You just keep banging on about Hillary. Bottom line -- if she "stole" them, she gave them back. In the meantime, trump stole TOP-SECRET INTEL-- and likely sold it to the highest bidder. And latest reports indicate he STILL hasn't given it all back. Brik-a-brak vs nuclear secrets? I'll take brik-a-brak all day long.
Go ahead and try to justify by painting "everyone" with the same broad brush -- the truth is that the trump admin is THE most corrupt, criminal organization in our nation's history. He and his criminal cohorts and family makes Nixon look like the Von Trappe family. It's obvious now to anyone with a functioning brainstem; within 5-10 years, it will be even MORE apparent. But of course, the cult members will somehow turn themselves inside out defending him. You're like those escaped Nazis down in South America, waiting for the return of the Reich. Or the Japanese soldiers hiding in caves after WW2. Dead-enders. WTF are you defending?
PS -- I'm not "young," you patronizing goon. I've seen more than a few things. Hence, I can view reality.