The 14 Characteristics of Fascism, by Lawrence Britt, Spring 2003, is What did Trump has done to convince you he is a fascist.
Read the link and try to put your biases aside, then consider how Trump's words and deeds fit in most of these 14 points.
Britt claims Patriotism is fascism. I say devotion to leftist liberalism is fascism.
Britt claims fascists trample the human rights of others. Democrats have been trampling the human and civil rights of Trump and his supporters for several years now with no end in sight. Yes, democrats are fascists.
Britt claims blaming others for problems caused by oneself is fascist. He describes Joe Biden to a tee.
Britt claims maintaining a standing army is fascist. I claim fascists are seeking to undermine America's armed forces so they can take over the nation for their own wicked selfish ends.
Britt claims sexism is fascist. I claim fascists typically indulge in sexual immorality and perversion and that is what democrats are promoting in schools and everywhere else in America.
Britt claims fascists control the media. That is exactly what the fascist democrats have been doing in America for the last few years.
Britt claims fascists are concerned with national security. I claim idiots are not concerned with national security
Britt claims fascists encourage religious influence in society. I claim morons oppose God's influence in society.
Britt claims fascists protect corporations and businesses. I claim fascists destroy businesses and the economy with dummass socialist degeneracy.
Britt claims fascists allow free enterprise to remain a force in the workplace to keep laziness down and quality up. I claim fascists oppress businesses and workers by placing stupid burdens and Marxist controls on them that drive competitiveness, quality, production, and profitability down.
Britt claims fascists have disdain for art. He must not have known about Hitler's appreciation for art.
Britt claims attention to law and order is fascist. I claim attention to law and order is necessary to protect human lives and property.
Britt claims cronyism is fascist, He has described the democrat party perfectly.
Britt claims fascists commit voter fraud, and they do.