Rand Paul refuses TSA pat down

this is why your pointless...your small minded little boxes of black and white you put everything in. I did not realy agree with anything but your small mind can't process it. I I was a Pschool teacher I would tell your parents your not ready for classes with other students and suggest special help for you,

I am asking other posters here at the HOP to give their opinions of my assessment of Pockets post (see posts 28 and 29 above).

Did I assess his views correctly or not?
I am asking other posters here at the HOP to give their opinions of my assessment of Pockets post (see posts 28 and 29 above).

Did I assess his views correctly or not?

yup. POS likes to use many words to preface his responses but you did note partial agreements where appropriate. if the nature of the question were that it flatly could not be answered yea or nay he could have stated as much but did not.
yup. POS likes to use many words to preface his responses but you did note partial agreements where appropriate. if the nature of the question were that it flatly could not be answered yea or nay he could have stated as much but did not.

100 people are in a room...5 are racist....someone says there are racist in the room...a small amount but there are some....

Liberal heres...most are not racist but there are some

some Republican here...The whole room is racist.. ( note that the word Some is for those who are able to process complicate ideas...the ones this is aimed at will find it impossible to understand the word)

this is why there is no debate with you people...You live in a simplistic world. Your brains seem to fail to grasp any concept that can't be done in a yes or no check box...
100 people are in a room...5 are racist....someone says there are racist in the room...a small amount but there are some....

Liberal heres...most are not racist but there are some

some Republican here...The whole room is racist.. ( note that the word Some is for those who are able to process complicate ideas...the ones this is aimed at will find it impossible to understand the word)

this is why there is no debate with you people...You live in a simplistic world. Your brains seem to fail to grasp any concept that can't be done in a yes or no check box...

Completely and totally irrelevant!!!

Your point is that the TP must have racists in it because it is statistically impossible not too. Correct? Using your analysis, every large organization in the USA has racists in it including the D Party you so adore.

The problem or irrelevancy of your analysis is the TP and the D Party as ORGANIZATIONS, are not proposing or pronouncing ANYTHING that can be objectively considered racist. The left wing media where you get all your news, has proclaimed the TP racist. You have stated you believe this is true. Now, can you please tell us what the TP as an ORGANIZATION has in it's platform or political philosophy that is racist?

Also, I listed 7 other 'statements of belief' held by you. Why have you failed to point out the fallacy of those statements?
Completely and totally irrelevant!!!

Your point is that the TP must have racists in it because it is statistically impossible not too. Correct? Using your analysis, every large organization in the USA has racists in it including the D Party you so adore.

The problem or irrelevancy of your analysis is the TP and the D Party as ORGANIZATIONS, are not proposing or pronouncing ANYTHING that can be objectively considered racist. The left wing media where you get all your news, has proclaimed the TP racist. You have stated you believe this is true. Now, can you please tell us what the TP as an ORGANIZATION has in it's platform or political philosophy that is racist?

Also, I listed 7 other 'statements of belief' held by you. Why have you failed to point out the fallacy of those statements?

I did, your not smart enough to figure it out,...I am smart enough to give up trying.
I did, your not smart enough to figure it out,...I am smart enough to give up trying.

Yes, you did respond to the "statements of belief" in post #28 and I summarized your response in post #29. You disagreed with my summary, but failed to explain why you disagreed. IMO I summarized your beliefs nearly perfectly. Why did you say I did not?

Or, is it you are incapable of explaining your opinions? If this is the case, you might try responding with a simple YES or NO answer. Which I did for you, but you disagreed with my summary. I had 5 Yes and 3 Partial Yes responses. Where did I go wrong?

Here again are YOUR beliefs as espoused by me:
1. The TP caused the Tucson shootings.
2. The TP, Rs, and Cons are racists.
3. Christianity is just as dangerous as Islam.
4. Taxing the wealthy at a much higher rate will fix all our economic problems.
5. America is a nation founded on slavery and genocide.
6. Obama prevented a depression with his economic plan.
7. Obamacare is wonderful.
8. AGW is real.

And my summary of your response:
Statement 1. You agree.
Statement 2. You agree some in the TP are racists.
Statement 3. You agree.
Statement 4. You partially agree
Statement 5. You agree
Statement 6. You agree
Statement 7. Partially agree
Statement 8. You agree
Well since my good buddy POS has failed to respond...why is it libs here consistently quit the debate once they have been outed???? THC in the AGW thread....Openmind all the time...Strange...but I digress.

Since my commie buddy won't respond, I will.

I have stated 8 beliefs held by you...see above...I shall add another 8 beliefs below. Please let me know if I am right or wrong.

Statement 9. Public Schools are mostly effective and vouchers (choice in schools) should not be allowed.
Statement 10. Immoral acts committed by liberal politicians is of no concern, but it is for conservative politicians.
Statement 11. Multiculturalism is great.
Statement 12. Legalize the illegals.
Statement 13. The Constitution is a living document.
Statement 14. Evolution is a fact.
Statement 15. Murderers should never be put to death.
Statement 16. The Israelis and Palestinians are morally equivalent.

Please let me know good buddy, if I nailed it again.
how about these ? how many and to what extent ?

  1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.
  2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
  3. Abolition of all right of inheritance.
  4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
  5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.
  6. Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State.
  7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State; the bringing into cultivation of waste-lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
  8. Equal liability of all to labour. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
  9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equable distribution of the population over the country.
  10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labour in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production.
how about these ? how many and to what extent ?

  1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.
  2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
  3. Abolition of all right of inheritance.
  4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
  5. Centralization of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.
  6. Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State.
  7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State; the bringing into cultivation of waste-lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
  8. Equal liability of all to labour. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
  9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equable distribution of the population over the country.
  10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labour in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production.

Our liberal friend has much work to do. He now has 18 additional "Statements of Belief" he must review. Again, a simple Yes or No response should suffice POS.

I would like to add just one more to the list....it is:

19. Abortion is NEVER immoral or wrong no matter when it is performed, including the procedure known as Partial Birth Abortion.
Our liberal friend has much work to do. He now has 18 additional "Statements of Belief" he must review. Again, a simple Yes or No response should suffice POS.

I would like to add just one more to the list....it is:

19. Abortion is NEVER immoral or wrong no matter when it is performed, including the procedure known as Partial Birth Abortion.

oads of wiggle room there. there are some who find killing the baby by icepicking their heads discernably worse than liquifying them with a shopvac.

but point taken.
I don't want to appear exclusionary....that would be so un-liberal of me. So, I am asking ANY liberal who visits this wonderful site to let the world know if you agree or disagree with the following list of Statements of Belief:

Statement 1. The TP caused the Tucson shootings.
Statement 2. The TP, Rs, and Cons are racist.
Statement 3. Christianity is just as dangerous as Islam.
Statement 4. Taxing the wealthy at a much higher rate will fix all our economic problems.
Statement 5. America is a nation founded on slavery and genocide.
Statement 6. Obama prevented a depression with his economic plan.
Statement 7. Obamacare is wonderful.
Statement 8. AGW is real.
Statement 9. Public Schools are mostly effective and vouchers (choice in schools) should not be allowed.
Statement 10. Immoral acts committed by liberal politicians is of no concern, but it is for conservative politicians.
Statement 11. Multiculturalism is great.
Statement 12. Legalize the illegals.
Statement 13. The Constitution is a living document.
Statement 14. Evolution is a fact.
Statement 15. Murderers should never be put to death.
Statement 16. The Israelis and Palestinians are morally equivalent.
Statement 17. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes
Statement 18. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
Statement 19. Abolition of all right of inheritance.
Statement 20. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
Statement 21. Centralization of credit in the hands of the State, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.
Statement 22. Centralization of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State.
Statement 23. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State; the bringing into cultivation of waste-lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
Statement 24. Equal liability of all to labour. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
Statement 25. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of the distinction between town and country, by a more equable distribution of the population over the country.
Statement. 26. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children's factory labour in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production.
Statement 27. Abortion is NEVER immoral or wrong no matter when it is performed, including the procedure known as Partial Birth Abortion.
Please accept my apologizes. All may feel free to respond to the "statement of beliefs"....though I suspect I know the answers for conservatives.

you're the bestest !

Statement 1. The TP caused the Tucson shootings.
not even a little bit
Statement 2. The TP, Rs, and Cons are racist.
to the same extent or less than OWS, D's or Libs/progs
Statement 3. Christianity is just as dangerous as Islam.
not even a little bit
Statement 4. Taxing the wealthy at a much higher rate will fix all our economic problems.
not even a little bit
Statement 5. America is a nation founded on slavery and genocide.
not even a little bit
Statement 6. Obama prevented a depression with his economic plan.
too early to tell
Statement 7. Obamacare is wonderful.
not even a little bit
Statement 8. AGW is real.
not even a little bit
Statement 9. Public Schools are mostly effective and vouchers (choice in schools) should not be allowed.
a-apparently not b-no
Statement 10. Immoral acts committed by liberal politicians is of no concern, but it is for conservative politicians.
equal for all
Statement 11. Multiculturalism is great.
not even a little bit though a melting pot is
Statement 12. Legalize the illegals.
hell no
Statement 13. The Constitution is a living document.
checked the pulse, nope though it might be argued that it is dead
Statement 14. Evolution is a fact.
nope, its a theory not a law but it may very well be true
Statement 15. Murderers should never be put to death.
Statement 16. The Israelis and Palestinians are morally equivalent.
not even a little bit
Statement 17. Abolition ofproperty in landandapplicationof allrentsof land to public purposes
not just no, hell no
Statement 18. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
not just no, hell no
Statement 19. Abolition of all right of inheritance.
not just no, hell no
Statement 20. Confiscation of the property of allemigrantsandrebels.
not just no, hell no
Statement 21. Centralization ofcreditin the hands of theState, by means of anational bankwith Statecapitaland an exclusivemonopoly.
not just no, hell no
Statement 22. Centralization of the means ofcommunicationandtransportin the hands of the State.
not just no, hell no
Statement 23. Extension offactoriesandinstruments of productionowned by the State; the bringing intocultivationofwaste-lands, and the improvement of thesoilgenerally in accordance with acommon plan.
not just no, hell no
Statement 24. Equalliabilityof all to labour. Establishment of industrialarmies, especially foragriculture.
not just no, hell no
Statement 25. Combination of agriculture withmanufacturingindustries; gradual abolition of the distinction betweentownandcountry, by a more equabledistribution of the populationover the country.
not just no, hell no
Statement. 26. Free educationfor all children inpublic schools. Abolition ofchildren's factory labourin its present form. Combination of education with industrial production.
there is value in producing an educated workforce but this is a local matter, child labor is not good, inustry should be consulted regarding educational requirements
Statement 27. Abortion is NEVER immoral or wrong no matter when it is performed, including the procedure known as Partial Birth Abortion.
not just no, hell no
you're the bestest !

Statement 1. The TP caused the Tucson shootings.
not even a little bit
Statement 2. The TP, Rs, and Cons are racist.
to the same extent or less than OWS, D's or Libs/progs
Statement 3. Christianity is just as dangerous as Islam.
not even a little bit
Statement 4. Taxing the wealthy at a much higher rate will fix all our economic problems.
not even a little bit
Statement 5. America is a nation founded on slavery and genocide.
not even a little bit
Statement 6. Obama prevented a depression with his economic plan.
too early to tell
Statement 7. Obamacare is wonderful.
not even a little bit
Statement 8. AGW is real.
not even a little bit
Statement 9. Public Schools are mostly effective and vouchers (choice in schools) should not be allowed.
a-apparently not b-no
Statement 10. Immoral acts committed by liberal politicians is of no concern, but it is for conservative politicians.
equal for all
Statement 11. Multiculturalism is great.
not even a little bit though a melting pot is
Statement 12. Legalize the illegals.
hell no
Statement 13. The Constitution is a living document.
checked the pulse, nope though it might be argued that it is dead
Statement 14. Evolution is a fact.
nope, its a theory not a law but it may very well be true
Statement 15. Murderers should never be put to death.
Statement 16. The Israelis and Palestinians are morally equivalent.
not even a little bit
Statement 17. Abolition ofproperty in landandapplicationof allrentsof land to public purposes
not just no, hell no
Statement 18. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
not just no, hell no
Statement 19. Abolition of all right of inheritance.
not just no, hell no
Statement 20. Confiscation of the property of allemigrantsandrebels.
not just no, hell no
Statement 21. Centralization ofcreditin the hands of theState, by means of anational bankwith Statecapitaland an exclusivemonopoly.
not just no, hell no
Statement 22. Centralization of the means ofcommunicationandtransportin the hands of the State.
not just no, hell no
Statement 23. Extension offactoriesandinstruments of productionowned by the State; the bringing intocultivationofwaste-lands, and the improvement of thesoilgenerally in accordance with acommon plan.
not just no, hell no
Statement 24. Equalliabilityof all to labour. Establishment of industrialarmies, especially foragriculture.
not just no, hell no
Statement 25. Combination of agriculture withmanufacturingindustries; gradual abolition of the distinction betweentownandcountry, by a more equabledistribution of the populationover the country.
not just no, hell no
Statement. 26. Free educationfor all children inpublic schools. Abolition ofchildren's factory labourin its present form. Combination of education with industrial production.
there is value in producing an educated workforce but this is a local matter, child labor is not good, inustry should be consulted regarding educational requirements
Statement 27. Abortion is NEVER immoral or wrong no matter when it is performed, including the procedure known as Partial Birth Abortion.
not just no, hell no

Well done!!!

Now can we get some Libs particularly my good buddy POS to chime in?