It's annoying. I generally skip over your posts because it is just you linking to sites and not actually debating as such....
I'm thinkin'......between the title (of my post) and any related position I've taken (with the site backing-
up my position), in the post, I'm lookin'
for a debate.
If no one sees any reason to debate (against) my position, or doesn't have the
ammo to do so, fine....the post can die-on-the-vine.
Too often (in forum's, in-general), people state their positions.....based on nothing.....except their "gut"; no historical-references or historical-precedents...yet, consider it a valid position....merely because they're drawing-breath. Typically,
too-many people rely on rhetoric, and....more-often-than-not...they're "conservative" talking-points/rhetoric; no pain, no gain, no research required, and (certainly) no
thinking required.
Am I tryin' to get a
rise outta people? Hell,
yeah!! If I wasn't certain (about my position), I wouldn't even raise the subject!! If someone knows something
I don't, I wanna
hear what-it-is they know....
seriously!!! I'm no
lemming. I
detest lemmings! I prefer to develop my own positions.....rather-than jumping on whatever
hip, trendy bandwagon passes-by (the preference, too-often, by
the masses); much like any lynch-mob.
We're at
too-critical a time (in our History) for anyone to make any stupid mistakes; myself included. Once this Presidential-election is over, we'll be
stuck in that path, for the next 4 years.....or, in a worst-case scenerio (See: 43's Admin),
8 years!!
I'm thinkin'.....if people aren't
passionate, about politics, why do they (even)
frequent sites-like-this???