!
Looks like the OWS has spread and is having trouble. Sorry, but this is nothing like the Tea Party. This is sick.


You're right. . .the tea party was MUCH worse!

Here are a few incidents you might have conveniently "forgotten!" (selective memory seems to be a practice art on the right of the aisle).

Teabagger Tries To Kill Man With Obama ...
Mar 28, 2010 - 2 min - Tea Party/Teabagger violence continues to spread nation-wide. This particular story involves a teabagger who tried to kill ...

Fearing tea party violence, four Arizona Republicans resign | The ... www.rawstory.com/.../fearing-tea-party-violence-arizona-republicans...
Jan 12, 2011 – Fearing violence from tea party activists, Arizona Legislative District 20 Republican Chairman Anthony Miller and several others tendered their ...

Tea Party sign threatens gun violence if health care passes ... thinkprogress.org/politics/2010/03/20/87743/code-red-gun/Cached
Tea Party sign threatens gun violence if health care passes. By ThinkProgress on Mar 20, 2010 at 4:00 pm. Tea Party activists have gathered on Capitol Hill ...

BREAKING: Republicans Must Denounce Tea Party Violence ... act.boldprogressives.org/sign/statement_teapartyviolence/Cached
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"Republican politicians like Rand Paul must unequivocally denounce Tea Party violence. Blaming 'both sides' or otherwise ignoring the problem will feed more ...

More Tea Party Violence? www.americanthinker.com/blog/2011/.../more_tea_party_violence.ht...Cached
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Jan 8, 2011 – More Tea Party Violence? Jack Cashill. Before anyone had publicly identified the shooter of Arizona Congreswoman Gabrielle Giffords, the ...

Poll: Is Tea Party Inciting Violence or is the Media Making it Up ... www.cbsnews.com/8301-504083_162-20001591-504083.htmlCached - Similar - Add to iGoogle
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Apr 1, 2010 – Is The Party Just Exercising Their Rights or Are Things Getting Out of Hand? Read more by Edecio Martinez, Carlin DeGuerin Miller on CBS ...

Tea Party Vigilantes Out for Liberal Blood gawker.com/5501717/tea-party-vigilantes-out-for-liberal-bloodCached
Mar 25, 2010 – Nigel Coleman, chairman of the Danville Tea Party, said he ... "We've never been associated with any violence or any vandalism," he said. ...

There is a lot more where this come from!
You're right. . .the tea party was MUCH worse!

Here are a few incidents you might have conveniently "forgotten!" (selective memory seems to be a practice art on the right of the aisle).

There is a lot more where this come from!

one link worked alluded to "acts of violence" (the quotes were there in the link suggesting they may be questionable in nature).

Offered quotes claim threats, no violence. And over three year's time instead of a month.
one link worked alluded to "acts of violence" (the quotes were there in the link suggesting they may be questionable in nature).

Offered quotes claim threats, no violence. And over three year's time instead of a month.

Same with the 99%ers!

A few reports of "alleged" violence," NO proof. ..and there are a LOT more 99%ers than tea party supporters!
Not if you have a brain!

Only people who can't think for themselves, but take the "party line" for granted would fight the message brought to Wall Street by the Occupy Wall Street movement!

if one had a brain they would understand that the forgiveness of all debt worldwide hurts "the 99%" infinitely worse than the 1%.
if one had a brain they would understand that the forgiveness of all debt worldwide hurts "the 99%" infinitely worse than the 1%.

First, it is not about releaving ALL debt worldwide. .. it is about relieving STUDENT LOANS in America!

And. . . The top 1% (bankers and Wall STreet) got bail outs. . .why not assigning a bail out to REAL people in the lower 99% for a change?

Among the demands of the Wall Street protesters is student debt forgiveness—a debt “jubilee.” Occupy Philly has a “Student Loan Jubilee Working Group,” and other groups are studying the issue.

Commentators say debt forgiveness is impossible. Who would foot the bill? But there is one deep pocket that could pull it off—the Federal Reserve. In its first quantitative easing program (QE1), the Fed removed $1.3 trillion in toxic assets from the books of Wall Street banks. For QE4, it could remove $1 trillion in toxic debt from the backs of millions of students.

The economy would be the better for it, as was shown by the G.I. Bill, which provided virtually free higher education for returning veterans, along with low-interest loans for housing and business. The G.I. Bill had a sevenfold return, making it one of the best investments Congress ever made.

A whole generation of young people has been seduced into debt peonage by the promise of better jobs if they invest in higher education, only to find that the jobs are not there when they graduate. There are arguments against a complete student debt write-off, including that it would reward private universities that are already charging too much, and it would unfairly exclude other forms of debt from relief. But the point here is that it could be done, and it would represent a significant stimulus to the economy.
First, it is not about releaving ALL debt worldwide. .. it is about relieving STUDENT LOANS in America!

Its easy to be confused on this point as they first list student loans and later all the rest.

And. . . The top 1% (bankers and Wall STreet) got bail outs. . .why not assigning a bail out to REAL people in the lower 99% for a change?

I did not agree with TARP but it happened so no going back on it however TARP monies were intended to be loans but obviously not all got repaid. The administration was rather proud of the rate of repayment. Not exactly apples to apples.